Challenges, Solutions and World Waste Problems

in STEEM INDONESIA5 months ago

When we witness someone carelessly dumping trash, it triggers a mix of emotions and disappointment, also concern for the environment. This particular act reflects a disregard for the cleanliness of our surroundings and a lack of environmental consciousness.

20240131_081138.jpg Designed with PixelLab

In my country, like many others, such behavior is not taken lightly, and there are penalties in place for those who deliberately litter our environments.

How do You Feel When You Witness Someone Recklessly Tossing Trash? and What Kind of Penalties Exist in Your Nation for Willful and Reckless Trash Disposal?

Depending on the level of the offense and local laws, different punishments are given out to people who dispose trash carelessly.

Some places have fines, from little to large, to discourage individuals from leaving trash lying around. Mandatory community work, such cleaning up or sanitizing, can also be used to prmote a sense of environmental responsibility.

The fact that the issue still exists in spite of these solutions shows how attitudes and practices around trash management need to change.

Is Waste Used to Boost Revenue at Your Place of Business? What are the Advantages of Trash that Generate Revenue There?

Trash can be viewed as a valuable resource with the potential to produce income rather than as just junk. Waste is recycled and repurposed in many locations, supporting economic growth and sustainable living.


Waste is in fact used in my community to generate more revenue through recycling programs. There are also people specialized in moving house to house to sort out and buy waste ranging from metals to plastic and they are all sorted from their respective recycling facilities. Recycling reduces pollution while boosting the economy and generating jobs.

How, in Your Opinion, do You Appropriately Manage Home Garbage to Prevent Negative Environmental Effects?

Proper management of household waste is essential to slow down its adverse impact on the environment. Adopting practices such as putting all my trash in a waste bag, seperating organic and degradable waste when in use can significantly reduce the impact of waste I send to the surrounding environment.

IMG-20240131-WA0002.jpgWaste disposable system by my estate management

Also, trashing often non-degradable waste outside the premises for the Estate's Waste management Truck to pick it up when due will reduce the number of wastes sent to landfills and incinerators.

How will the Large-scale Garbage Accumulation Impact the Standard of Living in your Bordering Country? How did that come about? Give your Thoughts

Large garbage accumulations not only harm the environment but also have an impact on people's comfort and well-being, particularly in nearby nations.

Unsafe methods of disposing of waste, such burning and open dumping, can contaminate land, pollute water and air, and transmit illness.

Furthermore, improper waste management amplify problems like flooding and habitat degradation, severely impairing the quality of life in the surrounding populations.



In conclusion, people, communities, and governments must take the initiative to solve the problem of irresponsible trash disposal. We can all look forward to a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable future by raising environmental awareness, putting efficient waste management plans into place, and using waste as a resource.

I will invite friends to participate in the contest @yancar, @steemdoctor1 and @artist111.
All the pictures above are mine.


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 5 months ago 

Hola amigo la sociedad debe de tomar conciencia a esta problemática que se vive a menudo así ayudamos a nuestro medio ambiente y la tierra y evitamos tantas enfermedades.

Los gobiernos deben de tomar estrategia para poder acabar con esta problemática todos unidos somos más con mantener una buena limpieza y reciclar nos convertimos en buenos ciudadanos.

Éxitos en tu post!

 5 months ago 

Seeing how you pointed out the challenges and stating the solutions on how to manage waste in the environment is impressive. Humans contribute greatly to waste pollution and I am at peace that people like you exists who understand proper management of waste; providing a waste bin in your home and carefully trashing waste in the disposal spot provided by your estate management.

Well done and thank you for describing these issues/ solutions with original photos.
Success in the contest!

 5 months ago 

Enjoy reading your articles on how you deal with your household waste or rubbish. I applaud your thoughts. Your thoughts are very wise and clever. I was very impressed when I read your post. Thank you for taking part in this competition and good luck in this week's competition. Thank You.

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