My Husband is Sick

in #health5 years ago

Something is wrong with my husband and we can not figure out what it could be. Well, we have some ideas, but none of them are good.

Thanks to living in the USA where healthcare costs will bankrupt you (if you can even get someone to take a look in the first place) we're kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place. I'd gladly take bankruptcy over death, but you can't even GET testing unless he happens to be having an episode and we can get him to the ER while it's happening... then they might agree to doing some testing.

Just in case anyone has some insight, I thought I'd post here. I'm at the end of my rope and I don't know what else to do. He has another appointment with our doctor on Friday, but thus far we've just heard "Oh, that could be... X Y or Z, but we'll need to test for it."

The first, possible cause COULD maybe be chronic stress that has fucked up his body. I'm totally blanking on the name for it... but that test is $225.

We've also been told that he should get an MRI.

He's recently had all of the typical bloodwork/physical and everything is normal. His testosterone is a little low. His cholesterol is a LITTLE high, but other than that, he's "fine"

Still... he's not doing well.

He has sudden aggressive personality changes. It's almost like he's drunk (if he was a mean drunk), except that he's completely sober. He gets really loud, belligerent at best and acts completely out of character. His words are slurring, he can't really stand upright.

Then he really can't remember the events the next day.

We are really scared. This is starting to happen more often. It used to be every few months, now it's at least once a week, if not more.

There are other changes, but this is the most significant/worrisome thing at the moment. He yelled horribly inappropriate things at the kids in front of the grandkids last week. He is absolutely mortified about this. It is not who he is. I don't know what to do.

Add random, sudden, projectile vomiting to the other list of symptoms. Just like once every week or two, he suddenly vomits whilst driving home. No warning, not even enough time to pull over.

His neurological symptoms are happening often enough now that it almost seems like a new normal, but they're never strong enough/obvious enough for anyone else to worry. Just things that I notice that aren't quite right.

Anyway, that's a good portion of the reason that I haven't been on much. I'm not accomplishing much at all lately. I can't focus. I feel like I need to be doing something. I don't know what to do.


Have you tried CBD Oil yet?

He's a commercial grower, so we've tried a variety of things MMJ related, including CBD.

hmmm then my only other idea of something that can help is water fasting? did you venture into this yet? Please dont just start doing it but see if its safe to firstly. The body whilst fasting gets to reset itself and dedicate more energy to repairing ect.

Thyroid glands?! Something I've heard alot about but never researched, these make us go crazy and unbalanced physically if they need fixing, but like I say, I haven't yet researched it myself.

His thyroid has been tested and it's supposedly fine, but thyroid tests are known for being... fairly useless. My thyroid is all whacked out, so I've been through that part. It's also expensive as hell.

He's done fasting numerous times in his life, so it's something he's willing to do, he's just at a point in his business where he can't afford the fatigue that goes with it. I'm sure that will be on our list to try.

I'm getting ready to update from our Dr appoint.

Also, it would be worth to stop using only Western medicine. Go to see a Chinese doctor instead for non western medicines, which we all know are just making us more sick!

Um...your best option might be to leave the country. I know that's probably a difficult idea for most people...but it's actually cheaper than most medical in the US other than VERY small things.

That is our long term plan. I"m just hoping it is an option soon enough. He's in the middle of growing a business, but as soon as it is up and running solidly enough for our kids to take over, we're out of here to get this and numerous other medical things taken care of. This country's healthcare is ridiculous.

Sorry to hear that 😕

Hopefully you guys can figure it out soon so treatment can start as well. Crossing fingers nothing too, too serious.


Thank you.

This been going on awhile now. Hard to believe they haven't figured out wtf is going on with him yet. Hopefully a solution presents itself soon. Chin up sweets🤗🤗😎

Posted using Partiko Android

It has been going on way too long. It's gotten bad enough and recurring often enough that HE is even worried at this point, which is saying a lot.

Hey hon,

I have sent you a DM on Twitter.

I'll check it.

💓❤💖 hope the doctors can figure out what's wrong with him and make him well again.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you.

Urgh I'm sorry to hear. I really hope you find a solution :(

Me too. It's so frustrating that there are so many "Well... it could be any of these MANY things, all of which require expensive testing and may or may not have any viable solution."

He hasn't got any amalgam fillings in his teeth by any chance?

Some of those symptoms sound like mercury poisoning - irritability and coordination in particular.

A blood test typically won't show abnormal mercury levels in the blood as the mercury tends to be bound in the cells. To detect it effectively you need to take a mercury challenge test where a chelating agent is used to pull the mercury out of the cells so it can be detected in the blood or urine. It's not something that should be done at home as it can be dangerous if it's done wrong and can harm the kidneys or liver.

I'm not a doctor so don't take this as medical advice, so I could be way off the mark.

I hope you can help him get over this and get back to normal.

That would be me. I had 9 mercury filled cavities before age 3 and it only got worse from there. He's never even had a cavity.

Although I DEFINITELY want to get rid of the ones still in my head, that's not something I can afford at the moment.

Howdy Byn, I'm so sorry to hear about this. This post was 7 days ago so maybe you've found out more or gotten tests? I wouldn't be able to concentrate or get anything done either but I'll be praying for you guys.
Oh, I just saw you posted an update, sorry!

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