The health benefits of apples

in Steem Kids & Parentslast year

Photo by Pierpaolo Riondato from Pexels: source

Hello friends and the beloved kids, how are you doing today? I hope your new week takes a good beginning. It's my pleasure to come your way again this week and have some amazing topic to discuss with you on health. I want to humbly invite all of you to my today's publication as you might find the lesson therein interesting, "The health benefits of apples".

Photo by Timothy Grindall from Pexels: source
Apples, according to the health experts, is fruits very rich in nutrients. Eating Apple, minimises cholesterol, beneficial to a diabetic patients, fight obesity, and high blood pressure and heart attacks. Apples, rich in phytochemicals, vitamins, can prevent cancer, Asthma, and very good in health of bones. Apples are good protector of the injuries of the stomach, it influences positively, the security and health of the brain. The benefits of apples in the human bodies, can not be overemphasized.

Photo by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi from Pexels: source
Now what is the style of consumption per day, in both adults and kids, haven elaborated the numerous health benefits of apples as a very nutritious fruits rich in vitamins and minerals, we go by the adage, that says "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" we have envisaged that apples are all encompassing in the nutritious value, how it protects our bodies in the different parts, the brain, stomach, health, preventing lot of diseases, such as obesity, high blood pressure, heart diseases and much more as long as our bodies are concerned, it becomes absolutely important that we provide our kids and ourselves, at least one apple per day just as the adage goes.

Photo by Bastian Riccardi from Pexels: source
Afford to eat apple daily will keep us, our kids absolutely healthy. Apple fruits, is very popular where another adage had said, "what is talked about, has special significance" for it is very rare, to see a kid bought one fruits of apple, rejecting it. Even those that have never seen it before, the look of apples, is itself appealing to taste. Therefore beloved parents and the futuristic kids, priotise the use of apples per day, it will definitely keep doctors away.

Thank you so much for joining my publication for today "The health benefits of apples"

 last year 

Hello @ ebeke , thank you for publishing your content in our community,

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 last year 

Thank you

 last year 

Apple are delicious healthy fruits.

I still remember how I used to wait under my uncle's tree every morning of my holidays at his side, while doing my morning duties to see when an apple will fall from his apple tree, lol

 last year 

🤣🤣🤣 thank you a big memory here. Apple is very good. Thank you for visiting my posts today🙋.

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