Instilling Descipline In A Child, How Is It Done In Your Locality

in Steem Kids & Parents2 years ago (edited)

Discipline by flogging


Discipline is something we should inculcate in everyone's life . There are different ways we can give out or discipline the children . Discipline in children should be done with caution. We should discipline children according to thier age.

What is Discipline ?

Discipline is knowing and doing the right thing without supervision. It can also means doing the right thing at the appropriate time.

What forms does discipline take in your locality.

In my locality discipline takes so many forms,for example.

  • public disgrace. In my place if any one steals they youth will drag the person round the village and disgrace the person publicly.

  • Sending someone on exile. In my locality if anyone is caught bewitching one another and it is confirmed by majority of the villagers the person will be banished or be excommunicated from other people.

  • paying of fine. If anyone in any way disobey the laws guiding the community such person is given some fine to pay for disobedient.

  • Dethronement . If any executives in my locality fails to follow the guidelines in my community he or she will be dethroned.

what usually give raise to disciple in your locality ?

  • Disorderliness
  • Immorality. Like kidnapping ,Stealing,killing ,prostitution.

How does the kids response to disciple in your locality

In my locality some kids responses positively to discipline while some responses negatively. Like the ones that response negatively are those that will run away from thier parents to join the street because of how they are been disciplined in the family.

What do you think is the best form of discipline given to a child?

Disciplining a child depends on the circumstances surrounding the action.But the best form of discipline given to a child to me is counselling, that is talking to the kids sometimes i do more of counselling to my kids than flogging.

Why is Discipline important

Form of discipline

Discipline is very important because it corrects abnormal behaviours. Discipline gives standard to the general public. It makes someone to be cautious of any thing.

What should be the right motive when descipline is given?

When discipline given ,it should be with love and not by force .whenever discipline is given in a right direction it brings out good and positive result.


If discipline is given at early stage it will help to stop so many ill behaviours we are having now.

spare the rod and spoil the child says the bible.

Note All pictures taken by @okere-blessing using my Samsung galaxy A8 phone.

Special Mention

 2 years ago 

If discipline is given at early stage it will help to stop so many ill behaviours we are having now.

Very true. I wish some kids will be cautioned when they are still young, most crimes will have been averted.

 2 years ago 

Hello @okere-blessing, your approach to this topic is amazing. You have just reminded me of he different forms in which discipline takes in our locality, that one of banishing someone used to happen but i think it is in the past now, but maybe some villages still practice.
I appreciate your detailed entry!

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 2 years ago 

Thank you.

 2 years ago 

Wow, your post just made my whole day now, I really enjoyed reading it and have also learned some more things from you, thank you for teaching me for free.

I really loved the pictures you made with your pupils, tell the I'm sending love💕💕💕 to them.

I am also wishing you the best on this contest

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much .

Mma titia. Flog dem small small o😂

I know them no d hear word

el mundo de los niños es el mundo de los juegos sus hijos son muy felices con sus maestros les enseñan a adaptarse al medio los niños son el futuro de la nación ese acuerdo feliz compartir con el mundo de los niños un cordial saludo de mi parte,,

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