Wednesday – I spy with my little eye – Mini contest (9)

Hi kids!
It is Wednesday!
In South Africa we call it “Wacky Wednesday”.
For those of you who don't know Dr. Seuss’s book “Wacky Wednesday”, it is about a kid who experiences all these “wacky” things like a shoe on the wall. Yes, it all happened on a Wednesday.
One of our well-known fast food outlets has this “wacky” special of buying a burger and getting one free every Wednesday. You also get schools who give the kids extra lessons on a “Wacky Wednesday”.
On Steemit we have “Eye spy with my little eye” on a... “Wacky Wednesday”!
Let’s look at last week’s clues;
1. It is a 14 letter word
2. It is savory and sweet
3. It is a liquid
4. It is safe to use for a very long time
Okay, I must admit, it was a bit of a difficult one this week but I was convinced that someone would be clever enough to put two and two together and tell me it is 22 and not 4.
And the word is… WORCESTERSHIRE
Worcestershire is a liquid or a sauce and is also known as a condiment. We use condiments to flavor our food like tomato sauce, mustard, salt, etc.
Worcestershire is made from vinegar, anchovies, onion, garlic, tamarind, molasses, sugar and, other seasonings.
The taste is savory and sweet.
Because of the ingredients it is made of it is aged for 18 months and only then it is bottled.
It was developed, by “accident” in the town of Worcester in England way back in 1835 hence then also the name.
What I find very interesting is the name given to it by the various countries.
United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand | Worcestershire |
United State | Worcestershire Sauce |
Venezuela | Salsa inglesa |
Thailand | Gy-Nguang |
Germany | Worcestersauce Dresdener Art |
Brazil and Portugal | Molho inglês |
Denmark | English sauce |
Unfortunately, we had no winner this week. Is it bad? Nope!
The prize of 2 STEEM is now 4 STEEM this week!
Time for your next game!
The game is exactly like last week;
The game “I spy with my little eye” is sort of a detective game. The “spy” is the person who sees something and the rest of the players must then guess what the spy is seeing.
Of importance, it must be something that you can see and not something you can feel like an emotion.
BUT, “I spy with my little eye” is so much more than just a spy game;
- It is a thinking game
- It teaches you how to use your logic and reasoning and
- It grows your vocabulary
The contest
For today I am going to give you the letter with which the word starts plus 4 points or “clues” which you can take into consideration to figure out what the word can be.
Ready or not… let’s learn, play and win!
I spy with my little eye something that begins with the letter “P”.
1. It is a 10 letter word
2. It covers something
3. It is removable
4. It comes in various, shapes, sizes, colors, and material
How to participate?
- You can reply to this post by posting your word or you can write an article about your word
- You can only enter once
What is up for grabs?
The first correct answer will take home 4 STEEM this week.
The word and the winner will be announced next week and if there is no winner the prize will carry over until there is a winner.
Until next week, keep guessing!
@ibtisamwaqas @binwaqas @kishwarsumbal @bossj23 @madilyn02 @leyxi209 @geoscary21 @chukwu10 @dorismos @favour11 @princeifeko @yeri52 @katherine012 @fortwis09 @chimeroselam @ghani12 @wizzyboy3 @deben @tarazona14 @jlvillamizar @joymm @david-o @jueco @elyayo @ahbaz @saintkelvin17
10% to Steemkidss
In Germany it is mostly called "Worcestersauce". Wikipedia says "Worcestershiresauce", but this sounds not familiar to me.
Don't know who suggested "Dresdener Art". Never heard of it! From the meaning of the words, it just would be some kind or variation out of the city of Dresden. But while Dresden is famous for "Dresdener Stollen" (a special Christmas cake), there is nothing to say about Worcestersauce from there.
Worcestershire is the name of a county, and so I was astonished to read that the county's name also is used to name the sauce without the word "sauce".
Gy-Nguang and many other "imitates" include Soya - which is NOT part of the original recipe!
And that my friend is how we all learn!!
Now moving away from the sauces...
Dresden - We've got stamps from Dresden. One day I will have the courage to sort out all the stamps.
My uncle was from Germany and there are stamps dating back from the early 1900's
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Thank you!!!
A cup of ☕ for a change!
Is it coffee or tea?
I would prefer it to be tea but you... stir left if you and want it to be tea, and right if you want it to be coffee. (•ิ‿•ิ)
Right it goes then.. :)
Good morning my friend! 😊
Nice content! Keep it up! <3
After several days of racking my brain I gave up, LOL.
Worcestershire, what a word.
You know what? I can still smell the smoke that came out of your head right here in South Africa! (•ิ‿•ิ)
This week is much easier and I am sure that 4 STEEM is going to be taken so, yah, put on that thinking cap!
Good luck!
Hello ma.can I have your number ma. @patjewell
I am on the Steemwomen Africa WhatsApp group, also the Africa group. You can get it there (•ิ‿•ิ)
Just let me know if you don't come right.
Ok ma .let me check.
My answer here is
Reasons for my answer
1; it is a 10 letter word
2;from the clue given it was said that it covers something, and yes packagings covers a product
3; it can be removed, before a product is used the packaging must be removed before use
4: it comes in various shapes, colors materials; depending on the type of product inside it can come in any shape , material, design , color, like a pizza which is round but the packaging which is a square box(shape) in any color, material and so on
So ma @patjewell my answer here is packagings, I had to crack brain before finding this guess😅😥
Haha! You've put a HUGE smile on my face with your feedback.
I hope you didn't crack your brain too much. (•ิ‿•ิ)
And now... now you have to wait until Wednesday to see if you are right.
Thanks for another wonderful contest.
Thank you! I cannot wait so see if we are going to have a winner this week!! (•ิ‿•ิ)
WHY is the wednesday called “Wacky Wednesday”? And did I correctly understand: each wednesday, not just a special one (like for example the "mardi gras")?
What means "Eye spy with my little eye”? Is this a joke with words or is it a typo?
It is every Wednesday... And if we don't call it Wacky Wednesday we refer to it as "short Saturday".
"Eye spy with my little eye” No typo, no joke.
Hopefully the kids are on the "lookout" for the weekly game every Wednesday.
Thanks for all your replies. ;-)
I found a book - nearly 50 years old - called "Wacky Wednesday". Is this the patron of the saying? The German translation reads as "Was für ein verrückter Freitag" - "What a Wacky Friday"...!
Oh wow! That’s interesting.
As for replies, I still owe you one… coming ip shortly
local is lekker, kom ons braai!
Mi Respuestas es? PORTALAPIZ amiga @patjewell
Umh.. that is an interesting answer...
I will tell you on Wednesday if you are right. (•ิ‿•ิ)
🤗🤗🤗🤗🤭🤭🤭 esperaré ser la ganadora jajajjaja suerte para todos
Here is a little chocolate for you eat. A block a day until Wednesday 🍫
Jajajaja gracias lo disfrutaré hasta esperar los resultados 🤗
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@alee75, it is appreciated! ☕