in #health8 years ago (edited)

The food that you buy from your supermarket is deficient in nutritive elements.
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There are 3 basic ideas:

  1. The food and air we breathe are the fundamental factors of our health, because food and air molecules are transformed into every cell of our body, also generating energy and producing waste to be eliminated.

  2. The functioning of our body, what we ingest and breathe, produces waste that the body can eliminate if we help:How?

    • help draining blood, drinking enough water
    • eating foods that help digestion and elimination by
      faeces (fruit vegetables, fibers ...) rather than those that make our
      digestion more difficult (animal fats, red meat, fried foods, pastry ...)
    • physical exercise to activate oxygenation of the blood, the expulsion of toxins through the respiratory tract, and also to circulate the lymphatic fluid (it is the fluid that surrounds all the cells of the body, carrying nutrients and evacuating the wastes from the cells; This liquid does not have a "heart" that pushes it: it only moves by the movements of our muscles ... on condition that we move. If we do not move, this liquid almost does not circulate and we remain in our "juice" of non-evacuated toxics.
  • The perspiration allows to eliminate by the skin a significant part of toxics, provided not using perspiration-blocking deodorants. The use of anti-perspiring deodorants can prevent the outflow of toxins at the level of the armpits, and the accumulation of these toxins can influence breast cancer

3.Our immune system is in charge of protecting us from diseases and eliminating the toxic wastes that we ingest, or breathe, or that our organism produces as a residue of the metabolism of each cell. To function properly, the immune system needs to have the necessary "ingredients"; If it does not find them, our immune system will stop working properly, or simply will absorb minerals wherever:

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Example: the normal metabolism of our cells produces acidic wastes that acidify our blood - and this is further accentuated when we eat red meat, refined sugar, dairy products, soda ...) In order to restore the indispensable alkalinity of our blood, our organism will remove calcium from our bones, teeth, hair, nails, to neutralise the acidity. Instead of giving us calcium, dairy products consume the calcium from our bones; for this, you have to be aware that drinking soda or milk makes us "urinate our bones" !!

Chronic diseases appear when we ingest and produce more waste than our body can process and eliminate: if we eat "junk food" and lack the minerals and vitamins to help our immune system functioning properly, it will not be able to eliminate the toxins that little by little accumulate in the body, producing a toxic environment that will force cells to die or adapt to life in this acidic and contaminated sauce deprived of oxygen ... this induced mutation of cells is the beginning of the development of cancer or other chronic diseases . Degenerative diseases such as osteoporosis, arthritis and cancer have been associated with a chronically elevated level of acidity in the body.

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Cancer is the alarm cry of our body that has become too toxic for not being able to process and eliminate toxic waste, for the malfunction of our organs of elimination, for the excess of toxins we ingest or because our immune system does not find the ingredients to neutralise the toxins.
The cancer cells only develop in a acidic environment, very little oxygenated. So,

  • we must prioritise the foods that alkalize (= oxygenate) our body, and reduce those that acidify us;
  • we must oxygenate our body by regular physical exercise (and not once a week!);
  • avoid the excess of stress that causes us to produce many additional toxins;
  • it is necessary to supplement the ingredients that are missing to our organism in order to neutralise and eliminate the waste.

• A compilation of studies has shown dramatic nutritional impoverishment: an apple, for example, contained 400 mg of vitamin C 50 years ago. Today, it only has 4 mg, or 100 times less.
• Same thing for vitamin A that has completely disappeared from potatoes and onions.
• Same thing for the content in Calcium and Iron, which has fallen in 80% of the vegetables studied.
Intensive crops have depleted the different minerals of soils; these substances are not reintroduced by fertilisers, which don´t return more than Potassium, Nitrogen and Phosphorus. In addition, pesticides kill soil microorganisms that play a very important role in the "digestion" of mineral matter so that it can be absorbed by plants: this is why the fruits and vegetables that you find in your supermarket also lack minerals.
The body uses more than 500 enzymes to convert energy from food into energy usable by our body. Without vitamins and minerals, these enzymes do not work.

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Do not be too naive: Pharmaceutical Industries do not care that you are in good health: keep your "clients" in a state of permanent medication dependency ("lifetime customers" is your best business); And to achieve this, they have a lot of money to control the National MedicalAssociation so that they keep prescribing one or more drugs for each type of illness (rather than first focusing on their patients' nutrition and lifestyle);


Big Pharma also controls politicians to issue laws in their favour, and also control the entire press so that no one dares to publish any negative information about "Big Pharma", with the threat of immediately cutting the huge advertising budget (which allows all publications to live).

Fortunately, there is now the Internet that disseminates this information for all those who make the effort to find out. Pharmacists try to totally underestimate the use of vitamins and minerals (too cheap) to boost the immune system, preferring to sell patented (and much more expensive) drugs, regardless of the side effects of all these molecules (that interact between themselves). In pharmacies and stores of BIO products, you will only find vitamins and minerals with (ridiculously) so low dosage that they cannot have a significant effect on health. Fortunately, the Internet now allows access to more adequate dosages ... until some politicians paid by Pharmaceuticals will succeed in paralyzing this parallel market...

Here is my suggestion of supplementation based on several books dedicated to each vitamin (references in annexe).

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VITAMIN C: very important anti-oxidant that eliminates free radicals and activates the immune system. (Remember that it is our immune system that protects our body from the disease, NOT the medicines!)
In the blood, the vit. C produces molecules of H2O2 (oxygenated water) that neutralizes free radicals, also attacking cancer cells by inducing DNA damage; but the antioxidant capacity of vitamin C protects the DNA of healthy cells, which do not suffer alterations. The Recommended Daily Amount (RDA) of 80 mg /day only serves to avoid getting scurvy. For an antioxidant / anti-aging effect of our cells and immune system support, a more adequate dose is 2000 to 3000 mg /day (the Nobel Prize in Biology Linus Pauling took 8000 mg / day. In case of cancer, an intravenous injection is preferred (for avoiding bowel problems) and can reach up to 50 grams / day, under medical supervision.(we are very far from the 80mg/day RDA recommendation which has no useful effect!!).

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VITAMIN D3 (similar to the vitamin that our body produces when exposed to the sun). Many people have deficiencies, for spending too much time at home and offices, without sufficient sun exposure. The most important role of vitamin D is to stimulate intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphorus, essential for the normal formation of bones, which can lead to osteoporosis in adults and rickets in children. Vitamin D3 also fulfils an immune function, helping to prevent diseases including multiple sclerosis, arthritis and even cancer. And viral diseases. The vit D3 helps protect the skin from damage caused by excessive sun exposure. Children with higher levels of Vitamin D tend to suffer less from asthma and allergies than those who have a vitamin deficiency. Mental agility is maintained by adequate levels of the vitamin, especially in older adults. A sufficient amount of Vitamin D helps prevent joint pain and osteoporosis. There is also evidence to suggest that Vitamin D may play an important role in weight loss. Recommended dose of vit D3 to maintain a blood concentration of 40-60 ng/ml: 5000 IU - 8000 IU / day. (Our body exposed to the sun for 20 min, without sun block, produces 10,000 - 20,000 IU). D3 is much more than a vitamin: it is also a chemical messenger that transports chemical information to EVERY cell of the body.

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Vitamin D3 facilitates the absorption of calcium in the blood; but calcium should not remain in the blood, where it could cause calcifications in the arteries. Calcium should reach its destination: in our bones, hair, teeth, nails... For this, vitamin K2 (type MK-7) must be taken: a tablet of 180 microgram/day to be taken together with the 8000UI tablet of vit D3. If you take high doses of vitamin D3 without taking vitamin K2, calcium can build up and calcify inside the arteries! Therefore, always take vit D3 together with vit K2.

Here I put a list of minerals and other vitamins of which most of the population has a deficit:

Zinc: 15mg / day (50% of the population has zinc-deficiency): it is a very important mineral for the proper working of our immune system. A deficiency of zinc causes allergies; Zinc is an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and helps the respiratory system. Zinc is also helping against cancer, but it becomes toxic if it exceeds 15mg / day.

Selenium: 200-400 mcg (micrograms) per day
Selenium helps in detoxifying the body and helps free radicals become harmless derivatives. Free radicals are chemically sensitive molecules that damage the DNA and can modify genetic material. To these belong the carcinogenic substances (carcinogens).
Selenium is involved in the activation of thyroid hormones; it participates also in the immune defence and in cases of intoxication as well as in the excretion of heavy metals. For the skin, selenium serves to protect against UV rays and can prevent premature aging of cells. It also strengthens the immune system against cancer.

Magnesium: 600 - 900 mg / day: is an essential macronutrient for our bones, muscles and organs:
• Vital for the release of energy.
• It is part of the bones.
• Fundamental for making DNA.
• Intervenes in the maintenance of bones, teeth and heart.
• Participates in the correct energy metabolism.
• It sustains and helps in the formation of proteins.
• Intervenes in the transmission and contraction of the nerves.
• Helps maintain healthy cells and tissues in the body.
• It has a protective effect on the heart.
• Essential for nerve impulses.

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Vitamin E: 200 - 400 IU / day (no more, to avoid negative effects).
This fat-soluble vitamin, essential for the body, is a powerful antioxidant that helps neutralise free radicals (cellular aging), helps the immune system, cares for the body's formation of toxic molecules resulting from normal metabolism as those entered by respiratory or oral routes . Prevents abnormal destruction of red blood cells, prevents eye disorders, anaemia and heart attacks.

Potassium 1200mg / day:
Potassium is a mineral that the body needs to function normally. It's a type of electrolyte. It helps the function of the nerves and the contraction of the muscles and that the heart rate is kept constant. It also allows nutrients to flow into the cells and expel debris from them. A diet rich in potassium helps to counteract some of the harmful effects of sodium on blood pressure.

Iodine: (80% of the population has iodine deficiency): IODORAL tablets = 12.5mg / day or 4 -5 drops of 15% LUGOL solution mixed in a glass of water. Do not forget to also take the Magnesium supplement (see above) Iodine is necessary for our thyroid gland to function correctly: it is the gland that regulates the body's metabolism (activities that use energy from food so that each cell and organ of the body can keep us alive). Breast cancer cells need iodine to facilitate cell death and suppress tumour growth (It is stronger than a chemotherapeutic agent widely used to treat human breast cancer.
-Other tissues also require large amounts of iodine, namely the breasts, pancreas, stomach, brain and thymus.

  • Reduces the risk of stomach and breast cancer, and has been used in remission of lung cancer.


Vitamin B12: 1000 mcg (micrograms) / day
It is a very important vitamin for the protection of our nervous system: it avoids the deterioration of the layer that protects our nerves: a deficiency in vit. B12 produces short circuits between the nerves, which lose the ability to transmit nerve information anywhere in the body. The consequences are very varied, from problems of vision, hearing loss, loss of sensitivity, loss of balance (because the brain does not receive correctly the informations of the position of our feet or pressure on the ground, or temperature ... These manifestations are mistakenly attributed (at times) to the "age" of an elder when it is rather the consequence of a deficit of vitamin B12.People with Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, autism ... are almost always deficient in vitamin B12. It is produced in the intestine of animals fed with natural green grass, but as you can imagine, the animals are currently fed on batteries, with balanced pellets, and there is no production of B12 anymore; hence the need to supplement, especially for vegetarians.B12 vitamins are essential for the production of the haemoglobin (= cells that transport oxygen to body cells; low haemoglobin = ANAEMIA)

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The Complex of B- vitamins, consists of 8 vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and 12; Play a very important role for the proper functioning of the organism. Among their work, we can highlight: they are involved in the energy metabolism (= control the energy production of the body), as they allow energy to be obtained from food, help maintain hair, skin and nail health, and even prevent memory.
Vitamins of correct dosage contain 25 to 50 milligrammes of each of the B vitamins. They are 25 to 50 times more potent than commercial vitamins (Centrum type, for example) that contain only 1 or 2 mg of each vitamin.

For those who are interested in the subject, there are many pieces of information available on the internet. I can recommend the beneficial uses of:
Coconut oil
Anthocyanin (purple corn, blueberries ...)
The pomegranate (delicious fruit)
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Sodium bicarbonate

As a precaution, all adults should take multivitamins daily to prevent diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis, because these elements are the necessary ingredients for the immune system and our organs in general to have the tools (and substances) necessary to neutralise and eliminate toxic waste. If the body does not get cleaned of its waste, it notifies us with cancer or other diseases, and if we do not act, these diseases will kill us.

Vitamin D and a special form of vitamin E promote apoptosis (= push the cancer cells to commit suicide).

Many diseases are only the most serious manifestations of vitamin and mineral deficiency.

Even before the onset of these diseases, your body and mind cease to function optimally. The optimal level of vitamins is much higher than the level that helps prevent diseases. "For example, 120mg / day of vitamin C allows you to avoid getting scurvy, but 2000 to 3000mg / day of vitamin C is needed to have an antioxidant and protective effect on our immune system.

Using Vitamins delays brain ageing
"Studies show that older people have insufficient intakes of vitamins such as A, C, D3, E, K2, B6, B12 and folic acid (B9), as well as magnesium and iodine. Vitamins. "

"In many cases, Alzheimer's patients have significantly lower serum levels of micronutrients than people of the same age who are not sick.
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                                      **“Multi-vitamins” to avoid**

Avoid multivitamins containing iron and copper: these become oxidising and carcinogenic when they are loose molecules, not integrated into food. Consult with your doctor if you suffer from a major iron or copper deficit.

Avoid multivitamins that contain calcium: contrary to popular belief, it is very rare to suffer from a lack of calcium. In contrast, calcium supplements increase the risk of heart attacks (calcareous deposits in the arteries) and interfere with the absorption of other important elements, such as zinc.

Beware of mega-doses: they become toxic to the body.

Be careful finally of multi-vitamins that contain long lists of ingredients: It is a marketing trap to successfully integrate all these into capsules in addition to vitamins, manufacturers have only one option: use minimal doses that have no effect.
Vitamins and minerals in doses high enough to be efficient can be found on the internet for example. http://www.bulkpowders.com/comprar-por-gama/serie-puro.html?p=13). Pharmacies, in general, sell low doses (inefficient), because the pharmaceutical industry prefers to sell drugs at high prices instead of cheap vitamins; if they sell high dosages of more dosed and more efficient vitamins, clients will need fewer medications.... That's their business!

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  • For spanish speaking people,I recommend the youtube channel of Frank Suarez (Spanish) (https://www.youtube.com/user/MetabolismoTV/featured) Metabolismo-TV is a channel dedicated to the subjects of metabolism, nutrition, health, obesity and diabetes. With almost 1000 videos and thousands of questions answered related to the topic of metabolism,
  • The power of metabolism, by Frank Suarez (in Spanish)
    -El Magnesio: clave para la salud, de Ana Maria Lajusticia (spanish)
    -Vitamin K2: the missing nutrient for hearth and bone health, by Dennis Goodman (English )
    -The miraculous results of very high doses of Vitamin D3, by Jeff T. Bowles (English )
    -Vitamine D mode d´emploi, de Brigitte Houssin (french)
    Niacin (vit B3): the real story, by Abram Hoffer /Saul / Foster (English )
    -Could it be B12? An epidemic of misdiagnoses, bySally Pacholok J.Stuart (English )
    -Vitamin K2 and the calcium paradox, by Kate Rhéaume (English )
    -The iodine crisis: what you don´t know about iodine can wreck your life, by Lynne Farrow (English )
    -Vitamin C: the real story, by Steve Hickey/a. Saul (English )
    -Cancer is NOT a disease: it´s a survival mechanism, by Andreas Moritz (English )
    -La enzima prodigiosa, de Hiromi Shinya (Spanish)
    -optimal nutrition for optimal health , by Thomas Levy (English )

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Saludos esta interesante :) podria interesarte mi contenido seguramente. Os invito a mirarlo

Scientifically speaking, alkaline food doesn't do anything more than acidic food does. The body fights to stay at 7.8 ph. The Kangen water people and Vegan, Vegetarian communities are snowing people with that. IMO . As far as supplementation goes it's important as the soil which produce is grown today is extremely poor.

it´s true that the body is adjusting the Ph between 7.35 and 7.45, but for to be able to make this adjustment, the body needs minerals (calcium) that will be removed from our bones and teeth, which makes our teeth and bones weaker.

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