RE: The Culture ... کلچر
First of all thank you very much @samaviya-doll you have made such a great comment and expressed your love for our culture. If I talk about earthenware, they are also rarely used here but are still being used.
So now I come to your question. First of all, let me say that culture is not a single thing, it is a combination of many things.
And what I am proud of in our culture is that in the neighborhood and nearby, if there is an emergency in someone's house like someone suddenly falls ill or someone has an accident etc. So all the villagers take whatever savings they have and reach their house and give them to take as much as you need and later give it to us.
So I think that this is something that you save humanity with. If a person is in an emergency and his life is saved because of these few bucks, then it is a very rewarding work, but I don't think it is. It happens everywhere that people go and give their savings to them.