5 Proven Habits to Live Longer

in #health6 years ago

Hey everyone. Today I will be doing a quick health post on 5 proven habits to live longer. Lets get to it...

Number one: Don't Smoke Cigarettes

Number two: Exercise
Aim for around 30 minutes a day of activity that stimulates the heart rate. Start out with a goal of at least 3 days a week and then work your way up to 4-5 times per week. Don't forget to rest!

Number three: Don't be Overweight
Overweight is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) of between 25 and 29.9.

Number 4 Eat a Healthy Diet
A healthy diet includes eating different foods that are high in omega 3 fats, low in sugar, zero trans fats, and hefty intakes of fiber, vegetables, fruits, beans, the other usual suspects.

Number 5 Consume Alcohol in Moderation or not at all
Limiting your alcohol drinking to a "moderate" amount usually means one drink for women and up to two drinks a day for men.

Well there you have it. Now that you know the proven habits to live longer, go out there and practice. If you have any suggestions please comment. Thanks for stopping by.


Some of these are really tough when you have made bad choices in the first place but it doesn’t hurt to try again and live longer

It is never too late to make healthy choices. Your body can be very forgiving and heal quicker than you think.

You have really nailed it, but I will add this, bath daily, brush your teeth twice daily, and wear neat clothes and underwears, aslo never be a lier as you will be free if all your existence is based on truth.

Solid advice right there. Thanks for sharing!

You are welcome sir... And thank you, let's all make this platform a cool place to visit.

Yes you are right. A lot of people pay little attention to such activities yet they are the primary health care activities.

Thanks.... And that's it. Glad you also know

Great Content!

Can we continue to connect with each other as we submit more content?


Luppers :)

Thanks for these habits. They give hope that we canndo something to increase our lifespan beyod the average 80 years. Life is precious we need to guard it jealously.

Agree with you.

No alcohol at all is much more better.

That is the best choice. It is very easy to over consume alcohol, so if you can avoid it completely you will be better off


Hopefully, all human will avoid to consume alcohol. Cause it has so many disadvantages, not only can distract our health but can create bad deeds as well while getting drunk.

The food is that factor important because it represent the 100% of our love that We have ourselves

Health is wealth, I wish more people could understand this simple concept.

I find this article very useful as I am slightly overweight. I look forward to working with this plan for two months and see if I can be an "8" again

You can do it! Just make some small, healthy lifestyle changes and have some patience. Good luck!

I think u more or less wrote things we shouldn't do more than things we shouldo but I do agree with number 2 as I just begun exercising and I can almost say the benefits are tremendous

Good for you. Let those benefits private you to keep exercising. Your body and health will thank you in the long run.

Smoking is really bad infact it should stop everywhere

I agree. Thy design cigarettes to be addictive. People get hooked and it hurts their health, all to make the tobacco companies money

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