The biggest enemies of our health: sugar

in #health7 years ago

What is Sugar?


The Boss of the renowned band "Three White Deaths"

( refined sugar, salt and flour )

What are sugars?

Sugars are carbohydrates, whose metabolism in our cells give energy.
Carbohydrates are chemical compounds of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen (in various combinations).
We can divide them into two large groups - digestible and not digestibles.

Sugars are digestible.

They other are fibers - food .
About to them in special post.

Types of Sugars

Simple or monosaccharides (1 molecule-glucose, fructose or galactose)

Double or disaccharides (2 monosaccharide molecules - sucrose, maltose or lactose )
Dextrins or oligosaccharides (3 to 10 molecules of monosaccharide) and
Multiple or polysaccharides (lots of monosaccharide molecules)
More details ?

Chemical composition

Sugar is per chemical composition saccharose - double carbohydrate formed as a compound of glucose (grain sugar) and fructose (fruit sugar).
Made is from sugar cane or sugar beet.
Although the processes of getting very different, the final product is identical.

So, what is problem?


Refined (white) sugar is empty.
This means that only produce empty calories.
Brown sugar is the same for the most part.
You can wash it in water because this is color (in most cases).
So, sugar is only useful as a source of energy, and that very, very bad?

It quickly increases the blood glucose level (energy outflow).
The pancreas responds with a higher amount of insulin and quickly resolves excess sugar (energy loss - drowsiness).
Fast changes are not good.

The substance known today as sugar has little to do withitself the plant ( reed ).
It's about pure saccharose of ohne impurities, vitamin, mineral, enzymes and all vital elements.

It's a completely artificial chemical substance.

It's like you're made it in a lab !!!

Like other pure chemical substances,
sucrose stimulates the organism with the current energy shock (explosion), but him it quickly weakens and makes it tense
because the entire metabolic circuit works "in the empty".

But the biggest problem had that yes for the digestion of sugar are consume stocks of vitamins, amino acids and minerals.

The bad sides of sugars



Sugar is stored in the form of glycogen in the liver and muscles.
When all supplies are filled, then it turns into fatty tissue.

Sugar is, and not fat, guilty of a modern epidemic of obesity.

Prekomjerne količine šećera djeluju negativno na zdravlje potičući cijeli niz metaboličkih sindroma.


More and more studies have shown that sugar and sweet foods can stimulate the behavior of addiction in humans.
Who will most easily become an addict? Who loves candy most?
Children ... And adults who find in food.
This is now a big problem because interests are as always in question.
The food industry loses its ground under its feet.
Addiction maintenance suits them.
Healthy food? Trends?
I doubt.

Where are the researches on the danger of sugar? Somebody's pushing them under the carpet?

Immune system


Studies have shown that the activity of phagocytes (cells that destroy harmful substances),
deteriorated at least five hours after excessive intake of simple sugars.
The consumption of minerals and vitamins (for sugar metabolism) further weakens the immune system.
Calories that do not burns in the body, are stored in the liver in the form of fat, and the consequence may be a condition called fat liver.

Liver cirrhosis


If not treated ( fat liver ),
develops like a liver disease caused by alcohol !!!

The liver has more and more scars, and is the ultimate consequence of cirrhos.

The most common cause of liver cirrhosis is alcohol,
and then the fatty liver disease as a result of poor diet !!



The appearance of caries is conditioned by sweet and sticky foods in contact with the bacteria in the mouth.
Bacteria produce acid that cracks the tooth enamel.
More sugar, more acids!


Sugar is the primary cause of hyperactivity in children.


The onset of diabetes is closely related to obesity.

Heart and bloodstream system

If you do not control the sugar, you raise the level of bad cholesterol that stays in the blood vessels.

Here's new your problem.

Older look

Sugar also causes changes on the face - the symptoms of sugar face, are acne, pale skin and sub eyes,
Sugar also slows the synthesis of collagen and elastin, so your skin will lose its healthy and fresh appearance.

My thinking for the End

I did not list all the damaging effects because this is enough to get the picture.
Sugar can be freely called poison.
If we know that some food is spoiled (poisonous) we will throw it in the trash.
Even 40% of people eating Western foods develop symptoms of metabolic syndrome, which usually means diabetes, elevated blood pressure, fat level problems, cardiovascular disease, obesity in the area of the waist and upper body.
For all these modern diseases The culprits are smoking, alcohol and improper diet, according to the UN report.

These are worrying data.
We make monsters out of ourselves (with sugar)!

It's clear that we have to do something with sugar.


Alternative Sugar

Try to find an alternative.
For example, honey, maple and agave syrup are natural sweeteners, although made of simple sugars, offer some advantages.
Then, calorie-free stevia, and 300 to 400 times sweeter than sugar.
In addition, research has shown that stevias can lower high blood pressure and favorably affect the digestive system by reducing nausea and heartburn and boost digestion.

What you think?

Until next time, many greetings


interesting blogs and posting have a great day

I'm glad you like it.

Yeah, I also think that sugar is bad for our body but what do you think about natural sugar (fruits)? Is that sugar healthy?

You body cannot really tell the difference between processed and natural sugar (it all started off natural). Fruits still have a lot of sugar, but that is offset because there are so many other things like fiber and nutrients. That is partly why it is almost always recommended to eat fruit instead of drinking fruits. Try drinking a glass of orange juice vs eating the 4 oranges that it would take to make that glass.

Everything from nature is healthy.
In normal quantities.

Everything from nature is healthy.
In normal quantities.

Great post — I like how you mention good alternatives to sugar like stevia. At the same time, there are some sugar alternatives like aspartame that can be just as bad. Thanks for the info!

The real truth about aspartame
In all the ads on aspartame they speak:
that aspartame is a natural product and consists of two amino acids,
but this is not a complete truth.
These two amino acids,
aspartic acid and phenylalanine make up 90 percent of the aspartame content,
while 10 percent makes a methyl ester,
which is converted into methanol several hours after consumption.
(all know what is methanol).
Methanol is a toxin that destroys the myelin tissue in your body.
Myelin tissue in the body performs an important function as an insulating material around the nerves,
enabling nerve signals to travel normall.
It is not recommended to inject more than 7.8 mg methanol per day.
But if you've drank a liter of a drink today that contains aspartame,
you put in your body 56 mg of methanol,

therefore seven times more than the recommended dose.

I think most people know sugar is bad...

We all know it's stupid to drive a car fast
as on F1 races, so we ride again!

Great post, sugar kills more people than war, drugs and alcohol together, at this time there is still no conscience, greetings!

Slowly but surely consciousness changes.
And Inernet also did his own this time.
Information is no longer the privilege of the selected.

Very good information, currently there are many famous documentaries and school programs to alert and teach children to regulate the consumption of sugar, children are multipliers of this information in their family groups and this is achieved to alert much of the population.

Truth is always the strongest weapon.
And the strongest motive for action.
And the Internet is like a big speaker, and anyone who will to or, wants to take the microphone, can talk.

that of the older face got me. I take a lot of sugar and I thought it had no effect on me. now I know better

That's the first step.
And the second is collagen.
Do not just need women collagen ...

Me parece muy interesante este blog ya que nos da una desmostracion bastante importante sobre lo que nos causa el consumo de azucares te felicito buen punto

Please try to write again to understand you.

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