Just Surrender in His Love.

in HeartChurch3 years ago

We are facing very hard times in these times, the precupacity, fear and anxiety to many clothe us, but we must stop and surrender to God, only he can help us to face this moment of so much sadness and pain that strongly touches humanity.


A deep sadness has seized your being in recent days, you stopped smiling a long time ago, you feel a strong pressure on your chest, a feeling of insecurity because of what you are living, you would like things to be different, than the problems you have today the view did not exist, or that your prayer was simply answered instantly.

But by not seeing anything you want to see, you have been the prey of a strong discouragement, an indescribable depression, unusual sensations that only fill you with fears and thoughts of defeat, because it seems that everything you see makes you believe that the the end is near.

We all go through difficult times, no one is exempt from them, on this day I want to invite you to bend your knees, we are going to stop looking for human solutions and focus your gaze on God, only he can give us that oxygen that our life needs.

There are hundreds of stories that tell how someone who was an atheist began to believe in God. Of course, this did not happen overnight, and not by miracle of heaven. They began to believe because they felt incapable, because the problems they faced daily overwhelmed them. Because of that, they surrendered to a faith they lost or never had, but needed to feel supported and accompanied.

But getting to this process is painful. It refers to developing an incredible capacity to be humble, to recognize that we cannot even cope with everything, that for many things we are weak or that we do not have the knowledge that is needed to face some life events.


Surrendering our heart and totality to God's leading is the best way our divine security is assured to scale us through the trials, temptations and changes of life. Thank you for the piece @darlenys01. I'm inspired.

Yes my sister in Christ. The situation may appear darkest. But one thing is very sure and that is the compelling reassurance of our Lord the Christ which says,

"I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you." John 14:18 (KJV)

The light is still shinning.

What's happening in this world is the reason why things seems hard but with calmness and trust in God, we would overcome problems

Los Cristianos tenemos una esperanza, las aflicciones presentes no se comparan con la gloria venidera que en nosotros ha de manifestarse, por eso nos gozamos en las tribulaciones no vienloas a ellas en si sino poniendo la mirada en nuestra esperanza que es Cristo nuestro señor, los no creyentes tienen la mano de Jesucristo extendida para que participen de esta nuestra esperanza y nuestra paz que proviene de Dios, aun así seguimos siendo de carne por lo cual no podemos escapar de la tristeza y la angustia, entonces lo anterior se dice fácil pero requiere de estar muy apegado a Dios para aceptar que todo proviene de su voluntad y que su voluntad es buena, agradable y perfecta. Muy motivadoras tus palabras, espero que lleguen a muchos que las están necesitando hoy en día. Bendiciones amada en Cristo! que Dios te siga usando!

At his feet we find peace, love and hope, and at his feet we merge so that he may be in our lives! Blessed is he who lives forever and ever

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