When you are ill-treated

in HeartChurch3 years ago

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Have you have ever been ill-treated, at a time or the other, you have suffered some sort of ill-treatment or justicelesses. But how God expects us to respond to that kind of situation is clear in His Word. In James 5:13 AMPC, He said “Is anyone of you afflicted? Then that person should pray….” How uncommon! It equally distance what Jesus also said in Luke 6:28; He said we should pray for those that use you despitefully.” God knows that kind of situations we face in our lives, where we face persecutions or maltreated from other people.

Although, He doesn’t ask us to pity ourselves or make complain, or get angry at those that maltreat us; rather, He tells us to pray! It’s very enticing to react in the precise opposite when we are maltreated. Some people may even try to avenge or get back at those people mistreating them back, and while doing it, act in a way different from who they are. Don't ever let someone else’s bad attitude spoils your own good conduct, or behavior. Maybe you were the type of person that is nice and precise to someone and they return it by treating you in a wrong way.

Don’t ever make decision that you won't ever show love to people again simply because of the betrayal; that won’t be like Christ. If you yield to that, you will be letting someone else’s bad attitude or poor judgement be in control of your character. You should ask yourself if it's right for you to have helped and shown love to people, If it was right, then move on doing what’s best. In that way, you guide your spirit from sick infiltrations and deny the devil the chance of a traction in your life.

No matter bad how you are treated, maintain the attitude of Christ. He told us to Bless those that curse us, and pray for those that use us despitefully. And to those that slap us on one cheek, you should offer the other one to them; and those that take away your cloke are forbid not to take your coat also. Give to all man that ask of you, love your foes, and do good things to them and you shall be the children of the Highest: because he is kind to the unthankful and to the evil” (Luke 6:28-35).

 3 years ago 

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