Re: Darthknight

Several users informed me that @darthknight has posted My Steem funds are currently being frozen by the top 20 Steem witnesses (reward for info)

In particular, @guiltyparties asked me on a discord channel to take a look at the issue and we have discussed it with other users (including @dr-frankenstein). I told him that I would try to fix this issue soon - and this posting summarize my thoughts for now.

The following is an open letter to @darthknight. Note that this is a gesture of goodwill, not legal opinion or advice.

Dear darthknight,

Great to see your posting.

Your posting was required to start any action

my funds are being transferred weekly to a scam account, because I made a mistake when trying to withdraw those funds.

I believe that the Steem witnesses are aware of this, but have taken no action to unfreeze my account.

There are some users who reported me of your situation, and I assume some of other witnesses would have heard too.

But nothing could be done until you openly declare that your setting the power down path to bittrix was a mistake and you did not want your power down fund to go to bittrix.

Why? Because no one except you can verify that whether you intentionally did it. Who knows whether you actually wanted to send the power down fund to bittrix for whatever reason (your friend's account, or your alt, so on).

Contact jayplayco asap

I will contact them and give them a chance to unfreeze my account and reimburse me directly for the loss I have already had.

You should contact @jayplayco (on discord: jayplayco#9869), as @geekgirl and others have recommended.

And "reimburse" for your mistake? that does not make any sense... you have to admit that it was your fault to set the wrong power down path.

Moving on to the legal issues.

If you have any information about the real world identities of the top witnesses on Steem, please post it here. I will provide a 5% reward of any recovery I make with the people who provide correct information about witness identity (first come, first served on identity of individual witnesses).

I do not know where you live, but this is very dangerous (at least in South Korea). This could be subject to defamation and/or violation of privacy (or more) in South Korea. Take a look at @abitcoinskeptic's reply to your post.

And there are some users who encourage you to pursue legal actions. Of course it is one of your choices.

But reading the replies, I can tell that most of them are not familiar with legal issues, in particular regarding the South Korea case.

If you choose to bring this case to the court, it will be difficult for you to deal with the following issues (and more - I have talked to a lawyer friend and she was not be able to fully understand the situation given her lack of knowledge about how Steem works, but she mentioned these issues to "start with")

  1. How can you prove that you, the plaintiff, own the account called @darthknight ?

  2. How can you prove that you, the plaintiff, does not own the account called @bittrix ? Otherwise, you cannot prove that you "lost" your "asset".

  3. Were you forced to take that action? in other words, anyone forced you to "power down" and/or set the path to "bittrix"?

  4. Who is(are) the defendant?

  5. How can you prove that the defendant has caused you the damage, given that you admit that you made a mistake?

  6. It seems that the "asset" you claim to be lost is used in the system called "Steem blockchain". What are the "rules" of that system? Is there anything that the defendant has(have) violated?

... I will stop here. It's already too many.

And also note that unlike the US, in South Korea if you lose a trial usually you are supposed to pay the winning party's legal fees (up to a certain amount - it's like up to 7~8% of what's at stake).

To move forward.

While talking to guiltyparties and others, I have reviewed the following options.

  1. Run a quick SF update that excludes you: but this option has a problem that may break the mechanical selection rules (as @roelandp pointed out, "You should not help out as goodwill for darthknight, as that will remove the "mechanical" part from the script")

  2. Run a quick SF update that includes bittrix so that this account may not be able to transfer any fund until the discussion ends and temporary SF is reversed.

Of course this needs to be discussed among witnesses, but I personally support the 2nd option for now.


  1. Given that you wrote that you made a mistake in setting the power down path, we can do something.

  2. Contact jayplayco#9869 if you want to resolve this issue fast.

  3. Be careful with legal issues - defamation, etc. Check @abitcoinskeptic 's reply.

  4. I personally support a quick patch to limit transfers of the bittrix account.



You do realize that whales get special treatment with exchanges, much like high rollers at casinos. I bet BT knows who darthknight is to some degree, but darthknight's actions on the chain tell me he's not any of the known whales out there. Perhaps you take this as proof of something, but that only shows you've supported your own bias rather than let the evidence lead you.

LET'S MAKE STEEM GREAT AGAIN! We at Green House Radio Online is going to be hosting a Witness Forum from within Canna Curate discord . I would like to invite any and ALL to join us as we look to RE GROW Steem and all its many communities, business and investors into working together. We promise to offer RESPECTFUL forum for any who wish to join and share their visions and developments for Steem.
We have a few members who have started witnesses @canna-witness @hashkings @chronocrypto who are taking the imitative to start their own witness in hopes to stabilize and repair what has been lost. Please consider our invite to join us as we look to make STEEM GREAT AGAIN.
Canna Curate Discord where @greenhouseradio operates.

Thanks for sharing this great tool, I'm enjoying being able to see you talk to yourself on the blockchain 😂 testing1.png

If I helped you by finding out, you know how to help me :D @justyy

This is shocking... I really appreciate your help.

Let me know how I can help you (or I will ask @justyy how)

You are welcome! Dunno if it helped though but thought, let's throw it to the public. They deserve to know the truth before people are going to give their money, Steem or whatever token to him. The deceptive nature of this person is scary. Imo he tries to use this to get the public behind them, and hurt steem even more. It had to be done. (I don't need anything, I was joking)

Your information is extremely valuable. If I can change it, I would make you as 90% beneficiary for this posting. As far as I know it is impossible, so I will do that when I write a sequal of this posting later.

90% is a lot for just a lot of speculation 🤣😂

Maybe you should ask @belgianchocolate about him owning @bitvavo

If this is true (and im leaning towards yes), its really scary. This is some deep state shit. Illiminati, free mason, you name it.

It's just a bunch of speculation.

If you think that's proof @blocktrades owns @darthknight, then our friend @belgianchocolate owns a lot of crypto in his account @bitvavo

I don't think blocktrades owns darthknight.
I think he uses blocktrades to transfers STEEM to binance.
Just go here, and put blocktrades to binance. You will see a lot of trx with different memos. Then you can pick some memos and search for them, and maybe you will see some legitimate owners on STEEM.

Exactly, the only thing repeating memos show is that the receiving account is the same. There's no way to know who is receiving, and there's no way to know who is sending

im at a loss of words. Hard to persuade someone that earth is round after all.

Just go to this link:, put blocktrades as the sender and deepcrypto8 as the receiver, just look at all the memos.

And hard to teach someone how blockchains work, that truth matters, and private property exists

you lost your credit card, someone is taking money from it. and your bank is blocking you from canceling it.

the mistake whs his, but your actions of blocking private funds was responsible for the loss, because he could not fix it because of your actions.

n South Korea if you lose a trial usually you are supposed to pay the winning party's legal fees (up to a certain amount - it's like up to 7~8% of what's at stake).

he just lost 30.000$ and will lose around 400.000. do you think he cares about 7% of legal fees.

It's shocking to me that he believes preventing someone from fixing a correctable mistake, which he intended to correct, is still his fault. This is delusional.

There are lawyers that specialize in digital assets in Korea, but they are rare. Maybe a lawyer aware of securities and finance would be best.

In anycase, I advise legal consultation before mentioning about legal actions. And yes defamation and privacy are important. Even others mentioned 'doxing' isn't necessary. He can make a private list and at least verify first.

I do think he can prove he owns darth knight by signing a message. However proving he doesn't own bittrix is more difficult.

In anycase, I feel that is irrelevant. He said it's not his and we have no reason to believe it is his. Better to take his word on it and help him out. If anything else, it's the right thing to do.

I don't know if he can get his assets replaced, but this is a bad time to be responsible for freezing him out. The reasons for the freeze in general are iffy given the balance of control for steem is not even close after Hive was made. There is a gap in the timeline that is obvious here.

Anyway, I hope it can be resolved out of the legal system. Usually only lawyers win.

I'm so tired of the arguements that the list is based on a mathematical formula (more so Hive's list that excludes airdrop). It's not like some universal law. Any variable can be added such as 'include accounts only if created before HF21'.

The drama needs to end. I still have vain hope for win-win.

Bittrix is a scammer account to catch typo transfers. Just look at the account history.

I think your option 1 would be better and easier to implement, just remove @darthknight from the blacklist.

If you go with option 2, then transfer operations to @bittrix should be blocked. Blocking operations of bittrix, wouldn’t solve anything and continue resulting in loss of funds.

Of course the best move would be to remove all soft fork freezes.

Besides, if @darthknight would ever want to see his funds again it would require cooperation from @bittrix. And we all know scammers can quickly disappear never too be heard from again.

Option 2 is pointless, it's a sure way that the funds will never be in control again of the legitimate owner.

Hello,there I read the post of @darthknight and it feels good that you are paying attention to this problem.I don't know him or never had any contact with him.But I felt sorry for him after reading his post.

He has a lot of money staked in Steem. So if by any chance he made a mistake by choosing an account to transfer his fund,then you should help him fix it as soon as possible.I hope that he will soon see your message and reply to you.Thank you for coming forward to help him with a good gesture.

I've been amazed how quickly the crypto community falls to plea to authority.

His keys, his crypto?

Or is this no longer the standard, since the Steemit stake was freezed?

Exactly... No, having a "promise" is now justification... Is it not?

Tell me, when did this investor ever promise to use his funds only for community building and the development and advancement of Steem?

Guess never, I would not do so in his case and also don´t sign a contract which force me to do so ;)

! good point ! --> my point since the beginning of this whole situation beginning with the freezing of the stake of JS.

even IF ned agreed (which I think is loose) how determines if it is transferable.

Do I smell trouble in the Steemit Inc. paradise???

hey @glory7 you know, this guy illustrates an old French proverb: there are only the cowards and the weak who insult and threaten !!!

That's a great proverb that could be applied in many cases, in particular this one. Thank you.

Nice initiative taken by @glory7. Hope, it will help him/her a lot.
Keep it up.

So basically you want him to say that it's all his fault and then you'll give you nothing?

After you've shown that the sock puppet witnesses have no respect for the truth and are nothing but liars, you seriously think you can bargain with someone?

Rhetorical question. How would you respond in when your funds get frozen in the first place. Are you really not getting that?? All of this was never on the table IF your (ex) witnesses didn't freeze JS his funds. Its that simple. Its up to the PRESENT witnesses to protect the chain and its token. And they are doing that by blocking transfers. If someone makes a ´typo´(not saying it is) or whatever with his own account, its not the responsibility of the witnesses to fix that. If I transfer to the wrong person, Steemit will not help me, nor a witness, or an update. Why would we have to put risk on the chain when not necessary?

Protecting a chain is just manipulating prices to you? The accounts want to leave, you're the one keeping them around lol. You're so scared about Steem's price, you have to freeze investor funds to keep it from dropping

If you made a typo, but before you hit send you saw it and wanted to fix it, but I tied you up to a chair and I hit send, is that my fault or your fault?

No one is worried about the price of steem right now. Maybe in the future but not now. Thx.

Then why do you think large accounts powering down and selling is a threat to Steem? 😂

You like to miss the point do you? Its not about the power down and selling. If it was just that, I think we would put a red carpet and say Adieu, auf wiedersehen. It is repeatedly used to try to destroy steem and his users. Not only in downvotes, selfvotes, or whatever. Nobody got forced, it was his choice to push the button to send it to this account. I really dont even care about that because he abused my and everyone's interest.

You get it belgianchocolate. Im tired of arguing with these cult followers. I think i ll go take a hike.

I could have sworn the socks put a freeze on powering down. Hm, maybe that was an accident. Maybe the socks wanted to let them power down and leave, but since the code was copy and pasted they didn't know what to change.

Also, Justin Sun is fine with self voting, he's done it himself and he delegates to people so they can earn more by self voting, idk why you're complaining. He could censor you for criticizing him!

He also pushed a button to change it and the socks stopped that. But I get it, you don't care about or respect other people's property, you only care about yourself. You fit right in with the socks that break their promises in less then a month.

It is a temporary update to protect mine, yours, and everyone who has assets on the blockchain.
The moment JS upvoted his OWN post was when he got censored by donkies on his own fucking frontend! Do you know who owns Steemit?
Pretty sure JS lost more then this person, so no I dont see why I should feel sorry for this account. Months of slander, reputation damage and hate from some people where directed to someone who LEGALLY bought all he owns. Forgetting this part?

I honestly dont know what you do, but you spend an awful lot of time posting on steemit for a guy sleeping with hive. I dont see a lot of steem users trolling on hive, its usually vice versa.

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