Creative writing: the full definition of marketing environment

in Steem Kids & Parents2 years ago (edited)



Hello steemians, how are you all and welcome to my blog.
Today I will like to share on a very nice and well-known topic which is titled by me marketing environment.

marketing environment

Marketing environment is a term that is used to collectively identify all the elements that has some impact on the actual performance of a market.

marketing environment is divided into two

  • Micro environment
  • Macro environment
  • Micro environment: this refers to small forces within the company that affects its ability to serve it's customers.
  • Macro environment: larger society factors that affect the micro environment. These external factors are uncontrollable and the company finds it difficult to tackle the external forces.

micro environment

  • The internal organization environment (the company it self)
    The organizational internal environment it's several department to and management level as it affects marketing management decision making.
  • Market intermediaries: these are the people who assist the flow of product from the producer to the consumer. They includes, whole sales, retailers, agents.
    The activities and behavior affect marketing performance tremendously greatly for example, distributors by their williness or relvetarce to stop at reasonable discount. A company must select an effective chain of middlemen,so as to make the goods reach the market on time. The middlemen give necessary information to the market. If a company does not satisfy. It's middlemen they neglect its product and may fish the competitors product.
  • Customers/consumers: the main aim of production is to meet the demand of the customers. Hence the customers are the centre point of all marketing activities .if they are not taken into consideration before taking desicion, the company is bound to Paul in achieving it's objective. A company's marketing strategy is influence by its target customers for example. If a manufacturer wants to sell to another manufacturer he may sell through his agents or if he wants to sell to we ultimate consumer he may sell through whole seller or refaillers. Hence each type of customer has a unique feature which influence a company's marketing decisions.
  • Competitors: the activities of other firms in the same industry or business with a company can affect its marketing dicision for example, if other firms and radios and this produces brilliant result, a company maybe attracted to do the same. If other firm change high prices, the use of lower price by a company may make a product look inferior and customers grow suspicious and an willing to buy.

macro environment

The macro environment takes into account all factors that can influence an organization but are outside of their control these are.

  • Political environment: these include all laws and government agencies that influence or restrict individuals or organizations it is important for marketers to be aware of these restrictions are they can be complex cigarettes should not be marketal to younger children.
  • The economic environment: these consist of all factions such as salary level, credit trends and pricing patterns that affect consumer spending habits and purchasing power.
  • The socio-cultural environment these include institutions and other forces that affect the basic values, behaviors and preferences of the society all of which have an effective consumer marketing decisions.
  • The technological environment: the connotes how the technological inventions technical equipment and skills affects the way an economy's resources are converted to output.
  • Demographic factor it refers to the statistical study of human population and its distribution characteristics. Its relevance to marketing is that it affects production decision of what to produce,where to produce.
  • Religious factor : this refers to different religious beliefs on buying and using of some products.

action before marketing

  • Marketing actions chart: planning your marketing actions will help you to market your products and services effectively. A key step in this process is to research your product and services.

you should also think about

  • How much time and money you can devote to your marketing activities.
  • How many people you need to reach to achieve your expected sales level.
  • The cost and time needed for each promotional campaign you want to run.
  • The example below shows now a gym is going to targets two of their key market segment


Hello friends thank you for going through and reading on my post,I am new here and I hope that I am welcomed.
I share a topic titled by me which is the full definition of marketing environment.

 2 years ago (edited)

Hello @emma10 thanks for sharing what you've learned in school with other kids. Marketing is an important part of an organization, and knowing how to manage it's environment brings about growth.
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Thank you for going through my post as I will try to improve more in my writing.

I think am in #club50

 2 years ago 

Oh dear yes you are! It's a typo from my end, I'll correct it now


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