SEC-S18W6/Brillando con luz propia- Shining with your own light

in Shine with Steem3 months ago (edited)


Hello friends

I hope you are doing good by the grace of God today the topic is "Shining with your own light"and this challenge organized by Shine with Steem community. I m very happy to participate it . So going to the post.

Let's start

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Do you feel that there are opportunities or occasions where you think your brightness deserves to stand out more than that of others?


  • The Certainly of there are moments whenever it is the best for my brightness and take the step or back to allow others to the shine and Even though that I have a lot the offers and I understand to that and everyone deserves their time and the spotlight to For the instance in the collaborative projects to the letting others or lead and showcase their ideas can be foster a sense of the teamwork or mutual respect. By doing this i can encourage growth and confidence in to others knowing to that the overall success is a shared achievement.

Knowing how brilliant you are, would you be able to turn off your light a little to give someone else the opportunity to shine at an appropriate time? How and why would you do it?


  • They Like the Hawaiians squid and which relies on symbiotic the relationships to the illuminate It have benefited from there support and encouragement to others. Teachers mentors or friends and family's have all played to the crucial roles in helping me develop or shine. Their guidance or belief in my abilities to have been the instrumental on my growth and much like the bacteria and enable the squid’s glow.

The Hawaiian squid does not shine on its own, it needs the help of others to achieve this. In your case, have there been people who have helped you shine or grow?


  • Regarding relationships, much like fireflies use their light to attract partners, my qualities and virtues have indeed helped me connect with others. However, the quest for a meaningful partnership is ongoing for many, including myself. Emitting the light showcasing of kindness for intelligence or empathy is an the ongoing to process that the attracts or right people into our lives. It is not just an about finding the partner and also about the fostering meaningful and connections or their relationships that enrich our lives.

Fireflies emit light to attract a partner, but with your qualities and virtues did you manage to have the desired partner or do you continue to emit light to find him or her?


  • In essence, knowing when to step back and let others shine, appreciating the support that has helped me grow, and continuously striving to attract and build significant relationships are all part of a balanced and fulfilling life.

At last I m inviteing friends

@sduttaskitchen to participate in this challenge
##Thank you for reading my post ☺️


@hooriarehman DO NOT use #steemelectric hashtag when you didn't set any percentage to @steemelectricals account.

Kindly REMOVE it from your tags.

Don't SPAM the tag!

 3 months ago 


 3 months ago 

প্রিয় @hooriarehman 🙂

আলোকিত হওয়ার আগে শিক্ষা গ্রহণ করতে হবে। শিক্ষায় উৎসাহ দাতা থাকতে হবে। তাহলে শিক্ষা পেয়ে জ্ঞান অর্জন আর বুদ্ধি বাড়বে ধীরে ধীরে আলোকিত করে মানুষকে আকর্ষিত করবে। এই ধারাবাহিকতায় গঠিত হবে একটি সুন্দর উজ্জ্বলতা।

আপনাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ সুন্দর একটি পোস্ট লেখার জন্য। ভালো থাকবেন সুস্থ থাকবেন। 🥰💘

 3 months ago 

Man is a social animal and we have to do many things in cooperation. It is essential because one man's efforts are not enough to gain the target. That is why it is complementary to the way others put their part of efforts in this long journey. This is a working way of nature that if we stop the brightness of others it affects our own luminescence as well. I adore your consent in this regard. Have a good day.

 3 months ago 

Thãñk you so much for reading my post ☺️

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