Urdu Community Contest/S2W2|Language||How Language Connect People by @samuel20

in Urdu Community2 years ago

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Welcome once again to my blog as I make my entry for the week 2 of the engagement challenge in Urdu Community.I have seen an influx of entries already as many people are busy writing about their language.I won't be left behind.Permit me at this point to speed off.

What is meant by language?? Define Language in your own words

One of the most important activities of humans is communication.There is no passing day that we don't communicate either to fellow humans, family members, friends,or even our animals.Communication could involve speech, writing or even gesture.The most important thing in communication is the ability of the reciever to understand what the sender meant.

Language is a medium through which humans communicate or pass information to each other.This suggests that language could be a spoken word,a written word or even a gesture/sign.It is important to note that both the sender and the reciever must share a common language,if not,they can't have a productive communication.There are several languages scattered around the world.Even in the same country,there are still different languages.

Some of the forms that language can be used are:

This is the most common way that language can be utilized.Two persons that understand English language,can conveniently speak to one another in English language and they will understand each other.

Language can also be expressed through writing.Once the sender writes or types the message using the common language between the sender and the reciever,the communication would become effective and the reverse happens when both parties do not share a common language.For example here on Steemit,when people make a post in Spanish,i dont understand it,until and unless,I translate it to English before I can understand it.

One can still use gesture or signs as a means of communication.We know that some people are deaf and so can't hear.However,they understand sign language perfectly.

How language connects an individual to his family,glob or specific socieity

Language connects an individual to his family because it is a means that they can effectively use to communicate with each other.If a family of 3 members share a common language,it would be a medium for them to pass information to each other and so they are connected to each other via the common language.However,if in a family of 3 who do not have any language in common, communication would become a barrier and so connection could be lost.

As for a community or the globe.I believe every community has a common language or dialect that every member can understand.So it strikes a connection among in the society.

As a globe,there are general languages that people from different countries can use to communicate.For instance English and French are basic languages that connect most people in the world.

Which is yours mother tongue? and which languages ​​are spoken and understood in your home other than your mother tongue?

Permit me to answer the question in bits for clarity sake.

What is your mother tongue:
My mother tongue is Igbo language which is a language native to the Igbo ethnic group of the eastern part of Nigeria.Igbo language is not only spoken in the Igbo land(eastern Nigeria).It is also spoken in some part of Joy, Equatorial Guinea,Benue,Trinidad and Tobago, Cameroon, Haiti and Barbados.

Other Languages spoken in my home:
Apart from Igbo language which is my mother tongue.We also speak English Language,and Pidgin English in my home and every member of my family understands it.

How many languages ​​do you know and how did you learn more than one language?

I would say that there are 3 languages that I know.The 3 languages that I can speak and write comfortable anyday, anytime are English language,Igbo language and Pidgin English.

•I learnt English language from school (right from kindergarten) because that is our official language in Nigeria.

Igbo language is my mother tongue and so i learnt it from home.It is the language that we use often for communication.

•As for pidgin english,I learnt it from the street,from neighbours who do not speak Igbo,from movies and perfected it in tertiary institution because it is the campus language.

Furthermore,I have little knowledge of other languages like tiv language- which I learnt in Benue state during my one year National Youth Service(nysc).I also know a little about yoruba language-which I learnt from my course mates back in school and from @ebunoluwani a fellow author on steemit.While in secondary school,I learnt a few things in french language from Js1 to Js3.

In which language did you study in school to university and which language do you prefer in the education system in your country and why?

Like i mentioned earlier our official language in Nigeria is English language and so it was the language was used during my studies up to the university level.Virtually,all schools in Nigeria starting from kindergarten to tertiary institution use English language to teach.It is the official teaching language.

In our education system,I still prefer that English language be used.This is because there are many languages in Nigeria, but English unites all of us.So that's the language that could be used to teach in a class that has students from different ethnic groups.Imagine teaching with hausa language in a class of students from Igbo,Yoruba, hausa,tiv, idoma,efik;it means that only the students that understand hausa language would benefit, others won't understand anything.

Secondly, teaching with English helps students to improve on the use of English language which is spoken across Europe and America.This could help them speak,write and communicate effectively with their european and american counterparts.

How one language or more than one languages plays an important role in the development of society?

Having knowledge of one or more language helps to develop the society in many ways.In a society that has a common language or dialect,it helps members to communicate to each other effectively.

Secondly,if a society understands and recognizes different languages,it would help them to communicate with foreigners who could possibly invest in the society.For instance,if a society understands only Igbo language it would be difficult or impossible for a foreigner who speaks only English to communicate with them,let alone coming to invest.

Having knowledge of many languages can also create employment which is a form of development in the society.The other time,a radio station here in Abia state(an Igbo speaking area) advertised vacancy for radio presenters that can speak hausa language and efik.You can see that any Igbo person that has knowledge of those two languages would likely get the job.This is employment opportunity-a form of development.

Also foreign contractors like road construction company workers feel at home when they come to a community where they see someone or people that understand their language.

How does culture relate to language

Language and culture are related.They are almost difficult to be separated.I can say that language is part of a culture.Once the language of any society is lost,it means that part of the culture of the society has been lost.

People that share the same culture also share a common language which is used to perform certain rites as the culture of the people demands.

Would you like to prefer writing in your own language at the time of writing posting on steemit, if yes why and if not why not?

Definitely,I would prefer to make posts on Steemit in our own language.Infact in my mother tongue.Below are my reasons.

This is because it would be an avenue for me to promote my language and my culture which is the Igbo culture and its values to the rest of the world.

Steemit Promotion
Writing in my language would also make steemit more popular because post,ideas can be searched and fetched online in my native language and all attention would go to steemit as the host platform. Remember,books are made popular when they are translated into several languages,so Steemit would be popular if it allows authors to post in their various languages.

If you want to promote your language in the world, how will you do it? and if you already done, then how much success have you achieved?

To promote my language to the world is one thing that I have been doing and would relish doing.This is because the more people know about a particular language,the popular it gets,and the more the culture and value of the people is promoted.English and French are in the list of most spoken languages across the globe.You can see how popular the native speakers are getting in the global space.

One way to promote my language is continue speaking it and encouraging my people to speak it.Using it as one of the languages used for teaching in nursery and primary schools is another way of promoting my language.

If it is possible,I would also like to make a post on Steemit using my native language (Igbo language) so that more steemians would know about it.The entertainment industry is another way to promote my language, although I am not into the entertainment industry.


Communication is one thing common among humans and even animals.It is a means whereby organisms of the same specie connect and communicate effectively with each other.Language could be learnt from home, school, street, movies,books and other places.Every language is important to its native speakers and so should not be discriminated.My language is my culture,it is my pride.I can't trade it for another.Igbo language is my culture.

In Igbo language:bia=come;gawa=go; ututuoma=good morning

I am inviting @mvchacin @patjewell @yousafharookhan @alegnita to participate


Your mother tongue is Igbo, you know 2 more languages besides your mother tongue. That means you can speak a total of three languages comfortably at any time. Nice to meet you. You learned English when you were in school. Because English is the official language of your country

Thanks for dropping bye.Yes i can speak my dialect and two others comfortably.English was learnt in school, pidgin learnt on the street and mother tongue learnt at home.My language is my identity,it is my culture and pride.@kawsar

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 2 years ago (edited)

Respected thank you very much for taking participate in Steemit Enagement Challenge | Season2, Week #2.

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you explained every points very well , keep continue good effort of creating quality of content

Thanks a lot @yousafharoonkhan for reviewing my work.Language is an important tool for effective communication among family members,friends and associates.

You have given a detailed definition of Language in a very simply way and you have also given some good reasons how language connects people

Woow good to know that you speak Igbo, English and pidgin English. I have been hearing about igbo for long now and I think I am familiar with the language though I don't know it but I Know a little expression of some terms in Igbo which I always hear in Nigeria movies and music

While in secondary school,I learnt a few things in french language from Js1 to Js3.

Woow glad to her this.. Comment allez-vous?

That's in french

You have given a great way of how culture relates to language and how you can promote your language

Thanks for this great entry brother

Thanks for coming around brother @chiabertrand language is a powerful tool for communication and connection among people.I love Igbo language aplenty and I am glad you appreciate the language on movies and music.

Comment allez-vous?

Je vais bien

I also know that parle means to speak.I hope i am wrong???

You are perfectly right Bro, parler means speak... This shows that you are familiar to French language. It's not a difficult language to learn so I believe you can learn it

Hello @samuel20
Your articles are usually quality content, I love your entry, your pace even though I had an idea what you intended to write about I still read through.

Meanwhile I’m glad that I could enlighten you about my language, you made it easy.
And wowwww.
Tu Parle peu francais


I appreciate your visit to my @ebunoluwani the importance of language as a means of communication and as an element of culture cannot be overemphasized.You are a good language teacher and has mastery of the Yoruba language.

Tu Parle peu francais


You're gonna make me cry🙈
Thank you

Lolz....Ebun Ebun

I like what you did hear @samuels20, it's detailed.
I saw this,

•As for pidgin english,I learnt it from the street,from neighbours who do not speak Igbo,from movies and perfected it in tertiary institution because it is the campus language.

That's ultimately true that's how everyone learnt pidgin, I wonder it's origin.

Hi @jammyroberts thanks for coming to my blog I appreciate.Language is a strong communication tool used all over the world. As for pidgin English I just grew to see it.I can't trace its origin 😊.It's a campus language just like hallelujah is a heavenly language.

🤣🤣🤣🤣, really really true.

Culture and language is two peas in a pod! The one cannot make it without the other😊
English has become the No1 language in the world but I truly hope that people will not forget their native language.
Good luck for the contest & thanks for the invite.

Thanks for coming through @patjewell English is likely the most spoken language worldwide.It is a credit to the native owners.I love my native language which is the Igbo language and I speak it as often as possible.

And I speak Afrikaans which is my native language :-)
I love it!

Wow fantastic

Language is so important it plays a relevant role in our lives, infact our ability to learn and speak new language is what is differentiated humans from animals. Thanks for teaching us Igbo language, today I've learned how to say good morning in Igbo ututuoma! Haha 😂

You have said it all.Language is a currency that helps to foster communication.As humans we have the ability to learn different languages-a situation that has made many of us to be polyglots.

Thanks for learning how to say good morning in Igbo language.@goodybest

Thanks for teaching us!

Mydear, you have written well dear, and i can see that, you are proud you can speak your our language. You mentioned that, another way of promoting your language is to continue to speak and it is very good and interesting that, if at home native languages should be spoken and when we get to school we speak a different language. Thanks somuch for writting such an article.

Hi @dave-hanny,

I sincerely appreciate your comments.Speaking my native language is one thing that I have always been proud of.And I will imbibe such culture in my children.Language is a form of identity,and so should not be allowed to be taken to the cleaners.

Thank brother for that wonderful specificity for french and english are the most easier languages to learn in the whole wide world and I really appreciate you for that brother

I appreciate your visit to my blog @tangwe-rene English is our lingua franca and I can speak it very very well.I like french too but I am not good at it,I only know just a little from secondary school courses.

Sorry about that for it never too late to learn french for it also a beautiful language

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