Do You See Knowledge and Happiness in Your Defeats

in Steem Schools3 years ago (edited)
They say that there is no victory without defeat, there is no goal without a miss. We are not used to going a step further, to continue towards the goal when we have no success at the beginning when a goal is missing. The most successful people are the ones who have had the most defeats, the most successful athletes are the ones who have had the most failures. The best basketball player in the NBA league of all time, Michael Jordan, was expelled from the high school basketball team, the coach said that he has no talent and that he is not for basketball. Sylvester Stallone knocked on many doors, he was rejected, he never gave up on being the lead actor in his film, in the end, he succeeded and now the whole world knows who Rocky is. They saw in every failure something that forced them to move on, something that gave them faith and hopes that they would succeed. True leaders and champions see in every miss another wrong way of action, they change strategy and move forward towards the same goal, towards their dreams that they never give up. Faith, will, discipline, dedication, action, habits lead us through obstacles until we reach the oasis of our dreams. If you do not have a clear goal defined, it is like going to an unspecified destination, and when you do not know where you are going then you will never reach the goal because you have not defined it. If you have a goal, but you do not have a work plan, strategy, and clear daily actions, you will never reach the goal.


Start in the first order, let the results be your goal, let the failures be your school of success. Knowledge is great, emotional stability is what will take us through the most difficult moments in life, over the biggest obstacles. Recognize your path, do not run away from life's obstacles, they are not accidentally in front of you, they are your best teachers who want to teach you a new lesson because behind the obstacle there are many beautiful moments that will lead you to the next challenges.

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Only those who are persistent reach the goal.

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Aprendí con el paso del tiempo que las derrotas me han dejado más aprendizajes que mis victorias porque dichas victorias las he logrado gracias a lo aprendido en cada derrota

 3 years ago (edited)

@paholags Hvala ti od srca, porazi su nasi ucitelji.

So motivational message sir, its for everyone , thank you for this

You are welcome

Sir you are a nice man please can you help me earn more on steemit im a fan to you on steemit

Terimakasih telah berbagi saya sangat terkesan setiap postingan anda,,dan saya akan selalu mengikuti anda agar bisa membuat perubahan besar dalam saya berkarya.. teruslah memotivasi kami untuk sebuah perkembangan.

English Please

Thank you for sharing, I am very impressed with each of your posts, and I will always follow you so that I can make big changes in my work.. continue to motivate us for development.

Thanks, you are welcome

Pushing toward your dream is not often rosy. No success comes at a give away price , the hurdles, are necessary to make the story a world class.
Learning from great leaders who have passed through challenges and are successful will be a cool motivation to keep going. Check out the words of @dobartim👇

Start in the first order, let the results be your goal, let the failures be your school of success. Knowledge is great, emotional stability is what will take us through the most difficult moments in life, over the biggest obstacles.

those who give up on the bases of hurdles and challenges are not really ready for success

I agree 100%

I totally agree, I remember a teacher who told me that you are not suitable to study engineering, today I am an engineer, with two master's degrees and a doctorate. Those words always stayed with me, and I tried so hard to achieve my goal that I surpassed myself. Like this example, I have gone through many other things and I see everything as learning, where I fall and then I come back as the phoenix. I really liked your post

Awesome achievement , keep going

I really enjoyed reading this. Very motivating and a reminder to never give up. Thank you for posting! :)

You are welcome

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