Physical Fitness - Get Yourself Back On Track
Are you afraid of change?
CHANGE takes you from your comfort zone into the unknown. Change usually requires you to overcome fear and while it's not always an easy thing to overcome, once you do, your life will change and change for the better.
Fear of change can be paralyzing. It can freeze you in your tracks and delay and delay you from getting what you want and deserve to have in your life. This type of fear often occurs with people who struggle with their weight. Many use their excess weight as an armor against change.
Many overweight helps make many fearful people feel as if they are invisible. This often makes the weight journey that much more difficult for some because as their weight begins to decrease so does their self-imposed protection from everyday life. Often they seek ways to sabotage themselves in order to return to their excess weight. If this is you, take heart. When do you find the courage to risk change and experience it in small doses, at your own rate, you're in for a powerful wonderful, life-changing experience.
Now is the best time to change your life, It's time to get out of your comfort zone and take some risk. It's definitely going to involve some effort. But, if you've gotten this far, I'm sure you're ready to keep going.
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Did you choose immediate gratification (happiness) over reaching your long-term goals?
Whether it was choosing those chocolates over fitting into a particular outfit or skipping a workout to go lie in the sun, everyone at a time or another as caved into immediate gratification. If this is your theme song, however, it will make a successful weight loss program impossible because the process relies on your ability to give up temptations that are in front of you now for the benefit of your future well-being.
In short, you must be willing at times to delay your gratification.
Remember that no matter who you are or what your life is like, you will need to make some sacrifices when it comes to this new commitment to your health and well-being. You are not only going to have to rearrange your life to some extent in order to free up the needed time, you will be doing something during that time that won't always be one of your favorite things to do --- namely exercise!!! And the gratification that you'll receive in this isn't immediate.
Needless to say, your willpower will be tested.
At those times. you should remind yourself of what your goals are and how important they are to you.if you can just get past your temptation
- Make a habit of picturing yourself and reaching your goals and then reflecting on how gratifying that one will be
- surround yourself with reminders of what you want to accomplish.
- Hang an article of clothing that you one would like to wear.
- Place the invitation to your high school reunion on your desk
- Do thongs that help you get past your temptation.and that encourage you to focus on reaching your goal.
- Any time you're tempted to miss your exercise session or to eat something that you know is out of bound, draw upon these things for strength.
Hmmm... junk foods now or trim figure later?
When you look at these choices in black and white, the choice starts to become at least a little bit easier.
Remember that you are not alone, everyone wishes their results came more easily and more quickly, but results will eventually do come to those who are patient and disciplined. Think differently, and feel better about resisting temptation. Start investing directly in yourself. Small sacrifices now will result in great returns in the future. It's the disciplined investor who shows the best results in the long run.
If you can concentrate a little each day on your long-term goals, you will be successful.
Ultimately, willpower is the main ingredient in reaching your goals, but you can make it easier on yourself by building exercise and good eating habits into your lifestyle. You not only need to clear your schedule to accommodate your increased exercise, you must exercise and good food choices as regular as brushing your teeth or taking a shower.
Your physical activity will no longer be negotiable. From this time of your life on, remember that you need to move more to live more and eat more wisely to live more happily.
Gosh that’s me afraid of change
Don't be, no harm in trying.
You are correct. But sometimes you just can’t help it
Remember, if you change nothing, nothing will change.
When emotions and moods trying to stop you from doing so, do the mind control. :)
There you go again, come on let's start on this hehe
You sure? Good decision.
Will try, but it's hard really to make a promise, you know.
awesome post! words to live by!
Hi @lisaocampo! I believe in your potential and I've upvoted you with 50%-75% of my voting power for your article to have more presence.
Good post, good luck and have a good day :)
Starting the nutrition part slowly. Start by lessening the sugar on your daily food. Being healthy is a marathon not a sprint. You are in there for the long run. Thank you for the reminder. Good luck everyone!