Run With Me #6 - Long Run Sunday

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Today I completed my first "long run" of my half marathon training plan.

7 miles was planned and to be honest I didn't know how I felt about that when I woke up today.

I have been tired from a long work week and I'd already logged several miles this week.

Pulled it off though and managed 7.48 today and kept it under a 10 minute per mile pace. I think a 2 hour goal for the half marathon on Thanksgiving Day is completely reasonable.

Reward was time at the pool and veggies and hummus.


This gets me closer and closer to meeting the You VS The Year challenge that MapMyRun hosts each year. This year it's 1017 Kilometers for the year (Jan 1st, 2017 to December 31st, 2017). I'm now less than 300km from reaching my goal!


Happy Running Y'All!


Wow, very precise tracking of progress

Thanks. I love my data!!

Nice! I bet you'll hit that 2 hour goal that you're shooting for. And if not, well you can always try again and a half marathon is a great accomplishment regardless of your time. It's still something that less than 10% of people are physically fit enough to do at least where I live.

I'm training for a half in early December and I just started running again because of how hot and humid it is where I live (even early in the morning). I've struggled to find the time and motivation to do all my training runs the past year or so. Somehow I managed to train for and run 12 marathons over the course of 6 years between 2010 and 2016 but I ran 8 of them before I met my wife in 2012 lol. She occupies a lot of my very limited spare time now.

I found a good 3 day per week training plan for a marathon for the last one I did (Vegas in November 2016) and it worked pretty well. I was still beat after the race but I finished in a decent time. Here's a picture my Dad took of me at the Caesar's Palace food court after the race.


The 3 day a week plan I use has one speed interval run, one tempo run, and one long run per week. I use this template for half and full marathons but I'll vary the mileage depending on the distance of the race I'm training for.

Good luck with your race! I look forward to reading about how you did shortly after Thanksgiving. :)

Thanks!! I've ran a few fulls and a handful of halfs. I just love it. I think halves may be my favorite distance for now. My ultimate goal when I originally started running was to complete at least one Ultra Marathon...anything over 30...😳

Yes halfs are great because you're not dead feeling for 3-4 weeks after. I can train for a half in 8-10 weeks and do pretty well with my time and recovery is only a week or less for me. But effective marathon training takes me 13-16 weeks depending on where i'm starting from with my long runs.

Ultras---I want to do a 50k someday and eventually run the Comrades ultra in South Africa (56 miles I think?). That'll have to be later in life when I'm not working so much.

Nice work, being an older guy I'm usually jogging somewhere between 3 and 5 miles max. A 10k would be considered long for me, 7 miles is quite a bit. Keep it up!

3-5 is pretty awesome for distance! I'm usually running with clients and that keeps me around the 3 mile mark...but I prefer the 5+ mile's where I start to feel myself. 🤗

Running/Jogging is weird, some days you get in a zone and it feels easier and the physical suffering is not bad. On those days I'll jog a bit faster rather than longer. You look pretty fit, I would guess that you can run at an 8'30" if you wanted to.

I like to run and feel good so not always race pace. In a 5k yes 8:30 and below are now issue at the moment. 👍🏻

Well done! Congrats! Greetings from Spain! :)

Thanks and greetings!

fitness is health and health is next to Godliness

Excellent work, congratulations, a lot of effort to achieve that. keep it up, greetings from venezuela

Cool! Marathons seriously terrify me haha.

I always think "I'll just end up taking all day..."

Looks like you can seriously slay one though. 2 hours will be an awesome achievement.

Here's the DOES take all day! Halfs are where it's at time wise. Totally manageable!

Oh, ok that makes sense. What if it still takes me all day? Haha, I can imagine that would dissappoint someone.

Thanks @bedoodle
Nice work, being an older guy I'm usually jogging somewhere between 3 and 5 miles max. A 10k would be considered long for me, 7 miles is quite a bit. Keep it up!

Loveable post
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