Physical Fitness - Get Yourself Back On Track
DO you ever use family, relationship, or work obligations as an excuse not to take care of yourself?
Me personally, I answer "yes", being so busy at work then trying to do these workouts. I do tell myself, I cannot do it now, I have to do something else with my family today or I need to finish this work because of the deadline tomorrow, and many more alibis just to skip from today's' workout.
But I wanted to devote some extra comments about the big three: family, relationship, and work obligation. This boils down to an issue of priorities. It just doesn't work any other way.
From this point on, your health and well-being must be considered absolute sacred. Your daily workout is also a sacred thing, It is a gift you give yourself. Your career, family, and relationship with others 9As well as your self-esteem) will all benefit tremendously if you stay on track with this. You will also set a terrific example for those in your life whom you really care about and who really care about you. I would recommend that if you're unsure whether you can make the commitment of time then you should consider holding off on starting until you are able to do so.
Are you afraid of disappointing others?
Whether you realize it or not. the fact that you are taking care of yourself will affect other people in your life. Some will be thrilled, others won't be so thrilled. but if you overly concerned about disappointing someone else, you're wide open to fall into your efforts. There are at least three emotions that will come into play here; guilt fear of disapproval and fear that the relationship will be damaged or lost.
If you feel at least bit guilty about taking the time to exercise, eating healthy foods or doing healthy foods or doing healthy things for your overall health and happiness.
I have three words for you:
Get over it! Besides, only when you take care of yourself, can you be of real help and value to anyone else.
You simply can't afford to worry about how taking care of yourself is going to disappoint someone else. Those who really care about you will not only understand but will be 100 % behind you.
In addition to the guilt you may feel, It's quite possible to feel that someone will disapprove of your "self-indulgence".
**The extreme of this fear is when you fear that the relationship will be damaged or lost from your actions. these are irrational fears. Just ask yourself, "Who could possibly care about me and not want me to be happy and healthy?" , and that's it's your right and responsibility to pursue your goals, fears of disapproval, and fear of that relationship will be damaged or lost will no longer be issues for you.
Writing in a journal each day can help reinforce the importance of taking care of yourself and putting yourself first. Say it loud, now: "It's my right and my responsibility to take care of myself". And believe it! When this becomes one of your core beliefs. the rest becomes much easier.
yes no more excuses ><
good, get your workout outfit ready then
its in storage lol
here I go again, saying I will but also saying
blah blah blah.
hahaha, it's never too late
right, and I can always say ... alright I will, I will
It's normal making excuses, You know, exercising isn't always easy and exciting.
I want to try it too. Thanks for your program.
my husband really loves his training, and when lbam opportunity, trying to implement them. it is a ski base, a sports complex, a gym, stays at home in the evenings, goes to play football three times a week and two times to dance. I think I'm mad already and I'm the reason he skips class sometimes !) that's it.
thank you for the post, I complained at the same time!))))