What do we must know about oils and their importance in Abhyanga Ayurveda massages?
With massage oil penetrates the epidermis, all tissues are nourished and the toxins they contain are eliminated mainly through the lymphatic system. Hence the importance of careful selection and quality of the oils.
The oils to be used will be base and essential oils. Essential oils are inexhaustible sources of vitality and harmony for our cells, essential oils quickly cross the outer layers of the skin reaching the capillaries. They purify, nourish and restore the tissues.
LET'S SEE AN EXAMPLE of how the selection is made:
A patient comes to the cabinet, after a talk and / or a guide test we determine its constitution or dosha, if the same is for example a Pitta / Vatta with Vatta imbalance, suffering for example anxiety, insomnia and constipation, we will choose an oil base chord to help it to be restored for example a clear sesame oil and essence of sandalwood, chamomile or rose.
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