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RE: Why Can Trump Attack Greta Thunberg But We Can't Mention Barron?

in Threespeak5 years ago (edited)

Are you telling me we should not shoot YTube, FB, Twat, Gogl, who all are censoring and furthering the interests of the marxist globs against us. Who all are furthering, not the interests of the normal moslem, but of the extremists, against Christians?

Who they promote shows their bias and in that sense, there are no messengers among the tech corps - same with Steemit, we only have a small degree of freedom here because they made the mistake of decentralising it. Otherwise, take a look at the top SP holders/witnesses. For instance, they are all against those who are anti-vaxx (in other words, they do not believe parents have the right to make an informed decision)...I know this from personal experience as I got flagged for making such posts....which is one of the reasons you can see my comments and posts do not earn me even one cent, for I refuse to allow them to censor me (they say there is no censorship on steemit, but they are playing with words, for there is 'effective' censorship through flagging until the post is greyed out. Anybody who has any marekting experience knows it is so).

In the last few days I have been looking at the 3Speak posts, hoping to find one that represents the interests or preferences of the majority of people, not just those of the elite, and did not find one. That I am meant to consider a freak occurrence, just coincidence?

PS: It seems to me you have chosen the same avatar as mark; the captain of Firefly. Coincidence?


marxist globs against us.


if the avatar you use really is a photo of you, it makes me very happy, for it means you are young enough to live to see the day when all the truths you do not want to see are real and you have paid for it.


I am Andrea, I am an anarchist communist anti-fascist anti-racist peace and love promoting white girl.

that is what is called an oxymoron. There are and never have been any communists who believe in peace. All they believe in is that everyone thinks like them, or else they kill them. Have you read any books written by Chinese people who survived under Mao - while losing all their family and friends because of questioning something about communism? Have you heard the voices of pain from china right now, of those who are having their organs removed for the State to sell them?

You think you are open-minded, but the truth is, you have been brainwashed and cannot see the truth. That can only be excused in a child!

read a book dude, you're dumb as hell.

To be called dumb by someone like you, is like being called dishonest by someone like Hillary.


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