in ᔕᑕᗷ ᗰOᑎKEY ᗷᑌᔕIᑎEᔕᔕ27 days ago (edited)

scb Engagement.png

My Dear Friends

Imagine a house where everything is scattered all over the place. Would you like to live in such a house? Certainly Not.

Or you have another option, to start organizing those things slowly and gradually. And if all the members of the household work with this mindset, it can become a comfortable place to live in a short time. Steemit was also like this a few years ago, disorganized, where everything was scattered. Steemit Inc. has made it liveable for us over the past five years.


The most important thing for that is Engagement. Perhaps people will find this word quite boring upon reading it. But here, I am not talking about Engagement Challenge at all. Because for 19 seasons, with 6 weeks in each season, that's over 26 months where users have been seeing this word repeatedly.

Maybe only a few people have understood the hidden truth behind it. Especially those who carefully read posts in a day and understand the deeper meaning of the writer's words, creating a mental connection with the writer and laying the foundation for a new relationship.

Even most users just submit their post on Steemit and They think, 'We've done our part, now it's up to others to give us rewards.' Some people just submit their post and then upvote 14-15 other posts to level up their voting CSI

And Those who comment on posts, but their comments have no relation to the content of the post, and their words are not even meaningful. The writer gets confused, wondering how to respond to such comments. That's why you often see 'Thank You' as a reply to comments on most posts.

Some people use existing technology (AI) to automate their work, so the post is read by the same technology, and the comments are also generated by the same technology. We just want rewards. But this raises a question in my mind. When you're on a social media platform that generates new opportunities for you, it's your responsibility to give it the importance it deserves.

Quality Time

Don't just think about your own interests or worry about generating rewards. We don't think that a platform that can play a significant role in improving our lives requires some sacrifice from us. It doesn't ask for your life or wealth, just your Quality Time. And the time you give will benefit you. (Think about it). If you only think about yourself, then you're harming yourself. If you spend your time just scrolling, then you're wasting your time. Or perhaps you don't value your own time.


If you think that you are being restricted here, then in my opinion, some restrictions need to be tolerated to keep a clean house clean. Because if we become disorganized again, then what's the point of the hard work that has been done over the past five years?

On the other way You are free to do whatever you want in your own way, as you are a part of decentralized Blockchain social media. Where every word you write is like a line on a path. But think about it, without a proper system, all of this is useless.

Therefore, I would say that as a sincere user, we should sincerely try to understand our responsibilities and make efforts for the progress of this platform.

After reading this post, you can freely write whatever comes to your mind. Because I am here to respond to your comments.

Title Image Designed at Canva

Stay safe, Happy, and Blessed!

💕 @rashid001💕


!upvote 5

Hi @rashid001

I enjoyed reading you, and I think you are suggesting a way to strengthen Steemit by organizing ourselves and committing to this system of organization to "keep the house clean and tidy."
Every organization also proposes its benefits, rules and regulations that its members "must abide by," so far I agree with you.
However, I have concerns (which I have not yet specified in questions such as): are those in charge of making the rules already there simply because they are, or could those with proposals and real ways of executing them be chosen, voting for the one you agree with.

How hierarchical is this dome that sets the rules and how much power do they attribute to themselves over the rest, on what is their power based? On their size?

And another curiosity: what indicators and signs do you see in Steemit to say that it is "disorganized" again?

"Because if we become disorganized again, then what's the point of the hard work that has been done over the past five years?"

It was a pleasure reading you and thank you for making me think.

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 26 days ago 

Hi Dear Friend . Thank you for your thoughtful comments!

You raise important questions about the structure and hierarchy of the organization, as well as the indicators of disorganization on Steemit.

My aim is to clarify the importance of engagement for users. And thanks to my translator, if I can understand your questions correctly and provide a suitable response, then my answer is that gathering a large number of good writers on a wide platform (under a suitable system) and generating opportunities for their growth is a huge task for management. And as time passes, I expect continuous improvement in this regard.

When I think about this, I get worried that if this management doesn't exist, many good writers will either leave or scatter, like before. What do you think - will this process continue for a long time?

I'm glad you found my post thought-provoking. Let's continue the conversation and explore ways to strengthen Steemit together.

 26 days ago 

A great topic and good points you made. I like the

Imagine a house where everything is scattered all over the place. Would you like to live in such a house? Certainly Not.

Without engagement all houses (accounts) are soon scattered. If we can't connect it is game over


 26 days ago 

Exactly, for a blockchain social media platform, engagement is the most important aspect. If we set it aside, then 'game over'.

Your post has been rewarded by the Seven Team.

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 26 days ago 

I appreciate it Thank you❤️

 26 days ago 

Your words touch everyone's heart that read it . Yours words are the fact . Living in a big house not engaging with each other just eat sleep but donot talk . Is it really called a house? It is more than a hell .
Bro you have different thoughts zour ideas your creativity are wonderful. Handsup for you. 🤗

 26 days ago 

We suggest using #chat #forum and if it's about Steemit #steemit

 26 days ago (edited)

Ahh thats a great idea . Ok i can change it like that #chat , #forum , #engagement , #steemexclusive , #steemit
Is that fine?

Engagement is really key if not there will not actually be so much of productivity

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