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RE: SEC S20W1 || Hematology [Hematopoyesis - Modulo 1]

in #hematology-s20w16 months ago

Hi @dexsyluz and @huzaifanaveed1, I actually was waiting for with a lot of anticipation for the reaction of users to this topic, because even seeing the name of topic "Haematology" made me very surprised but also sad.
The reasons are following:

  • Haematology is very complex field in order to learn that we had more than a year of intensive study with practical work in specialised laboratory. It was one year because as we all know our brain can not retain much information during short time it filters and deletes like a computer that needs space for new stuff

  • The whole process of how blood is created and its complexity is vast and it is short sighted to use only these little information in the task challenge post, because still even that will not explain everything

  • we, people in medical field if it relates to any specialist field we ask them because despite of being taught we are not specialist.

I think person who has no medical or biological background will be completely lost in that topic. Even though you might see many correct thinking and answers but the people supported their opinion using Internet source and after the challenge is done they completely forget that and it is right they will never need this information in their live. The users will take part in challenge because as always it is we all want to participate and if possible to draw the attention of Steemcurator accounts and maybe be lucky and win the challenge.

I think if we want the ordinary user to feel included and be spoken to we need to speak normal language that everyone understand without medical terminology and also to chose more simple situation.

The task that you prepared

Caso clínico (3 puntos):

I think the person who only knows anatomy and physiology will be able to answer:

  • obvious crush syndrome causing Rhabdomyolysis and that is causing acute kidney injury. Femur fracture is usually causes huge amount blood loss. The medical person will say: patient need Universal blood like 0 (neg) to stabilise and prevent hypovolemic shock in the first instance and the patient will need early filtration to protect kidneys.

I have no idea what people will answer for the topic but it is too much terminology and technical side. There were very interesting topics in Healthy Steem community that was easy to participate for people without any medical knowledge, therefore I do not know why you, as organiser complicating it to such level.

Best wishes,


Hola querida, entiendo tu punto de vista
Todo el tema que refiere a la hematología es demasiado complejo, supuse que como tenia que presentar la primera clase, lo ideal seria hablar de la formación de la sangre (como primer tema)

Las preguntas de la tarea considero que están aceptables, ya que literalmente las respuestas de las preguntas fueron mencionadas en la clase (menos la ubicación anatómica de algunos órganos).

El problema se forma con el caso clínico, ya 6 usuarios han respondido de forma aceptable el caso clínico (solo por mencionar la fractura de fémur que también fue mencionado en la publicación de la clase hemos colocado 2.5 puntos, hay 0.5 puntos para quienes mencionen al riñón (o la EPO específicamente.)

No estamos pidiendo que las personas digan específicamente el tipo de sangre (porque como puedes notar, no hay tipo de sangre del paciente) y que tampoco den una explicación abierta sobre la compatibilidad sanguínea (si puedes notar la pregunta dice ''perfil del donante'', me refiero a que edad podría tener ese donante, si fuma, bebe alcohol entre otras cosas, no era muy extensa la respuesta)

Y si hablamos del QUIZ, las personas pueden responderlo utilizando la clase abierta en el navegador (aunque la próxima vez agregare uno en ingles para las personas de ese idioma)

Queríamos que el curso que fuera para las personas interesadas en aprender sobre el tema de hematología, intentaremos hacerlo mas accesible para los interesados en el próximo modulo.

PD; creo que con solo leer los comentarios tendrían la respuesta del caso clínico :), la curiosidad en ocasiones le da más vidas al gato 😁

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