The Comment

in Teachers & Students15 hours ago (edited)

Me, you and them would love to be noticed. It could be as simple as giving an Upvote, but wouldn't it be more memorable if we left a few words?


Comments are supposed to be something important in the Steemit Galaxy, but not all users consider them so. It is obvious that if it is not specified in a rule (for example in a contest), then there will be very few comments written below the post.

"There is no benefit from commenting" is an assumption that could be a basic reason, although it is indeed an irony that deserves to be regretted. We proudly say we're playing on social media, when we're only interested in financial gain?

Whereas there will be no Engagement if there is no Interaction, the main estuary is only in a variable called Comment, which is actually not difficult to do, what is needed is sincerity.

I think it is appropriate for commenting to become a Steemian routine to fill its activities in the community space, such behavior will familiarize, become a forum for exchanging information and often become entertainment as well.

To be honest, the first person who inspired me to become active in commenting was @wakeupkitty, she made comments a special thing, where his comments also often contained constructive advice.

Lately I've also often been involved in replying to comments with someone, who seems like we both have a close frequency of humor, through this writing I would like to greet @aneukpineung78 and ask "When do we sit down for coffee Brother?"

About what has been assigned in the Writing Course #wewrite in this second week, I wrote comments that tried to attract the attention of the owner of the post, and I think it was quite successful, as evidenced by the good response and the appearance of good ratings from the moderator.

If you'd like to see what I've written on the 12 posts I've selected, just visit the links below, I'd love your comments too.

Comments on Newcomers Community





Comments on CCS Community





Comments on Italy Community






cc: @yancar @inspiracion @solperez

Image Source: Pixabay


Ha! Now you want to have coffee with me. What next? But, hey, before that, say something about this image below, @wakeupkitty has, and she (or he?) did with huge laugh you won't believe me.


What next? Let me think... will you two be gaming or is there somethng else I missed?
Yes, I laughed and if I remember it well it was a bit different from what you show here but I still like ithe fact it's good for a piggy bank.

... before that, say something about this image below

Didn't it remind you of someone ... you? 😆 I love that idea, getting people to talk their opinion out about some pictures. What say if I run that kind of contest within my so calm community too?

Yes it's a bit different, the one I uploaded before was a moving gif version.

 3 hours ago 

From the look and expression on her face, it depicts that this person is very happy to have a lot of investments.

But unfortunately where he lives there are not many facilities to spend his income (maybe it's a remote place), so it's only natural that there are no salons there.

So don't ask me again why this person's skin is not very bright and his hair is not organized, just ignore those eyelashes.

If you were asked to name the lady in the image, what would it be?

 1 hour ago 

My son's words are: The money-biting mom

Ah Lady Steem McBiter.

Dear Free Writer,

It is good reading you again. Let's continue our #wewrite journey. Keep in mind what you write is a learning experience for all of us and feedback is important. Have fun and don't forget to read your comments, they can be very useful.
We thank you for your participation. Below you find the review of your publication which is part of We-Write-Lesson 2.

What went well - 1 point1
Title - 2 point1
Hashtags - 1 points1
A flashy start - 2 points1.5
Creativity / out-of-the-box thinking - 3 points1.5
Original/no AI text👍
Following the rules - 1 point1
Bonus 1 point0.5
Total max 11 points8.5
Verification date:September 19, 2024

Bonus reason:

Es maravilloso leer tus palabras, tienes toda la razón en cuanto al significado e importancia que posee el comentario en el ecosistema Steemit, demuestras que con ellos has encontrado usuarios afines con quien conversar, muy buena participación en estas tareas.


 3 hours ago 

Thanks for the review Mr. @yancar, it seems that the value is good enough for me who is still in the learning stage, right?

 14 hours ago 

Ketika teman anda membalas dan menentukan jadwal minum kopi, ingat jangan lupakan saya. Ajak saya juga untuk minum kopi bersama.

Tak Ada Kopi Yang Tak Enak (Apalagi Kalo Gratis)

Tenang, Bang. Semua bisa dikondisikan. Saya kebetulan sudah lama berdomisili di sebuah kaki gunung di sebuah tempat di pulau Jawa. Tetapi saya tetap tak bisa pisah dengan kopi arabika Gayo, jadi selalu mendapat kiriman dari kampung. Walaupun kopi lokal juga tak kalah nikmat, tapi bau tanah Aceh dalam bubuk kopi Gayo menghadirkan melankolisme tersendiri, dan itu membuat ngopi bukan hanya sekedar ritual pelepas penat.

Tak seperti di Aceh yang warkop ada hampir di sepanjang jalan utama bahkan ke kampung-kampung, di sini tidak demikian. Karena itu saya suka membaca tulisan bertema Diary Game dari teman-teman di Aceh. Membawa saya seakan dekat dengan tanah keramat itu.

Oh iya kalau ada umur panjang, kita ajak juga Pak Guru @bahrol dan Pak Guru muzack1. Akan menyenangkan saya rasa untuk mencoba jus pineung nyen GRATIS.

Saya tidak tahu siapa pemilik foto milkshake pineung nyen ini tapi yang pasti foto ini saya culik dari komentarnya Pak Guru @muzack1 di sini

 13 hours ago 

apakah anda penggantinya mbah Maridjan? hehe.

saya rasa kopi yang anda minum tidak bersih dan higenis karena di dalamnya masih ada bau tanah aceh. tapi gak masalah bau tanah asal jangan bau tanah kuburan atau bau sianida. wkwk

Mugnkin apa yang saya katakan ini akan Anda anggap keterlaluan, tapi : ada kalanya bukan hanya bau tanah, tapi juga bau taik sapi kering terkena hujan ,, wah itu benar-benar bikin rindu pelosok Leubok Muku di Panton Labu.. Ah, cinta pertama memang tak pernah bisa dilupa.

 13 hours ago 

Wkwkwk 😅 mungkin itulah rahasia utama terciptanya bubuk kopi nikmat yang selama ini kita seduh.

Memang banyak hal di dunia ini yang kalau terungkap kebenarannya, mungkin kita akan terkejut dalam level dewa.

Oh iya saya baru tahu ini adalah di sebuah komunitas yang saya baru tahu. Apa yang bisa ditulis di komunitas ini? Apakah harus selalu yang berhubungan dengan sains?

 5 hours ago 

Secara khusus komunitas ini sebagai wadah bagi para guru untuk berbagi pengetahuan, keterampilan dan pengalaman mereka dalam mendidik siswa.

Namun kami juga tetap terbuka terhadap postingan apapun yang mengandung nilai pendidikan.

Saat ini saya juga sedang menyusun pedoman komunitas agar semua orang dapat mengetahui nya.

Ah ya sudah lah saya bukan seorang guru ... 🥺🥺🥺

Saya tertarik dengan fakta bahwa di dalam leaderboard ada @awesononso. Beliau ini kalau saya tidak salah ingat, dulu pernah menjadi salah satu Professor di Steemit Crypto Academy.

 2 hours ago 

@miftahulrizky, setelah menyelesaikan postingan ini tadi malam saya mendapatkan pesan WhatsApp dari teman kantor saya, mereka mengajak saya bermain futsal, tentu saya menyambutnya dengan semangat dan bergegas menuju ke lokasi, tanpa peduli lagi dengan banyaknya notifikasi, usai itu rasa lelahku pun tidak tertahankan lagi.


Walaupun sebenarnya saya bukan penikmat kopi bang @aneukpineung78, tetapi ajakan ngopi sudah menjadi sebuah tradisi yang intinya akan ada diskusi yang dilakukan. Tentang Crypto mungkin menjadi tema yang menarik bagi saya untuk menggali banyak hal terkait teknis dan strategis. Kabarkan saja bila Anda sudah di Bandara, sejenak kita atur waktu menepi di Sun Plaza.


 2 hours ago 

Siapkan waktu untuk kita bertanding bareng, bosan juga selama ini kita mengecok si bola bundar hanya dari stik PlayStation.

 1 hour ago 

Hahah, mungkin kita perlu tahu juga, apakah Bang @aneukpineung78 suka berolahraga?, kita akan mengajaknya turut serta setelah selesai membahas tentang Crypto bersama.

I thought: Let's check my notifications and the first one who shows is @aneukpineung78 and next it is you What a pleasant surprise is this entry of yours. I love the way you start, super!

I believe I never visited this community, unless I was aware of it (I better add this before you tell me I left a trace of comments behind. I didn't or?).

For a moment I thought this was a comment and I felt delighted.

Let met tell you I am happy I met you on one of those rare occasions in the Newcomers Community. I like your enthusiasm and it's good to have you around and on Steemit. You have something to offer so stick to yourself.

I see you soon and know that for me you are a 10

A good morning to you.

 1 hour ago 

I woke up late this morning, exercising at night was chest tightening and I had to lie down as soon as I entered my room.

Yes, it's a new community and I'm a part of it, it's probably not too far removed from Knack4buzz, where I actually got an astounding comment from you, but never mind the Lion Cub story.

I feel the need to thank you, from you I learned a lot about how to be better and better.

Alright, I still have class time and it looks like it will take longer than the previous two lessons. And I would love to see you again after I finish the third set of practice questions.

See you...

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