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RE: Steemit Engagement Challenge Week # 4 | Propose A New Steemit Project| Steem Burn by @rosz

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago

Good idea.

You can actually burn STEEM by setting a beneficiary to @null.

Maybe we should encourage people to burn STEEM this way by giving more votes...?

Say 25% beneficiary to start.



My autovoter is set to double its vote if people have a beneficiary setting for @null.

Peripherally related: are you aware that promoted posts don't seem to be working? I'd be a fan of bringing back the /promoted feed as another way to encourage more burning, too.

Update/Correction: /promoted actually is working, Not sure what I did wrong before, but I just tried again now and it worked (maybe there's a minimum amount that I wasn't aware of)? So, curators can also encourage burning by curating posts there. (the original announcement was here.)

Update/Correction: /promoted actually is working, Not sure what I did wrong before, but I just tried again now and it worked (maybe there's a minimum amount that I wasn't aware of)? So, curators can also encourage burning by curating posts there. (the original announcement was here.)

I wonder if there is a minimum threshold and I might experiment with a few posts to see if/what it is.

The "contest" between a percentage beneficiary vs. a SBD value is an interesting one. Especially as a $2.59 transfer trumps a 25% beneficiary + $2.55 transfer. In fact, this almost certainly means that the beneficiary doesn't get promoted at all and it's purely the SBD - as can be seen by @nadiaturrina's post. Which makes sense because beneficiaries aren't mentioned in the announcement post. I could delete this entire paragraph but I won't 😆

The original announcement is also interesting in how heavily the "downvote" is promoted in order to "control garbage" too. That mentality has very much moved to Hive.

The question now is... if users follow steemcurator01's approach of setting a 25% burn beneficiary and use #burnsteem25 then their posts won't appear on the /promoted page (which I love the concept of and think that it should be... promoted). So could / should users also transfer SBD - which if sc01 starts upvoting, turns @null and sc01 into a voting bot 😆

I'll watch with interest. I've already created a webpage that monitors certain beneficiaries so it'll be interesting to see how sc01's comment influences behaviour.

Experiment complete.

There is no minimum but the formatting of the transfer is crucial.

It needs to be

No introduction slash, no community, nothing extra. Otherwise it doesn't appear.

And then, as the announcement says, it's ordered by the amount bring burned.

It's a shame very few people know about this page otherwise the "Promoted" page could become quite interesting. I might start visiting it more regularly 🙂

IIRC at one point there was a button at the bottom of every post with all the sharing options so that we could promote a post without knowing anything about that memo formatting. I have often wondered why they took that away.

It was gone before my time but the announcement post certainly suggests that it was there at some point. Perhaps a little trawl of some archives will tell me why...

 2 years ago 

Thanks for the the original announcement link, @remlaps
By the way, I have posted a post and set 25% beneficiary to @null. Here is the link:

Hopefully, the initiative will raise the price of Steem again. Together we can! Let's give our best to Steem and Steemit Together!

I think it's a great idea, in the long run all steem holders benefit from this idea

Say 25% beneficiary to start

It's a great start, 25% is fair

thanks for the support

 2 years ago (edited)

This is a good idea and it'll help stabilize the Steem ecosystem as burning assets is an integral part in maintaining a good ecosystem.

In my opinion, 25% beneficiary would be a little to much to start. I'm all in for stabilizing steem, but there are thousands of users on this platform who actually run their houses through the steem earned from this platform. The clubs have already affected the earning of some users and with this #burnsteem25 these users will have almost nothing left for them.

Yes, I know, we have to stabilize the Steem ecosystem, but for that we need huge investors, whales who'd be interested in investing the Steem ecosystem.

I think we can start with #burnsteem10 by having 10% beneficiary to start off. This will be a good initiative to start with in my opinion. I think if there are multiple initiatives like the #clubs or the #burnsteem25, the users will eventually start abandoning the platform.

All of this is my observation and my suggestion, and you all are free to agree or disagree. But do let me know what do you think.
Thank you.

Thanks buddy, I agree with you on most of your statements.

For this idea to be viable, it is necessary to take into consideration the clubs, since these have brought us a great benefit to nurture our SP. However, coexisting these two ideas (clubs + 25% @ null), would practically leave many steemians without rewards.

Para que esta idea sea viable, es necesario tomar en consideración los clubes, ya que estos nos ha traído un gran beneficio para nutrir nuestro SP. Sin embargo, convivir estas dos ideas (clubes + 25% @null), practicamente dejaría sin recompensas a muchos steemians.

Honestly as if one is wasting their efforts

Nna eee clubb5050 is enough but this rubbish to small steemians

Me encanta, sería bueno que esa práctica la hiciera toda la comunidad de Steem en general, testigos, proyectos DeFI y sus ballenas, porque no estoy segura de que la cantidad que podamos quemar sea de gran relevancia en comparación con las cantidades que manejan los autores que siempre están en las tendencias. ¿Deberíamos promover esta iniciativa desde ya? Pensaba que este null no estaba activo aca.

En efecto, los mismos que quemarán STEEM serán tal vez los mismos que están en club75/100 mientras que usuarios de upvu, tipu y otros seguirán sacando cientos de STEEM al día.

El efecto que causará los quemadores de tokens sera una pequeña gota en el mar de STEEM que se comercia todo los días por lo que claramente otras personas deberían también hacerlo, no solo los 100-200 usuarios regulares.

Creo que mas beneficioso que esto sería que se comenzarán a atacar los casos de abuso con downvotes para reducir en gran medida el steem que por medio del Farming se reclama a diario.

Pero esta labor debería ser estrictamente manejada por Steemit Inc para evitar situaciones de abuso ya vividas con SP prestado.

Sería ideal, pero viéndolo bien en la mayoría de los proyectos de criptografía, los que queman son la administración o dueños, no he visto ningún inversor quemando su capital. Así que, lo mas seguro es que no ocurra que los inversionistas se unan a la quema.

Los 14 millones no reclamados y devueltos a Steemit por la disputa del robo luego de HF23, esos serian buenos para iniciar la quema XD. Pero eso no pasará tampoco.

Hay que comenzar a dar el ejemplo nosotros que queremos que todo mejore sin importar lo que hagan los demas.

Es preferible tener 75 STEEM a un mejor precio, que tener 100 STEEM a un precio muy bajo. Esa es la idea del quemado.

Recordando que son mas de 22 Millones de SP que dispuso la administracion para apoyar a los autores y creadores de contenido a traves de los SC01-SC09 y Booming. Quemar el 25% de lo que genere en recompensas para los autores apoyados por Steemit y sus cuentas, es un buen comienzo.

No perdemos nada con intentarlo. Recordando que no tenemos nada seguro. Tambien, partiendo que es mejor quemar un 25% a no tener nada para vender, encender, o quemar xD

Es preferible tener 75 STEEM a un mejor precio, que tener 100 STEEM a un precio muy bajo

mejor dicho imposible

 2 years ago 

It's a great idea. Hopefully, the initiative can raise the price of Steem again. I will follow this initiative as I have joined club100 which has been going on for 6 months.

thanks for reading

Yes this idea is a good one. I think that it could be adopted and probably have an automatic portion that goes to the account for burnt steem just like we have an automatic portion of steem and sbd that goes to authors. But on the other hand I think it shd not be done collectively, I mean we should have a particular day for steem burn. Where everyone on the platform is expected to burn steem. By so doing we would have more people burn steem on a particular day.

Just a suggestion.

Thank you..

nice idea

thanks for reading

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