The Wrong Posture Can Do Serious Damage! Alignment Errors and How To Fix Them

in #health8 years ago

Hi Everyone!

We all know how important exercise is, but we don't always realise how important alignment can be. It can make the difference between a safe work out and an unsafe workout. Small alignment errors can cause a lot of damage, that may not manifest until later, and then it's too late. You're already hurt, and have to put your workouts off for a while, to heal.

The best way to skip out on that, is to make sure that you are doing everything right in the first place, and avoid ingury altogether.

Here are a few common mistakes that are made, and how correct them.

1: When Doing Forward Folds (Touching your toes)

  • What not to do: This is more of a problem for people who are very flexible. Avoid beding forward too far. By bending forward too far, (for example,to put your hands flat on the floor) because this puts a lot of pressure on your lower back, and can cause damage to the connective tissues.

  • What to do instead: Try to avoid going further than your toes, because touching your toes is enough to warm up the hamstrings. Also, try not to lock the knees. It's is better for all of the joints involved to rather have the legs ever so slightly bent, than to lock the knees.

2: When doing Bow Pose

  • What not to do: This is a very common yoga stretch, and I was surprised to find out that it can actually be very bad for the lower back.
    If you look at the pose, you can see that it heavily constricts the lower back, and this can make it easy to pinch a nerve. The big no-no for this pose is similar to the first one. Do not go too far. See a recurring trend? The stretch doesn't always have to be done to extremes to achieve the benefits. Rather be safe and take it easy in poses that involve a lot of constriction.


  • What to do instead: Try to focus on pushing your feet into your hands, almost as though you are kicking your hands away from you. Keep your feet as high as possible, and focus on raising your chest up from the ground, rather than your hips. Also, try not to do this pose too often, and when doing it, do not stay in it for too long. Just to be safe.


3: Never lift both legs while lying on your back

I was actually very shocked when the doctor told me about this.

Just as a side note, the reason that sparked this article in the first place was a visit to the doctor. I have a lot of recurring injurries because of genetic deformities, so I am very conscious about alignment, but some of these really took me by surprise!

  • What not to do: For anyone who does pilates often, this will be strange because there are a lot of routines which involve you lying on your back with both legs elevated.
    But, unless you have excellent core strength, enough to lift your legs up with just your core, I would avoid doing it. It places a hell of a lot of strain on your lower back, as well as your neck and shoulder muscles. Pulled muscles are a very high risk with this pose.


  • What to do instead: Try to lift one leg at a time instead, this is just as much of a workout. If you really can't get around having to lift both legs, at least bend the legs at the knees. This will releave the pressure a little bit.


4: Situps and the like
This is a similar concept, and if you haven't picked it up yet, the lower back is extremely easy to injur.

Trust me. That kind of injury is not fun; and it takes forever to go away. I have been stuck with mine for over a year now.

  • What not to do: Sit ups with your legs extended straight in front of you are very bad for the back. It stops the back muscles from being able to support you fully, and that reduces their ability to protect you from injury.


  • What to do instead: Always keep your knees bent, and make sure you use your core, instead of back muscles to lift yourself. Also,try to keep straight, moving from side to side or twisting during the movement can cause pinched nerves and pulled muscles.


5: Twisting during forward folds

  • What not to do: So, we have gone over how to do a forward fold safely, but now you come across a pose or exercise that requires you to twist while in the forward fold.
    My first reaction would be to say, "Avoid it!", but practically, that is not always possible. Twisting during can be dangerous, because not only is the lower back already compromised, but twisting causes the joints and muscles to move around, which can cause sprains and even dislocations.


  • What to do instead: When twisting, ensure that you are 100% aware of your movements, and focus on twisting from the waist, rather than the hips.


Those are a few tips, to keep your body as safe as possible during those specific poses.
This may sound daunting, but don't worry. After a while, your body will learn the correct way of moving, and the muscle memory will hold.

If anything, I hope you take the knowledge, that awareness of your body is key, away with you after reading this. We only get one body, so learning how to listen to it and keep it safe is the best way to lead a healthier life.

If you enjoyed this article, feel free to take a look at my page, I have quite a few other informative articles about yoga, fitness, and what not.


I hope you have a lovely day, and as always, lots of love!


This reminds me of a kick box session.. The teacher told us while everbody was doing push ups to look forwards. Correct?

Yes, looking forwards while doing push ups, plank ect. Is very good. It engages the neck and shoulder muscles, which makes it more effective. By not letting the head hang, you are protecting the tissue trying to support it from pulled muscles or spasms. Thank you so much for reading. Always love to hear from you!

Very nice info. No thank You for sharing. This is important to know. Expect more questions from me:)

I love questions! Keep them coming! :)

As always excellent and detailed instruction -- Well Done!

If you haven't heard of Dr. John Sarno -- he is The Man when it comes to back pain. He is an actual doctor that got sick and tired of cutting people's backs open, only to make the problem worse... Here is a link to a PDF of his book -- Healing Back Pain --

Ahh thank you! That looks awesome, I can't wait tp read it! I feel the same way.. and I think a lot of surgeries are a complete waste. Most doctors now a re just money driven. They go for theost expensive option first, rather than the most helpful. Thanks again, Haven't heard from you in a while!

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