in Steem4Nigeria2 years ago

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Hello and it's good to see you guys back here safe and sound,I am really happy to join in this awesome contest organized by our moderator @goodybest,each and everyone of us has things that do make us not to perform the necessary tasks in a day and as such we need to avoid it before it turns to a habit.

The topic is really good and some of the places I will like to touch in it is the meaning of procrastination,causes of procrastination and lastly the ways to avoid them.
I will like my friends @goodybest,@saint-kelvin to read through this post.

What is procrastination

In my own understanding and words, i can equally define this English as the act or habit of always delaying or putting down a task until the last minute,or until we are told to do so.

This really happens in the lives of some people we do see around,some will always form the habit of postponing a task until it is the deadline and in that they might fail the task and regret at last.
It also happens in our life's,if you fail to start up early,your activities for the day will not work out,so as good people,I urge each and everyone of us to remove the habbit of being least concern in the things we do.

Causes of procrastination

1.Anxiety or fear of work ahead us:These really happens in our day to day life and expecially is happens to kids in my age,we have fear for work ahead of us and instead of doing those work we prefer playing video games or watching movies,but at the end of the day we get purnished for not performing our assigned task.

2.Low self esteem:This can really go a long way to contribute to the act of procrastination, people don't really have confidence in theirself that they can make it,rather prefer waving away their time in things that are not useful to life,they don't like to watch movies that will creat good impact in them rather they like watching those ones that will bring more setback to their life's and future.

3.Depression:This is another contributor to this very strange matter in our community and also in this whole wide world,we sometimes procrastinate because of depression from any angle if life.

4.Trouble focusing:We sometimes procrastinate due to lack of focus in things we do in our life,for example a boy will stop reading his or her book just to make it up to his friends and creating the habit if not focusing in his studies.

Ways to avoid procrastination

There are really so many ways to avoid PROCRASTINATION,it is left for us to choose the ones that are best to us,now let's look into some of my remedies of solving the problem of procrastination in our society:

  • Always get prepared and ready to do things at the right time,you can equally procrastinate when you have no work to do.

  • Take a break from friends who always wants you to come around and focus on your goal.

  • Always form the habbit of been accountable of how you run your day,by doing this things will get better for you.

  • set goals and deadlines:Setting goals and deadlines is really a good idea to help solve the problems of procrastination,you should form the habbit of setting the list of goals you would like to achieve for the period of time and also set their deadlines.


Thank you for going through my post as these are some ways I have marked out to help reduce PROCRASTINATION in our society,hope you enjoyed reading through these post as their are more and more coming our way.



Take a break from friends who always wants you to come around and focus on your goal.

You're right, i agree with you on this, so as to avoid distraction

 2 years ago 

Always get prepared and ready to do things at the right time,you can equally procrastinate when you have no work to do.

You are right with this point, doing things at the right time will help one avoid procrastination. You have presented your points so well and i wish you all the best.

Thank you for taking your time to go through my post.

I appreciate.

 2 years ago 

Greetings friend..
You have written very well about your knowledge on the causes and how to avoid procrastination.

Always get prepared and ready to do things at the right time, you can equally procrastinate when you have no work to do.

Hope you don't mind me saying there is no right time to wait for, start slowly or little by little and before you know it, your work is done. Then if you don't have any work to do, you rest and that's not procrastination.

You did present your thoughts very well and I must say I wish you success.. Do have a wonderful day.

 2 years ago 

Hello @emma10 thanks for taking part in this contest and sharing your Ways of avoiding procrastination with us, your tips are workable one. Truly doing the right thing at the right time, and being accountable will help. Continue to be active we appreciate you

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