"SEC-s20w2: Fitness Training 👉 Abs Attack"


It is really difficult to target abdominals and tuck in your tummy but once you have started and you are with right training then you can do it definitely so today I am going to share my abdominal workout routine with you all.

My warmup routine

Warm up is basically very important for you if you are going to Target a specific muscle group for getting into shape or for losing fat of a particular muscle group. Basically when you do like activities for doing exercise then it means that you are in warm up phase and you are preparing your body for heavy workout.

Through warm up,exercise gives you most fastest and efficient results at those muscles group that you are targeting in and isolated way. For me there are some things very important always include during my warm up.

• Walking (10 minutes).
• Jumping (5 minutes).

I started my abdominal workout after this warm up.If you want to know more better about warm then don't forget to visit This post

My abdominal workout


First I did planks exercise with proper positioning in which;

• I kept hands shoulder width apart from each other.
• Arms straight with locked elbows.
• Shoulders down little bit apart from ears.
• I engage core muscles fully,draw belly button towards spine.
• Hips at equal level, pelvis in neutral position.
• Legs in alignment, weight at my toes.

• Then I hold my position for 30 seconds each time with 4 repetitions.

• I felt very difficult to squeeze my buttocks for maintaining right position.It was also a challange to keep my upper body flat as I did this exercise after long time.

What mistakes people do usually?

• They extend their upper body little bit during planks in prone position.
• They don't lock their elbows.
• They hold their breath.
• The don't squeeze their hip muscles for maintaining hip at equal balance during exercise.

This is sit ups exercise I choosed to do for my abdominals so here I am going to talk about it's positioning that I maintained during my exercise.

• Supine lying with knees bent.
• Feet flat at couch with hip width little apart.

• Shoulders straight and relaxed with 2 kg dumbbell in hands.
• I engage core muscles, draw belly button towards spine.
• Keep shoulder to it's end range by keeping dumbbell in hands and then getting up straight with smooth movement.
• I did it with 15 repetitions because after that my body was little bit shivering so it means my muscles are not more able to do this workout as this weakness.

What mistakes normally people do in this exercise?

• They bend their elbows during exercise.
• They fail to hold their balance.
• They swing at one side and do jerky movements as a result.
• They try to do a ballistic movement which can cause muscle pull or any injury like this.

These are Russian twists I did while sitting with the following positioning.

• Sit with knees bent, keeping your back straight.
• Keep 2 kg dumbbell in your hands by holding from both hands.
• Move your shoulders,hands with dumbbells and upper body towards right and then towards left.
• I repeat its 10 repetitions and it was really very easy to do.

What mistakes people made while doing this exercise?

• They usually choose heavy weight by thinking of getting fast result but as a result they make them injured.

• They do jerky movements.
• They don't keep their knees, hips and foot apart.

This is again Russian twisters exercise but in lying.

• Lay down with straight posture and bent knees.
• Keep your hands interlaced under your head.
• Twist your body towards right and then at left.
• It would be great if you also feel little stretch during exercise.
• I did it with 15 repetitions.
• This was quite relaxing for me as my muscles get stretch in it.
• Most interesting one exercise.

What makes usually people do during this exercise?

• They usually twist their legs as well.
• They lean forward while doing it, although knowing that this is a side to side movement.

I want to invite


Have a blessed day

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¡Holaaa amiga!🤗

Caminar durante 10 minutos es sensacional porque, este es un ejercicio que contribuye mucho en nuestra actividad cardíaca e incluso, estimula el bienestar del sistema pulmonar.

Hacer abdominales es un desafío total pero, progresivamente vamos adquiriendo la disciplina para lograr eliminar esa grasa que se instala en nuestro abdomen.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

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