All that you need

in HeartChurch2 years ago

10% for heartchurch

All seeds has all that it requires in it to make another seeds, and uniformly, a forest. As you are born again, you are like a seed that's loaded with all things you will ever need for your growth and your success in life. When a seed is been planted, it sprouts, it makes a stem, it makes branches, it makes leaves and, at the end, fruits. Where did the leaves, branches, stem and fruits appear from? It is from that only one seed! All things that the seed needed to have a normal plant life; to turn to a real tree and to make fruits with seeds in them, was in the seed.


All that the seed is in need of was to be in its best environment. God has given us all things that has to do with life and godliness. He has already done it for us! You have everything you need for an excellent within you, winning, and life that is balanced. All you need for success and the effectual life of holiness here on earth is all in your remade human spirit! All things you will be, and that you will have, is already in you. So, all you need is to be in your best environment, where you can build your inner man, and hear the right things, to help you think the right thoughts, and speak the right words.

You need to be in good environment because if you hear the wrong things, you will say the wrong words that you are not suppose to and the outcome would be the wrong fruits that you would experience in your life, instead of fruits of righteousness. God has given us everything we need for life but the God's Spirit teaches us and still helps us to know the things that God has given to us freely in the spirit. You have to learn how to speak them as the Spirit gives you utterance in divine wisdom.

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