Contest: Art Commenting Contest
It is clear what this is: Little Richard. I took the photo as I visited the Beatrix Theatre in Utrecht at night. It was dark and the lights used were red.
Is this art?
Who decides what art is, what is good or has no value?
Are you able to draw or paint something like this? It's fine if it's someone else.
Share your opinion about this painting in the comment section. Feel free to add your version, a poem or whatever you feel to.
4 UVF for the best comment
@tezzmax @joslud @grebmot @henryclive
#artonsteemit #art #comment #contest #steemexclusive
Although I don’t consider myself an artist, (sure, I can draw, but does that alone make someone an artist? I’m still unsure) this is my personal opinion about art. Whatever the form – be it painting, drawing, sculpting, etc – art should have a clear definition. It should communicate what the artist is trying to convey or express. Personally, that’s the standard by which I judge art.
For instance, if you’re drawing a mountain, it should resemble a mountain or at least capture its essence. To me, art should be understandable and recognizable.
Art should please people and provide clarity when they encounter it, not confusion. Isn’t that why people go out of their way to attend art shows to be amused and transported to another reality? The reality of our inner lives.
Why make it difficult for viewers to understand your artwork? If an artist can’t explain their work, do they label it “abstract” to justify it as art – even when it clearly isn’t?
Those who throw buckets of paint on a canvas and call it “abstract” – to me, that’s plain laziness. It’s nothing compared to the work of someone who paints with patience and intricacy creating something that faithfully captures the essence of their subject.
I don’t understand artworks these days, I mean, how is a banana duct-taped to a wall considered art?
It feels to me that if you create something, you feel something and like to express it. By creating I don't mean the way we did something at school where the teacher told us how to do it and asap. A few might have liked it while others should have hoped for some instructions how to do it.
Perhaps being an artist is a feeling?
I believe art doesn't need to be explained and should speak for itself but also that if a viewer wonders, has a question the artist should be able to answer. For example @newton666 did as I asked.
I tend to believe that if it comes to throwing buckets of paints only those who call themselves artists and have someone to promote them can afford doing this.
I believe the duc-taped-banan-art is art these days and here comes my question: How come this is considered art if an adult does it but not if a toddler or someone with Alzheimer's disease expresses him/herself this way?
LOL Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
@jiva34 and @eveetim what do you think about the the painting showed?
Greetings, thank you. Yes, well. That depends on the artist. How he expressed that feeling and makes his art according to his technique that he masters and how hearts reach him and you are completely right in what you are telling me because it is the essence of that part of life.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. What do you think about Herman Brood his art? I just added some info about him.
Because it was made by a so-called famous 'artist'? Here, the society recognizes Maurizio Cattelan as one. He has other artworks that made sense to me, but the banana is just too ridiculous.
The toddler and the person with Alzheimer’s might have been artists in their own right, but without society to back them, they are set aside and ignored.
The toddler and person with Alzheimer's might not care if they are called an artist. Perhaps there's a message, perhaps they are having just fun or try out the new colours.
Perhaps they are discovered and their work is getting famous just like the painting monkeys.
The banana was for sure a statement and the days of this type of art was counted.
Thanks for the talk. ♥️🍀
My thoughts about the work is that we have different kinds of artist. We're all artists based on our capability, the person who made that painting would have done that to portray or convey a message.
What is that message according to you?
I truly don't know what it is, I believe there's one. As far as I know artists, they don't just make an art work, but they have an intention or message they are passing to others. Except it's not a piece of arts.
Hello friends.
I'm taking a break from SLC to comment.
The piece struck me, it has a unique style, it reminded me of a comic strip, which inspired me, moved my soul. It reminded me of Elvis, then when I read more about Little Richard, I clicked, of course!
Then, seeing the details, tje colors, the textures on the face between stenciling and airbrushing, the signature and those superimposed lines, lead me to think that the artist enjoyed doing it, and did it with skill, his "ars, artis" (lat) and his ""téchne"" (gr), with expertise.
That to me is art, and you are free to have a different opinion or the opposite.
I am curious to hear the title of the comic
Do you know the name of the artist, what more he did? For sure many will say everything he did, he did with enthusiasm. Thanks for sharing what you noticed and your thoughts.
The painting is made by the Dutch artist, alcoholic and junk: Herman Brood. He jumped of the roof of the Hilton (11 July 2001))
source: De Telegraaf
More info about Herman Brood
There's no importance or purpose to art besides whatever you attribute subjectively. Beauty, meaning, all relative. Skill maybe not so much, but even that depends. A good artist makes it look easy and effortless, like you totally could've done it but didn't. A bit like inventing the wheel.
Is it true? Or is an artist someone who says with confidence: I am an artist and you have no idea what art is? This besides being "discovered" by someone who spreads your name?
On the other hand there are also artists who don't see themselves as an artist no matter how great it is what they create.
Is art art if you can give a name to it? Say you were in a certain period of your life, influenced by A, B or see, visited an art school?
@tezzmax @saintkelvin17 @bluelavender. When is whatever is made art? Is there a checklist @joslud?
Obviously there's some wiggle room to the argument and a certain degree of me not knowing what I'm talking about, but I'd say it's true enough. Granted, both beauty and significance might be quantifiable, relatively speaking, but the vast majority of anything seems mediocre. Or rather, it firmly sits in that twilight zone of uncertainty where you're not sure what to think. It's neither hot or cold, like something undeniably beautiful or hideously ugly, but essentially just a matter of personal taste.
In term of relevance I suppose one way to stick out is context. By itself your work might suck, but if you package it just right you might elevate yourself enough to get recognized. Have some fireworks, wear a french beret. Just lean into that whole artiste thing and find like-minded people who play along. At the end of the day you're still just a dude painting pictures with your private parts, but people are drawn to the spectacle of it all and wouldn't be if it was just you (without the fireworks).
That's how I feel about it anyhow.
I read your first comment again and this one
It is actually what @tezzmax said (everyone can call himself an artist) and what @joslud also remarked (the artist enjoyed doing it).
Enjoy doing it, wear the French Barret, call yourself an artist and find people who play along. It sounds like the recipe for becoming an artist.
There's nothing wrong with it in principle and I don't hate anybody for making a dollar, but then sometimes things are taken too far. Nonetheless I guess a little bit of mimicry is part of human cultural dynamics. It's just when nepotism takes over and the whole thing becomes some borderline scamtastic business model micromanaged by an algorithm. I guess there's a place for that too, but that's more like Art™ rather than self-expression.
Again, I really don't know what I'm talking about and I wouldn't call myself an artist either or, but there's nothing to express without holding on to your soul. Maybe that's the point anyhow. Or rather, the cultivation of that quientessence and the kind of self-discovery implied by the process. Not necessarily just individually, but also in terms what goes on around you. If there's a separation in the first place.
It feels as if you know what you are talking about just like everyone who speaks from his soul and not the dollars than can be made if.
How are you doing?
The sun goes up, the sun goes down. I wonder, did something just crawl into that old sock of mine? Maybe, maybe not. I close my eyes and start dreaming. Sometimes I don't even bother to undress, other times I don't wear pants. I brush my teeth in the shower, but I'm not showering every day. Meanwhile days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months, and soon it will be 2025. The future is now.
I recognize a lot except for something crawling in my sock. It remains empty for the biggest part of the year. Santa doesn't exist where I live. I'm also out of chocolate. The future is now but was yesterday as well, 2027. Do you hibernate?
We can have some fun. Did you give scribbling a try yet?
We can watch a film togehter or talk. Let me know. Sad or not I like what you wrote.
Let me elaborate on "undeniably" for a second. Becoming undeniable cuts through all of the social games and allows you to remain yourself (whatever that's supposed to be). But then paradoxically enough it might also contribute to the kind of mystique that ends up elevating your not so undeniable activities. Or rather that aura of competence lesser artists might try to emulate, because their work doesn't speak for itself.
In my own opinion, I think that artists can be influenced by some of the things around them. That can arouse some inspiration to create something that conveys the feelings, thoughts and general state of mind of the artist when they saw, felt or touched that thing. I know how I feel when I'm trying to create a new piece. I get inspired by many things and want to express it in the same way I feel. I don't know if you understand what I mean.
About the time when something is made art or can be deemed fit to be called 'art', I think that's the artist's choice. As for art lovers determining what seems like a good piece of art or not, it's subjective.
Thank you ✨
The question is not if an artist is inspired to create but who says or decides that what is created is art! This is a huge difference.
Why do you call yourself an artist and your neighbour isn't?
Who decided Herman Brood is or Karel Appel and the average child in kindergarten isn't?
If I understand you well everyone can state s/he is an artist and the rest depends on luck (being recognized as such and getting famous and rich).
I would say it's also knowing the right people. Networking and all that.
Everyone and anyone can choose to call themselves anything at this point.
What is art is like asking what is music? What is music to some will like noise to others. What is a work of art painting to some will be a disturbing mess on a canvas to others. the old saying, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." As far as this painting... I wouldn't want it hanging in my living room that's for sure. Even if it sold for a million dollars.
I don't want it either but because I don't like little Richard, can be something else? I am curious about what he painted/sprayed in the centre of Amsterdam and sold for a few bucks to buy drugs. Imagine.. you bought it and next he jumps and he's famous and your painting is worth...
Beauty is indeed in the eyes of the beholder and fame and money arrives if there's some promoter telling the rich they miss their chance if they don't buy it for...
Thanks for sharing your thoughts about this painting.
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