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RE: The Comment

Ha! Now you want to have coffee with me. What next? But, hey, before that, say something about this image below, @wakeupkitty has, and she (or he?) did with huge laugh you won't believe me.



What next? Let me think... will you two be gaming or is there somethng else I missed?
Yes, I laughed and if I remember it well it was a bit different from what you show here but I still like ithe fact it's good for a piggy bank.

... before that, say something about this image below

Didn't it remind you of someone ... you? 😆 I love that idea, getting people to talk their opinion out about some pictures. What say if I run that kind of contest within my so calm community too?

Yes it's a bit different, the one I uploaded before was a moving gif version.

 6 hours ago 

From the look and expression on her face, it depicts that this person is very happy to have a lot of investments.

But unfortunately where he lives there are not many facilities to spend his income (maybe it's a remote place), so it's only natural that there are no salons there.

So don't ask me again why this person's skin is not very bright and his hair is not organized, just ignore those eyelashes.

If you were asked to name the lady in the image, what would it be?

 4 hours ago 

My son's words are: The money-biting mom

Ah Lady Steem McBiter.

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