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RE: 4 Favour Chess Puzzles, 60 RP in prizes

in CEO Champion's Gate4 years ago

I've realised that my solution is wrong... simply because the white king is positioned on b1 instead of a1.

Updated solution to puzzle 4:

In this post, Queen will be abbreviated as Q, King will be abbreviated as K, Giraffe will be abbreviated as G, Knight will be abbreviated as N, and pawn will be abbreviated as P. Captures will be abbreviated as x.

White's best result is to win the game.

Whoever created this puzzle is a genius, this is like something out of a chess endgame study.

White's best move is Ph5, restricting the black queen.

If 1. Ph5 Ke6 2.Ng7 Ke5 3.Nxe8 Ke4 4. Ga2 stopping domination.
If 1. Ph5 Qd8/Qd7/Qf7/Qf8 2. Gxd8/d7/f7/f8 and the white king and knight easily prevent domination.
Eg. 2.Gxf7 Kxf7 3. Kc2 Kf6 4. Kd2 Kf5 5. Ke2 Kf4 6. Kf2 stopping domination.
If 1. Ph5 Qc8 2. Gd4 Qe6 3.Nf4 Qe5 4.Ng6 Ke6 5.Nxe5 Kxe5 6.Ga3 stopping domination.
If 1. Ph5 Qg8 2. Gf4 Qe6 3.Nd4 Qe5 4.Nc6 Ke6 5.Nxe5 Kxe5 6.Ga3 stopping domination.
If 1. Ph5 Qb8 2.Nc6 Ke6 3.Nxb8 Ke5 Ga2 stopping domination.
If 1. Ph5 Qh8 2.Ng6 Ke6 3.Nxh8 Ke5 Ga2 stopping domination.
If 1. Ph5 Qa8 2.Nd5 Ke6/e8 3. Nc7 winning the queen.
If 1. Ph5 Qa8 2.Nd5 Kd6/d7/d8 3. Nb6 winning the queen.
If 1.Ph5 Qxb5 2.Nf5 Ke6 3.Nd4 winning the queen.
If 1.Ph5 Qxb5 2.Nf5 Ke8 3.Nd6 winning the queen.
If 1.Ph5 Qxb5 2.Nf5 Kf6/f7/f8 3.Nd6 winning the queen.
If 1.Ph5 Qxh5 2.Nd5 Ke6 3.Nf4 winning the queen.
If 1.Ph5 Qxh5 2.Nd5 Ke8 3.Nf6 winning the queen.
If 1.Ph5 Qxh5 2.Nd5 Kd6/d7/d8 3.Nf6 winning the queen.

In all lines, white wins the black queen and can easily stop black's domination with his Giraffe.
I hope I didn't miss out anything...


Congrats, I'll accept this answer, although I will note that 1. Ph5 Qf7 2.Gxf7 Kxf7 leads to quite a few domain attempts and some clever knight placement is necessary to win, though I don't expect anyone to go down that rabbithole, and it is still possible I missed some lines around there.

Also you found a different solution for one of the lines, you had:
1.Ph5 Qxb5 2.Nf5 Ke6 3.Nd4 winning the queen.
My solution was:
1.Ph5 Qxb5 2.Gf4 forking king and queen, when queen blocks giraffe on e5 drop the knight to fork king/queen.

Anyways I'm glad you could appreciate the puzzle, enjoy