#club100 || steemit engagement challenge week3 || Defending the statements || 20% to @pak-charity

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Good day lovely steemians , how are you today ? . I am really excited to participate in this wonderful contest. It's indeed an interesting topic and I hope you all are enjoying it. In fulfilment of the contest rules, today I will be supporting the following statements ;

  • You will stay happier if you are unmarried
  • Punishment never has a good effect.
  • votes are not guaranteed

I hope you find my points reasonable and interesting.

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You will stay happier if you're unmarried


The society has shaped our minds to think and believe that marriage comes with happiness when infact you will stay happier if you're unmarried.

This false idea of happiness as one of the benefits of marriage has been passed from generation to generation. it's just a product of our ancient cultures and traditions which were structured and created by men of old based on what pleased them. Our traditions and customs exalted marriage in such an undeserving manner and this has cajoled a lot of people into the union of marriage. A lot of people now live in pains,unhappiness and regret. Some very brave ones pullout while some endure the pains because of the fear of what the society would say.

With the very alarming rate of divorce today, it is evident that marriage doesn't promise happiness. People now prefer to be single because they want to be happy. Take a lead from people like JEFF BEZOS, BILL GATES, TIGER-WOODS, DWAYNE JOHNSON and DANY GARCIA JOHNSON, etc. The numbers are endless. These are just a courage few, bold enough to chase their happiness not minding what people would say.

Reasons why you would stay happier if you're unmarried.

  • You will be free to do things without seeking the consent of a spouse: yes!, you're free if you're unmarried, free to do whatever you choose, go wherever you choos without informing anyone or seeking their consent. Such freedom brings happiness.

  • You will do things at your own pace without anyone slowing you down or rushing you and therefore you'll be comfortable and happy

  • You will not suffer heartbreaks : There will be no one to break your heart and put you in depression, you will live happily..

  • You will achieve more for yourself : since you're not married , you can pursue your dreams effectively without anyone dragging you back, achieving your dreams will bring you fulfillment and happiness.

  • For women, there will be no man trying to control your life. It's such a happy feeling.

  • You're free to hangout with as many friends as you wish whether they're male or female without worrying about what your spouse would think. You tend to enjoy yourself more and live happy.

With these points stated above, I hope you're convinced that indeed you will live happier if you're unmarried, you can even adopt kids if you wish. unmarried life is a life of freedom and peace of mind.

JvFFVmatwWHRfvmtd53nmEJ94xpKydwmbSC5H5svBACH7ymzBFDMTahjBhpAFXEsBgHZ6DaEsCXGoctSAXy6r54Mgo3GBQEitWLSb4zWdXxoRsAdmPQZd44Ei1hK1FAT1nwbMikvCn (1).jpeg

punishment never has a good effect

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Another motion I would like to support is the motion that says "punishment never has a good effect".
Indeed, punishment never has a good effect. Often times we say punishment is just a way of correction but infact it is not. punishment just inflicts pains on the individual. We do not do the right things because we fear that we will be punished, no we don't, we do it because we know it's the right thing, because we are aware of the negative and catastrophic effects that may result from doing evil.
If someone one does wrong, the right thing to do is to make the person become aware of what they have done and the disastrous effects that would arise from what they have done.
Punishment doesn't change the bad a person has done. it doesn't even change the person, rather it takes away the torment and guilt from the persons heart because the person now feels he has paid for what he did.
Punishment creates and promotes a system that encourages misdeeds. It creates the feeling that evil and misdeeds are normal and indispensable else there won't be a need for punishment.

Punishment indeed never has a good effect, it only promotes more evil.

JvFFVmatwWHRfvmtd53nmEJ94xpKydwmbSC5H5svBACH7ymzBFDMTahjBhpAFXEsBgHZ6DaEsCXGoctSAXy6r54Mgo3GBQEitWLSb4zWdXxoRsAdmPQZd44Ei1hK1FAT1nwbMikvCn (1).jpeg

votes are not guaranteed

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Lastly I want to support another motion which says "votes are not guaranteed".
This is truly one of the most renowned statement here in steemit. It serves is a reminder to every content Creator here in the platform.

To support that statement, firstly, I would want to remind us that steemit is a social media with a variety of Communities that can accommodate our different interests. It's is a platform where we can share information and ideas and also get informations and ideas too. It gives us the platform and opportunity to engage and do what we love to do. This is what steemit is an should be approached as such. The votes and rewards we get aren't our rights, they're out of the benevolence of the steemit team, just to appreciate what we do and show that they see and care about us. so votes are not and shouldn't be guaranteed.

Secondly, there are a lot of very good contents in the platform which are worthy of votes but these votes cannot get to everyone at the same time and the amount of vote dispensable each day is also limited by the Mana, we all know how Mana depletes with votes. so we should understand that we may be lucky or not. Therefore votes cannot be guaranteed.

These are my opinions.

Thank you so much for viewing my post. Hope you found it interesting.


Nice one sir...
You have taken time to defend the statement, I enjoy reading it

Thanks for reading my post, it was really a technical statement, I'm happy I did my best

It's really amazing how you defended those statements. I find your points really amazing, thanks for sharing

Thank you so much, I'm please to know that you find my post amazing

"This is smart and reasonable because this is actually a complex topic. Good luck. Thanks for sharing."

Thanks you so much. I really appreciate this

 2 years ago (edited)

Thank you for taking part in the challenge. You have defended all three statements with valid points.

Don't forget to interact with other contest participants by commenting and upvoting their posts.

Quality ChecksStatus
Steem Exclusiveyes
Word Count~945

Thank you so much, I really appreciate this

Hello @luckydrums

Happiness does not depend on a partner, happiness is in you and how you perceive life. It is nice to have a partner to live new experiences, remember together, talk about politics, religion, work, dreams, desires, hobbies, laughter, support in sadness, etc. but it could well be a friend, brother, father... without the need to have a love relationship. We must be free of prejudice to be aware of why I join the marriage. We are humans we seek affection by nature.

Punishment never has a good effect...
The laws and regulations are present in all nations, it is a way of delimiting the unconscious acts of people. I believe that the best way to correct behaviors is by talking, exposing the rules of the house, as a couple, as friends... everything has parameters because we are not animals. And if a person goes mad, he must be punished, reprimanded so that he realizes the damage he causes.

Successes and blessings my friend ✨

Thanks for your nice comment, it's really informative

Well crafted, thanks for the piece

Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate it.

You have discussed some very important point and I really like the way you explain based on your point of view. I am glad I read your post steem on.

Thanks for reading and commenting. I really appreciate that you stopped by

Hello @luckydrums, sometimes I have come to think this

Our traditions and customs exalted marriage in such an undeserving manner and this has cajoled a lot of people into the union of marriage

and I have also come to think that in homes, first of all, young people should be educated about aspects of life that could be important to lead a healthy marriage or simply teach that there is nothing wrong in "not getting married" when you are not sure to form a relationship as a couple or form a home.

I believe that before getting married, any person should first know himself and should first learn to live alone with himself, only then can he know if he really wants to be married to someone

Your post is great.

 2 years ago 

I agree with most of your points but I have to disagree with you on some of the points in "You will stay happier if you are unmarried". I know most of the people you mentioned had divorced and had to leave their partners and I know that the ratio is getting higher each day but the point is that people are still getting married which means that there is some happiness part included due to which people get married. Also, If this is the case then many people would never have been to the world.

Other than that a very nice post and have very valid points.

Thanks for replying sir, To defend my points let me say this,

My point here is that you'll stay happier if you're unmarried, I didn't say that there isn't any atom of happiness in marriage, I said "you'll stay happier unmarried". Like the happiness you get when you're single will be more than what you get when you're married.

And because people are still getting married doesn't mean that getting married brings a happier life,
Many factors affect why people are getting married, example are ; culture and traditions , pressure from society, poverty and need for a financial sponsor or helper, need for children etc.

These things influence and make people get married and not really because marriage would bring a happy life

This is an engagement I had with someone here in this platform, you can see that one of the reasons she wants to get married is because of her culture and not really because marriage brings a happier life


Thanks for the engagement. I anticipate your reply.

 2 years ago 

First of all I repsect your points and agree with some of them as well but my point is that the happiness you enjoy being alone is another thing as you can stay happy while being married also. I wanted to mention that the married life can also be beautiful and happy if the partners are made for eachother.

Your judgment to this topic are so true and I like the way you explained everything in details.

You will not suffer heartbreaks : There will be no one to break your heart and put you in depression, you will live happily..

Indeed no heart break for a single man or lady😁

Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate

You are welcome

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