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RE: It's Happy Whiskey Wednesday folks, and for this one I'm grabbing the baton begun by @donkeypong--so click to win!
I would see them....AGAIN! Haha, nice try, but I even went crowdsurfing at that particular concert, right to the front of the stage, Eddie only several feet in front of me in all his awesome glory :)
In that case it must be my second choice of rusted root!!! They are from Pittsburgh and what with your hatred of those folks it is unlikely that you will have spent money to see them!
Wait, why do you think I hate Pittsburgh? Haha! My only experience with that city was the Supernatural convention I took my daughter to, which was awesome, in fact we're going to the full three days of it in September :)
It's awfully far from you, that and it has dogs. Big mangy dogs with many stripes. And I know that striped dogs offend your eyes!!
It is a staggering five hour drive, it's true! And big zebra-esque dogs do sound awfully frightening and eye searing!
(But the answer to your guess lies in my response to @youngjae :)
Hehe, I thought it sounded far!! The zebra dogs were a wild fabrication. Or were they. I shall have one more stab and that will be Blues Traveler I guess you were never a fan of the new bassist!!