RE: Reactions to HF 19 - Linear Rewards, Vote Strength, Changes in Payouts, Self Voting, etc.
There is no question that there have been good and bad impacts from the HF. Most of the 'bad' parts though are based on user behavior. I realize that incentives are largely what drive that, but we do have to work as a community to incentivize and encourage the behavior that we want. The blockchain is the platform/framework that we all use, but it is really up to the community and users what we do with that. I think that the short-term change in statistics that we are seeing is not a true measurement of what the effects are. We are still in beta mode, and things will change a lot more once communities open up and the UI user experience is improved. For now I think focusing on getting the fundamentals right is the correct course of action. I am still confident that this will all play out for the best in the end.
Very true, social incentives I call them. I'm glad you support flagging against self voting abuse (though of course I can't speak to the parameters of this support).