What to Expect with Concussions and Traumatic Brain Injury

in #health7 years ago

Kittens brain is out of commission for a while. Today my doctor addressed the “scrambling” of thoughts and loss of words I’ve been experiencing and told me it will take a while to return to normal.

After putting me through today's torturous and screamingly painful bone realignment, he told me he knows it’s frustrating to be experiencing this brain melt, but to try not to get too frustrated with myself.

“Look at the NFL players,” he said. “They send them to facilities after concussions and they are back on the playing field in one week. I believe that’s way too soon, but when you have multi-million dollar facilities you can recover quicker. It could take two to three months before the fog in your brain lifts.”

Sigh. My work is words. I have to have a command of words. To be able to align letters neatly into rows and structure words into cohesive sentences. If I don’t have words I don’t have a paycheck. I literally need words to pay my bills and put food on the table for my children.

And now words and thoughts and ideas are failing me.

My brain is like a jumbled mess of jelly. It works slowly and it’s truly like trying to shift through mud in the fog.

I know there is more in there. I have not forgotten anything. The fog is just so dense that I can’t see it immediately and I don’t know where to turn to find it.

It’s slow moving.

In the meantime, he told me lights hinder brain healing, so keep rooms on the darker side and avoid bright lights. Do not do any sort of heavy activity- physical or mental. If anything starts to pull or strain (including your eyes) stop. Limit screens: computers, television, phones- these are not good for brain injuries.

He also said fish oil helps the brain heal faster. And avoid emotional stress.

Recent research into brain injuries shows they are more concerning than once thought only a few years ago. Mild concussions can happen from being in a fist fight, falling off a bike, or even from a slow speed fender bender. Concussions can alter memory and thought, alter physical function, and affect school and social performance.

A concussion occurs when the head hits an object like a wall or the ground, a moving object hits the head, or when the head experiences a sudden force which jolts the brain within the skull without being hit directly. Kids are more vulnerable to concussions because their brain is still developing, and pressures to perform in school and on the filed slows recovery.

If you or a loved one, especially a child, experiences a concussion, suspend all physical and mental activity for a time. Do not put pressures on the individual to return to high levels of activity. The return should be gradual. It’s not easy to know when it’s safe, as a concussion can take 6 months to a year to fully heal under the best circumstances, so just go easy. The dangers of pushing can be at the most permanent brain damage and at the least a prolonged recovery.

This image is an accurate representation of my brain right now

Another thing I want to add is to be sure a trusted loved one is aware of every stage in your recovery. And consult them with any important decision. 16 months ago I received a concussion from an 80 pound heater falling from 5 feet above me. That afternoon I was engaged in my normal afterschool routine for my boys: making a snack and getting them situated for homework. My youngest came into the kitchen and exclaimed, "Mom! What are you doing? Why are you cooking nothing?"

I was literally cooking nothing. And it was completely normal to me. Cooking air- no lie! That scared me and is what got me to the doctor who immediately ordered a brain scan. And it made me realize that when you have a concussion whatever you are doing seems normal to you, as your brain is holey and does not know any better.

Take it easy and be safe my friends. Happy Friday and have a restful and relaxing weekend <3

Thank you so much for your support and kind words. You have my heart my Steemit tribe. I love you guys. Your support and encouragement is truly healing and comforting, and I am so grateful I have you <3

Images via Pexels and Pixabay

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With Love, Positivity and Good Mojo Light,
May Your Days Be Always Happy and Bright!


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Wow. I just stopped by to check on you and saw this. Now, I have to go back and read what is going on with you.
Sending you lots of love and hugs and speedy recovery.

My doctor hurt me kinda bad yesterday- maneuvering 16 of my bones back into their original positions in my body- so my body kept me in bed all day today. I am feeling a little better now, better than I have since it began, so that is good. But as I was laying in bed, somewhere around 3 or 4pm I thought of you. I couldn't get up and go get my laptop yet, but it was a lovely surprise to come here just now and see you <3

Hugs hun!

Early explanations are presented in a philosophical form, and then emphasized very scientifically. i like the method of delivering @arbitrarykitten very crisp and crisp. And one intriguing thing that makes me smile width This picture is an accurate representation of my brain now hehehe .. Thank you for sharing his knowledge for us.

I am happy you enjoyed it :)

Thank you for your kind response

Oh its too bad with you.
But do not worry you be all right .just focus on your treatment .
Mentality play important role in anything
Do not think about the injure .relax and do your work .
If you think about injure it too long time to cover.
May you become better soon .

I agree. Your mental state will hinder or accelerate your healing. Studies have shown that suggestions from others afternoon you as well- patients of surgeons who spoke optimistic things about recovery during the procedure were more likely to heal much faster than those of surgeons who were negative. Even while unconscious the mentality of your brain agents your recovery.

Thank you <3

Please take care of yourself. Resting is boring sometimes when you're recovering, I know, but there's always audiobooks! Good luck & don't push yourself too hard for a while. We're lucky to be alive!

You said it, it is boring lol. I need to see if I can get a trial to that audio book site Amazon acquire... Audiobooks are an excellent idea!

Yes, yes we are <3

Definitely take it easy, in all respects. I've had more than one traumatic brain injury. For awhile there it was my "thing". I have seizure disorder and when they weren't controlled I'd fall and hit my head. Either from a seizure or from the meds which make me dizzy and clumsy.

I found meditation to be helpful not only during recovery but still today it helps dealing with stress.

While you recover consider listening to 528Hz music. The brain is a frequency processing unit. Every time you think your brain is vibrating on a frequency that allows your conscious mind to access and associate different portions of the brain/body complex. Introducing frequency music into your daily may provide some relief. This is a random 528Hz Music video I found. Give it a try.

Many blessing to you and yours!

I wrote an article here on musical frission, or the "skin orgasms" a small percentage of the population gets when listening to certain music. Then I delved into the healing power of certain music and, strangely enough- cats purrs. Cats are actually used in sports rehab hospitals in Russia because their purrs Hz help heal tissue and bone.

I didn't get too far into the music research, so I'm pleased you brought it up! I'm going to listen to the video you shared tonight as I lay down. Thank you so much!

Stop stressing, start chilling.

Taking every thing slow, is the fastest way forward.

Do as little as possible hun. - and stay away from the computer!
Consider yourself told! lol

I know... I am making myself take it easy. It was easy the last couple days. But the computer... sigh. I still need to support my children and my job is on the computer- I am the only one, so there's no getting around that.

steemit jpegs.jpg

Don't make come 'round there and take it off you! 😂

I totally understand where you are coming from - but if you are back to normal (I use that term loosely ), you can work your butt off double time, triple time - safe in the knowledge you are fine.

I know the frustration you feel (and pressure).
I'm the worst for doing things faster than is a good idea, trust me. (as a slight lifelong limp will attest to when - trying to fix my broken leg faster than it wanted to heal.)

Relax. Be bored.

What I can not think of is the image of a cat as an illustration..hahaha My is one of the lovers of cats, will always be happy to see their behavior. @arbitrarykitten has blended him well, between writing and drawing as illustrations. About the brain blow delivered @arbitrarykitten is a new treasure in scholarship for us. @arbitrarykitten successfully share your knowledge in different ways. Thank you utter as much as possible.

I am happy this can be educational, as well as entertaining :)

2 years ago my baby fell from a chair and hit the floor it was one of the scariest time of my life we rush him to the hospital and had him ct scanned, Thank God he is fine he was just 1 year old that time right now he is 4 and doing great at school but still clumsy that's why I stopped working and stayed at home...

Hope everything is doing great with your healing ms. @arbitrarykitten 😘😊❤️

Oh my. Yes, that must have been terrifying.

Children can be clumsy at times. When their bodies grow at a fast rate their brains may still be catching up ;) but always remember- you know your child. If you are concerned have him checked. Never take no for an answer if your instincts tell you otherwise.

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