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RE: How to correctly assess the quality of a post?

As is well known, there is no accounting for taste - and that is part of the assessment of quality. That makes this assessment subjective and difficult to press into a set of rules. Personally, however, I find it pleasant: we don't all like the same style of writing, the same content, the same approaches. Our understanding of "quality" is as different as we ourselves are. I don't like to laugh at flat jokes, but there are enough people who enjoy them. Instead, I love profound poems, which perhaps find few readers in general.

If a contribution stimulates a reader to sympathy, to debate or even to contradiction - it's good. It doesn't depend on the number of "likes" or the number of votes. The important thing is to touch something in someone.


Totalmente de acuerdo con usted amiga @weisser-rabe. La calidad no se puede medir por la cantidad de "votos" o de "me gusta", se trata de llegar profundamente en el corazón o el alma de alguien, quizas sean pocos, pero el llegar a las personas aecuadas es un gran logro.

Somos tan diferentes entre nosotros mismos que es inútil pretender que pensemos y evaluemos igual.

Enmi experiencia, para cada tipo de escritura hay un público definido, un público objetivo, solo hay que lograr identificarlo para poder disfrutar de la inetracción adecuada.
Un gusto leer su comentario.


"The important thing is to touch something in someone."

With this sentence you hit the nail on the head. It is as simple as that, and what makes a person react to something in particular is conditioned by hundreds or thousands of experiences, by study, by culture, by many things, so the valuation of "quality" will be very different.

Thank you for this contribution.

Responding late, but responding. Sometimes between one thing and another I miss some comments. And I don't like to leave unanswered.

Don't worry about - and a lot of luck for you in 2023!

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