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RE: Plagiarism is a plague!

seseorang yang ingin tampil sempurna, tentu lebih banyak membaca, namun bagi saya membaca hanya buang buang waktu saja (bukan berarti saya tidak pernah membaca)sebab saya memiliki kesibukan lain. ketika saya memiliki waktu luang sudah pasti saya banyak membaca. orang orang ingin kaya dengan jalan pintas, mencuri adalah ide terbaik.
Saya ragu dengan orang orang yang menulis lebih dari 3 post dalam sehari bahkan mereka dapat menerbitkan dalam 2 jam, Apakah mereka tidak bekerja ditempat lain untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup? atau saya yang terlalu bodoh? saya hanya mampu menulis satu postingan diary yang dianggap sampah dalam satu hari, jika saya perpartisipasi pada SLC saya membutuhkan waktu 2 hari untuk menyelesaikan postingan, itulah diri saya.

Menjadi diri sendiri lebih bagus dari pada berpura-pura


You are right about this, no one can pubish two post in a day or participate in more than three SLC and publish that same day but that is a hasty generalisation, yes it is, I did that last week and if you should check the gap between this post, you will notice that not all of them were written that day, it took me over 12 hours to make those post and most times, I burn my night out there in the cold harmattan midnight hours before I got a mifi that can drag network into my phone with ease.

I can remember almost everything I wrote because I did it myself after reading and making few researches, not necessarily on the internet but one on one interaction with friends remember I am a student and we make a lot of friends, in medical departments, engineering, law and all other faculties, I got to know about the course law of tort when I went to check my result in the cafe and saw a law student with an F in the course.

We have other things doing but do we forget steemit in a hurry, NO, we reside here and that is why in our free time we make sure we complete the writeup we begun, meaning that it wasn't done in a day,

Check out the post I made concerning the basic notion of Law WK 1, check when those picture where taken and look out for others. My electricity post would have been made before that day but the reason was because as at the time I finish calculations, it was late and the image of the transformer I snapped was not clear enough and I was about travelling home so I had to wait till Sunday.

I could remember when @wakeupkitty talked about the FOMO sometime ago but the truth here is we are humans, we wish to complete certain taskes in a day but our system will tell us NO, sometime naturally we feel we should rest and look out for other things doing but the truth is clear concerning the learning challenge, "Will you let your practical work of which you spent hours making waste all because you feel it wrong to publish 2-3 writeups in a day. **I just remembered something my crypto post about the Bollinger band waste, the Bollinger band has many line and in trying to see how I can predict when it show a reduction in steem price, it took me almost a day, will I ever forget that I wrote something like this, many more wasted, I had to sleep in peace.

Remember when there is a clue, there is always something new to write about, only those who read and make researches can write.

Recently I just decided to go out with a few steemain friends after seeing that I made a lot of publication and the brain was stress out, even with that in that place I was still writing because it is because addictive. We can not at all time depend on our parent for money to take care of most wants, recently I bought a laptop and though mum and dad would have been able to get that but their money was channelled to something else, they have tried shouldn't they rest, are parent still feeding their children when they are 20 in the United States. Make some researches even those kids wouldn't want to be controlled. I am not seeking independence though but I am saying my mind not really channeled to the heading Plagiarism.

Making 3 post in a week is not bad, but the quality of publication here could be determined by a reduced number of publication, I made over 10 post in a week as a newcomer because I didn't for once participated in engagement challenge and most of my post were not up to 400 words, I saw an increment as I proceed.

I write as I speak, my introvert nature is all expressed in writing. If you can speak you can write remember your words @wakeupkitty, I am politically apathetic even in school I am handsfree, so I will reshovel that statement by saying we write as we see, think and hear, writing is a brain work. Researches are not bad, but plagiarism is wrong.

@heriadi remember our discussion the last time concerning meetups contest, if it's okay by you, I would love to have you discord or any other handle so we can communicate.

 2 months ago 

Karena kurang lebih 80% mengatakan bahwa Steemit adalah pekerjaan mereka, maka jawabannya adalah: tidak, mereka tidak memiliki pekerjaan atau kewajiban lain. Jika saya membaca buku harian, saya sering membaca hal yang sama: Saya bangun, mandi, ibu/istri membuat sarapan, saya tidur siang, sedang, pergi dengan teman, tidur siang, sedang, keluar dan tidur.

Jika ini adalah pekerjaan atau satu-satunya sumber penghasilan, itu akan membuat stres, setidaknya menurut saya. Saya merasa luar biasa betapa banyak yang stres atau mengalami kelelahan karena Steemit. Bagaimana itu bisa terjadi? Bukankah platform ini seharusnya menjadi hobi seperti media sosial lainnya? Jelas tidak dengan kontes, tenggat waktu, belajar dengan Steem dan slogan "jadilah CERDAS dan Anda berhasil di Steemit".

Saya punya waktu. Saya tidak keluar, tidak berpesta dan hidup jauh dari orang/peradaban. Saya tidak menonton TV atau mendengarkan radio. Saya membaca, mengingat,, menonton film dan serial, saya menulis terutama (surat, termasuk email), memperbaiki rumah dan menghabiskan waktu bersama anak-anak saya jika di rumah dan hewan. Saya menyukai hidup saya dan tidak menganggapnya sebagai hal yang sia-sia untuk dibaca atau dijawab, jadi jika ini berarti saya tidak punya hal lain untuk dilakukan, itu benar. 😄

Apa yang orang lain lihat sebagai cara cepat untuk memposting membutuhkan waktu 10x lebih banyak karena saya secara otomatis mulai melakukan koreksi dan mengedit.

Saya setuju dengan Anda bahwa ada beberapa postingan yang membutuhkan banyak waktu bahkan dengan catatan dan draf yang sudah siap. Bagi saya, mengedit membutuhkan waktu 4-5 kali lebih banyak daripada berkutat dengan kata-kata. Saya menulis sambil bersih-bersih, saat bekerja, bahkan saat tidur, di dalam pikiran. Jadi, jika saya duduk, yang harus saya lakukan adalah mengetiknya.

Terima kasih telah berbagi pemikiran Anda.

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