Walk It Off - Week TWO - Six Week Health Challenge

in #health7 years ago (edited)

"Walking is the best possible exercise. Habituate yourself to walk very far." Thomas Jefferson
Me enjoying the fresh air

"The trend of obesity has been steadily increasing in both children and adults despite many public health efforts to improve nutrition and physical activity." Public health experts say that an unhealthy diet and the lack of exercise are still the two biggest culprits. A recent study by epidemiologists at Georgia Southern University discovered that fewer Americans, particularly women, are trying to lose weight(1).

Genesis posing in the sun

We should all take our health seriously and not for granted; like everything in life, it is not promised tomorrow. Towards the end of my Grandmother’s life she always told me she wished she had taken better care of herself physically. I can remember my Grandfather attempting to persuade her into taking a walk in the neighborhood. “Mary,” he would say, “you just bought some new tennis shoes, let’s go show them off.” I don’t remember her ever going with him. I have a feeling she wished she had given in to his persuasions.

Getting ready for the hike

Good health should not be taken for granted yet it is consistently overlooked in a time where we are plagued with too many choices. We are presented with too many choices of cheap, processed food and too many choices of extra-curricular activities that don’t involve physical activity. We need to get moving. Move off the couch, out of the chair and outside. Walking is the easiest way to curate physical activity. The health benefits of walking range from heart disease, cancer and diabetes prevention as well as maintaining a healthy weight.

Turkey tails - a type of fungus

I have always enjoyed walking and hiking because they are simple, equipment free ways to enjoy the outdoors. Whether it is a leisurely stroll in the neighborhood or a strenuous hike up a mountain, being able to get outside, breathe the fresh air, feel the sunshine on my skin, and get moving all work wonders on my spirit, mind and body.

A snapshot of the forest and stream bed

One of my favorite places to walk is a short drive away at my parent’s farm. They have several forested acres with trails my mother has blazed over the years. I take my dog, Genesis, out about once a week so she can socialize with their dogs and I can log some miles and get my heart going for a bit. Being able to visit my parents and walk and talk with them is a great addition.

My parent's dogs playing tug-o-war with a branch

The trails my mother made wind up and down hills and in and out of the trees in the forest. One could walk for hours and never go the same way twice. Below is the walk I took today. The pace is a little slower than usual because I stopped to take pictures.

FitBit data

Having the dogs always adds an extra layer of adventure. They tend to explore everything and find items that humans may think of as trash, but the dogs treasure. The deer skull below is one of those treasures. Gross, right?!?

Deer skull my Dad hung up so the dogs would leave it alone

If it has rained recently, the local streams are flowing and there are many small waterfalls.
This is my attempt at a long exposure on my iPhone.

The walk I took today was a little over two miles. Not far at all. It only took an hour out of my day and I consider it an hour well spent. I could have easily have spent that hour mindlessly scrolling on my computer. It just takes a little effort to get moving.

I'd like to thank @healthsquared and the #sixweekhealthchallenge for the reminder to take a hike.

Thanks for peeping!



lovely walk, I think that's one thing that dog owners always can fall back on, taking lovely walks with their beloved dog friends!

Thank you! It is always enjoyable walking with the whiskers and wags! I wish I had as much energy as they do.

Fantastic post. There's always so much to see and learn when walking.
Much needed nowadays.
Very sure the human anatomy was NOT designed to sit for long periods.
Keep up the good work!

Thank you! Definitely not supposed to sit for long periods of time. My knees hurt just thinking about it. Haha. As common sense as it seems, I still struggle some days to get moving. It’s not so much motivation as it is discipline.

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