4 Favour Chess Puzzles, 60 RP in prizes

in CEO Champion's Gate4 years ago


Each person may only submit one solution to one puzzle, choose wisely, and make sure your solution works. If you do multiple I'm gonna choose your worst solution to the least rewarding puzzle.

Once we reach the 20th of August if puzzles remain unsolved it is a free for all and you can submit more solutions.

Show/explain all relevant lines, this is favour chess so you win if your king reaches the end of the board(domain victory), so you must include refutations to domaining attempts(if relevant).

For the purposes of this puzzle, draw by 3-move repetition does not exist.

If I for some reason screwed up and no solution exists to a puzzle, or an easier solution exists, explain/show and you will still receive the rewards for that puzzle.

In each puzzle a token is available to you which summons a knight on any square of your choosing, in favour chess this token may only be used on turn 20 or after, but for every puzzle, the starting turn is TURN 25.


In puzzles 2 and 3 a token is available which will summon 3 queens in the reserve, this may only be used on turn 50 or later. (AGAIN THE STARTING TURN IS TURN 25 FOR ALL PUZZLES)
This token is here so that the game will be easily won if you reach a king v king repetition.

For those who don't know any Favour Chess pieces, the white king is stealthed and cannot be attacked from 3 or more squares away, those wall looking things in puzzle 1 are walls, and here is giraffe (which is a path piece)

5 RP PUZZLE 1: white to move and win


10 RP PUZZLE 2: white to move and win


15 RP PUZZLE 3: white to move and win


30 RP PUZZLE 4: Get the best result you can, white to move


 4 years ago (edited)

Since I discussed these puzzles with others I won't be sending a solution, but there is one important thing: though the infopanel only showing Giraffe has range 6, Giraffe is actually range 7 ingame. Also, the path works by doing a diagonal step and then moving axially.

 4 years ago (edited)

Solution to Puzzle 4:

In this post, King will be abbreviated as K, Giraffe will be abbreviated as G, and Knight will be abbreviated as N. Captures will be abbreviated as x.

I don't play favour chess so I assume that the kings move and capture like chess kings.

White's best result is to draw the game.

At first, it seems that white is winning via 1.Gd4 (skewering black king and queen) Ke6 2.Ng7 (winning the black queen).

However, after Ke5 3. Nxe8 Kxd4 4. Kc2 Ke3 5.Kd1 Kf2, black wins by domain victory.

Thus, white's best move is 1.Nc6 Ke6 2.Nd8 Ke5 (If Ke7 then Nc6) 3. Nf7 Ke6 4. Nd8 Ke5 5. Nf7 Ke6 6. Nd8 and the game is drawn.

If after 4.Nf7 black plays Ke4, 5. Nd6 Kf3 6. Gb2 Kg2 7. Nxe8 white stops black from winning by domain victory and wins the game.

Thus, black is forced to repeat moves and accept a draw.


Nice puzzles. If you'd like one of them to be a daily challenge just mention it on the Favor Chess discord server.

 4 years ago 

This post has received a 25.6 % upvote from @boomerang.

 4 years ago Reveal Comment

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