Hi, dear. Well, I think you have the right to feel one way or another, and to express it.
I feel sorry cause I'm guessing you think venezuelans don't treat you right, that is sad for me as a venezuelan. Althoug, I must tell you I don't think nationality has anything to do.
I have being in crochet classes for the last seven weeks, I'm a begginner in this art, in fact I didn't know we had to measure it. But I think I've learned a lot.
Regarding the evaluation, I know you were very specific in #wewrite, crochet the style is a bit more general, but they try to evaluate specific tasks, which they didn't on your homework, I guess it's because of the way you presented it.
This is mine:
You can see task 1, task 2, task 3 and a comment about each one.
Perhaps it could be helpful to specify a bit more about the value of every task.
I embarace you
I read it and from others but that doesn't help me since what was written with me turned out to be wrong. So I am still puzzled what to improve but I also like to know how the points are calculated. I don't see that with me nor with you and it is a rule set by the Steemit Team otherwise #wewrite would have never left such a report.
It's okay. I slept over it and do not expect an answer anymore since there's no one.
A great day to you.