Board Gaming with the Kids!

Something that has been going out of fashion (I'm also a bit guilty about this...) has been the idea of introducing children to board and card gaming. Mostly, I've been introducing my children to some really quality computer games that have either decent game mechanics or are really beautiful works of art.
However, solving puzzles and figuring out game mechanics is interesting and worthwhile... but it doesn't pit the child against another human adversary! In the ruckus of this last week in the STEEM/TRON face-off... the skills required to read a human opponent, to identify and deploy tactical advantage in support of a over-arching strategic goal was on display in varying degrees of mastery.
A good way to learn these skills in a non-critical and fun manner as a child is through the medium of board and card games. I've been teaching the basics of chess and checkers to my older child, and we also have some more in-depth board games that we try to play from time to time... Also pictured above, is the game called spit (speed?) that I remember playing quite a lot of during my own childhood.
Recently, she has been introduced to a sort of Escape Room style of game by some of the older siblings of her friends.. I'm hoping to transition this interest into a sort of interest in RPG board gaming.... but that might be a bit too much to hope for! But still, it would be really cool if I can manage that!
The younger child also has some little games that we are introducing her to... we are big fans of tha German Haba brand of board games for kids. Simple mechanics, colourful style and interesting settings.
The only thing is that these board gaming sessions are time intensive and require a good deal of input, patience and teaching from the parent... of which, time can really be the limiting factor in a busy life. However, the skills that are learnt in pitting one human against another will be invaluable in future adult life... including the ability to lose (or win) gracefully.
As it is already, both kids cream me completely in games of memory... kids are weirdly good at that sort of game! So, it is good for me to start finding great games that I stand a chance in.... or at least until they grasp the mechanics and start dominating me again!
Anyway.... off to do a concert... managing musicians is also a great test of these learned skills!
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We love board games. My kids are older so we go for more sophisticated games like Settlers of Catan these days, but we have collected quite a few. I know what you mean about kids being good at memory games! Our kids have always creamed us at those too.
I can't wait till we hit the more interesting games! I hope that they still will be interested in those! Memory... kids, they are freakishly good at it.... sometimes, I don't even get a single pair!
We didn't have video games when I was a kid, and as I grew up, being allowed to play a board game was a big deal, at least to me. I could see kids today having the same feeling about board games, even with the video games, but I think they'd be few and far between.
It is much harder these days to try and co-ordinate the times to play together... I guess it was hard when I was young, but I had less commitments then and it was my parents that had to make the time!
Howdy sir Bengy! Very true and I think it's great that you're getting them involved even if they slaughter you. lol.
Why you no post...
Got chicken strips?
Posted via | The City of Neoxian
Zeus is a curious dog! lol. I'm slacking off a little due to several factors. Mrs. J thinks I should spend more time on other things like projects here on our property for some reason lol. I'm also waiting to see how this Tron thing works out.
Yeah come be apart of the town halls...
Looking pretty brutal beating that Justin sun is asking for.
And me and dog are down to come work. We do take steem... And an adventure to help friends and visit is always good.
Yeah gotta get some chores done so the wife is happy...
Posted via | The City of Neoxian
Haha... I will exact my revenge in other ways!
We also love board games and have many , so many of our weekends are filled with playing games. And ofcourse they do video games aswell, and learning to play piano. So different from my parents but slightly the same !
Our girls are a bit too seperate in age to easily find games to play together... so, we often have to find simpler games that the young one can do... but every now and then, we just do one for the older one... plus, I still like playing computer games with the older one!
I remember these days. My kids came into being before computers were in every home, so the board games were a big thing. Also blocks, trains, doll houses - that's what they did all day. Now only one of them even plays video games. And boy do I remember how great their memories were on those games! Thanks for reminding me, I had forgotten. I was definitely a loser every time on those. Entertaining post.
I often end up the loser... the girls (plus my wife...) often end up ganging up on me!....
I love board games, and my family becomes very competitive even with a simple game like Monopoly!! I taught my children Monopoly on a young age and it did wonders for their math, from a very young age.
We have lots of fun together playing cards as well!!
My wife... she is normally pretty quiet and shy... but when she gets together with her own family to play board or card games... the whole family turns into scary screaming raving competitive lunatics!
A true leader helps others to become leaders my friend and you are indeed a great parent in the development of your blessings(children).
Even if you are bit biased on the losing side hahaha.
Haha... I'm only losing because the girls group up against me!
Oh yeah, I think I have heard that one a few time before hahahah.
I bet that you allow them to win Lol.
Ha... I wish they would just let me win now and then...
👌 ❤️ 👌
Teaching physical board games, excellent development tools, also teaches one to lose gracefully (especially when learning with older children/siblings).
When playing with the older ones, it is also a great way to try and teach the older ones to be merciful and give the young ones a chance as well....
That’s wonderful to take time to play games with your girls. It’s a great way to teach them how to win or lose gracefully.
It would be good to learn games where you have to count(E.g. cribbage, darts) would be an advantage to children in school
It's quite fun... although, tonight we had a game that JUST WOULD NOT END!
Kids these days are all mobile phones and social media. Amazing how you go them interested to play with boardgames.
I think they do enjoy it... although, the young one loses attention and concentration about half way through...