Boots Full of Nickels Help Mini Cheetah Land on its Feet - IEEE Spectrum
( October 14, 2021; IEEE Spectrum )
Falls being bad is not a problem unique to robots, and it's not surprising that quadrupeds in nature have already solved it. Or at least, it's already been solved by cats, which are able to reliably land on their feet to mitigate fall damage. To teach quadrupedal robots this trick, roboticists from the University of Notre Dame have been teaching a Mini Cheetah quadruped some mid-air self-righting skills, with the aid of boots full of nickels.
Cats manage to land on their feet by curving their back and twisting in a way that conserves angular momentum. Figure skaters control the speeds of their spin using the same principle. This is more challenging for a Cheetah robot, though, because the spine is rigid and the legs are engineered to be light-weight. The boots full of nickels give the legs the weight they need to solve the problem, and a neural network that's trained in a simulated environment lets it choreograph the motion in a fraction of a second. Here's a video of the robot in action.
Read the rest from IEEE Spectrum: Boots Full of Nickels Help Mini Cheetah Land on its Feet
- Mini Cheetah, the Falling Cat: A Case Study in Machine Learning and Trajectory Optimization for Robot Acrobatics - ( September 9, 2021; arXiv; Vince Kurtz, He Li, Patrick M. Wensing, and Hai Lin )
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Penso che al robot manchi ciò che il gatto ha da risparmiare, istinto di sopravvivenza, intuito, velocità, agilità, anche quella bellezza quando cade che suscita ammirazione, c'è ancora tanta strada da fare per lavorare su quel robot, mostra il video che manca molto per essere un simpatico gattino :)
lol. Yes, you're definitely right about that. Kismet was pretty cute, though.
The robot has a sensor that is activated when it falls, how surprised I am that its reaction is fast since this neural network indicates if it is falling or not! As I could see in the slow motion video, the robot always throws its feet up, as if to see that this is the wrong direction, it automatically lowers its feet to land on its feet.
I also noticed this, and it surprised me, too.
One giant leap for the mini cheetah. Someday in the future, it will be recognized that this is the infant stage of our robot overlords.
These robots, like drones, are trained every day to learn new things, and that is good, since they are increasingly incorporated in the task of saving people, and thus minimizing the risk of rescuers.
robots are an electromechanical system that, due to their appearance or their movements, offer the feeling of having their own purpose. Good topic, gracias.
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Hola @remlaps soy @ruzmaira te escribo de la cuenta oficial de la comunidad de #steem-science fundada por mi persona, se que te encanta escribir articulo que trate de ciencia y tecnologia podria de vez en cuando apoyar a la Comunidad a escribir tus publicaciones en la ella, actualmente estoy trabajando duro para conseguir patrocinadores que ayuden la comunidad pero sinceramente no es tarea facil, pero de igual forma seguiré insistiendo.
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