It's Happy Whiskey Wednesday folks, and for this one I'm grabbing the baton begun by @donkeypong--so click to win!

in #happywhiskeywednesday8 years ago (edited)

I wish I had a time machine

Img source

If this happens to be the first time you've stumbled upon a Happy Whiskey Wednesday post, here is the backstory:

Once upon a time a group of friends of mine on social media (when facebook was in its fledgling stages) started the tradition of Happy Whiskey Wednesday as a way of bringing some fun to the middle of a work week. It was our own cyber happy hour...s.
We would post kick-ass, upbeat songs to one another; we even turned it into a contest at one point as to who could bring the most fun and excitement to the party. Often the hilarity would go on into the night, with dozens of ridiculous pictures (and comments of course) added to the mix.

So if you feel the urge please do join in the fun, either by making your own post or posting down below in the comments with videos or anecdotes, or really anything that floats your boats!

For this one I recommend creating your own concert list, it's a great deal of fun to reminisce!

The original idea for this post came from one of the all time greats of steemit @donkeypong And you can visit his awesome concert list here

He encouraged others to get in on the fun, and the next great list I came across was from another outstanding steemian, @hanshotfirst, and you can check out his excellent list of bands here And by the way @hanshotfirst- LOL on David Hasselhoff!

So here's the scoop- listed below are ten bands, nine of which I've seen in concert. Guess which one I have not and give the reason why you think so-

First person to guess correctly, with a 'close enough' guess at the reason, wins all of the liquid rewards for this post. ( I generally don't actively seek resteems, but if you're hoping for a decent payout-well that isn't going to hurt ;)

Fun Fact: Though none of these videos are footage taken by me, I am in the audience of one of them...


Rusted Root

One Direction

Pearl Jam

Black Crowes

Bad Company

Dave Matthews

Joan Osborne


Blues Traveler

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire


I don't see anything about guessing twice in the post, although I understand if I don't 'win.' Looks like it's the Black Crowes.

I'll guess it's because they've taken a few breaks over the years; including right now.

I saw them about 10 years ago and I was so damn tired I fell asleep. It was cool though, because you could buy a live CD of the event about 20 minutes after it ended. They sounded great, but it was a bit too much noodling for my taste. After a song goes on for twenty minutes, I'm ready for it to end, lol.

The process of elimination,haha, and I would have absolutely honored the reward had you guessed the correct reason. In fact just for returning and looking through this again, I'll give you something for effort :) The truth is, I absolutely can't stand them. I don't know why exactly, I'm a big fan of similar bands and styles, but there's not one single song of theirs that I even semi-like. And you saying that they went on for twenty minutes...ughh, that would be torture for me!

For the most part, even with bands I love, I have to agree with you about the extended 'noodling'. Phish was an exception due to the overall incredible atmosphere of their show and the incredible 'green' being smoked throughout --same goes for when my brother and his friends get together and play ;)

Thanks for the gift for the valiant effort, lol.

Yeah, I mean I'm not opposed to jam bands - I love Gov't Mule but it was just too much. I don't really have any desire to see the Black Crowes again.

Okay, so there are a couple of clues in the comments already--therefore I'm going to wait a bit to respond to more, or this will be over rather quickly haha!!

I'm just going to say One Direction and never look back. Cuz I don't want to be wrong about this.

As far as the reason.... uh it's One Direction... :)

Hahaha! Okay, so you'll be happy to know that while I did in fact go to a One Direction concert, it was for my daughter-in fact it was on my daughter's birthday :)

Okay, I'll allow it. :P

Actually though, I have to admit it was super fun--mainly because my daughter was SOOO freaking excited, also because I had a great buzz from the beer vendors running around, and honestly they put on a wicked fireworks and light show. And that particular video is the one where I'm in the crowd, August 14th of 2014 in Philly ;)

Proof that it's all about mindset and experience. Go into knowing you are going to have a good time and sharing it with people that matter and you can't go wrong.

8/19 is my b-day.

5/22 is the day I found Jesus so that is my born again day.


Aw. Was he lost? LOL kidding. I believe in the Creator. And the messages of Christ (the real messages, not the ones perverted by the misinterpretations of certain know-it-all preachers) I appreciate Christians like yourself, and verbal-d, those that reflect love without judgment :)

I have studied the book at a Seminary level which I do not talk much about.

I have preached across the country on streets, and in Walmarts, and on campuses at bible colleges.

But it is my experiential TIME with Jesus that washed over me and changed things and taken up space where it was needed inside me.

Thanks, your post here has encouraged me!

I pick Bad Company because you are too good of a person to spend time with a bad company.

Aww, that's sweet. But that was in fact the very first concert I ever went to when I was thirteen- with a friend and her big brother and girlfriend at the New York State fair :) And despite their name, they have some great songs, particularly the one I posted :)

I'll have to listen to find out as I have never heard of them before. Also, I am thinking about the similar game now as well. It's super fun.

That's a great line! But she's married



I'm going with Dave Mathews because you were afraid of his poop.

Okay, I gotta read that article, LOL. But alas, I have seen DMB, not once but twice!

That's my town!

Ewwww, what is wrong with that driver?? Well, at least it appears the band had no part in it....but come on, don't they have systems in place for such things? The poor critters in that river :(

They returned the Wednesday whiskey post, well done dear friend @dreemit, simpre very creative your contests, have fun, come to greet and wish you a beautiful night

This contest is @donkeypong's idea, I can't take credit it for it this time :)
Thank you my lovely friend @jlufer, I wish you a beautiful night as well!

I know you have seen 1D so I am guessing pearl jam. I have a feeling that is one you regret not seeing and you still would!!

I would see them....AGAIN! Haha, nice try, but I even went crowdsurfing at that particular concert, right to the front of the stage, Eddie only several feet in front of me in all his awesome glory :)

In that case it must be my second choice of rusted root!!! They are from Pittsburgh and what with your hatred of those folks it is unlikely that you will have spent money to see them!

Wait, why do you think I hate Pittsburgh? Haha! My only experience with that city was the Supernatural convention I took my daughter to, which was awesome, in fact we're going to the full three days of it in September :)

It's awfully far from you, that and it has dogs. Big mangy dogs with many stripes. And I know that striped dogs offend your eyes!!

It is a staggering five hour drive, it's true! And big zebra-esque dogs do sound awfully frightening and eye searing!
(But the answer to your guess lies in my response to @youngjae :)

Hehe, I thought it sounded far!! The zebra dogs were a wild fabrication. Or were they. I shall have one more stab and that will be Blues Traveler I guess you were never a fan of the new bassist!!

I don't have a clue who the others are, but I do know the ones you've already seen so I'm ruling them out. I'll go with Poe for $500, Alex. Oh, sorry.. "Who is Poe?" I think is the correct way to answer so.. Who is Poe?

If that was the right answer, you'd also have to include a reason :)

Ha! I do have a reason, it just seemed so silly in my head. I know that you're very meticulous, so I immediately noticed that Poe was the only band in headline emphasis. I could be totally wrong and that it was just caught in the formatting haha!

it was just caught in the formatting...but I actually noticed it and left it there just to see if someone would notice that, hahaha!
Poe was an insane concert, it was at a venue that was raising money for AIDS awareness and took place during the day--but a mosh pit formed that myself, my friends, and my sister (fifteen at the time) got inadvertantly trapped in, my friend Judie (the Jenna based character) started elbowing people to keep them from running into my sister, and a guy broke a beer bottle over another guy's head and blood was gushing! The craziest part is that it was by far the least amount of people at any concert I ever went to!

Awww shucks! Here I thought I had the worst standing concert experience. Mine pales in comparison to what happened to you there! I guess it's a good thing Jenna was there!!

I bet you never saw Joan Osborne. I don't know why I guess that, but that's my pick. I recognize some of thos bands, and yep I've seen Bad Company at least once, long ago.

If you were correct, you would still need to guess a reason :)

The reason-- if your playlist were a festival lineup, one of those names doesn't belong. And besides, who goes to a Joan Osborne concert? It sounds expensive and probably not a rock show. That's why Joan stood out for me, you would probably spend your money or sneak into a rock show.

That is an exceptional guess, and you are absolutely right in assuming that I would not have spent money to see her (though I like several of her songs)...
it just so happens that one of my oldest friends lives in Buffalo and has a boyfriend who is a DJ at a major radio station there and frequently gets free tickets to shows, lol!
My favorite song of hers, which she rocked live:

Very tricky what you did there, you were one step ahead of me the whole time, AND she rocked. Well this narrows things down for some lucky guesser now! I'll hold off on my second guess I guess ;)

Okay, because I'm heading over to your comedy theater post right now :)

Going with rusted root because it sounded country-esque and I like to assume the best of people (:

Actually, I don't like country music, with a few song exceptions, but I wouldn't put rusted root in that category--I'd call it bluegrass, and the festivals for bluegrass are freaking awesome.
The Grassroots festival near Ithaca NY is like a yearly mini Woodstock. The best part is that it takes place on privately owned land, so no cops are allowed inside the gates. Meaning you can walk around with a joint in one hand and a bag of shrooms in the other if you were so inclined. It's one of the few places left in NY that fascism can't gain a foothold.
There are four stages, two drum tents, a zydeco dance tent and about fifty awesome food vendors. Not to mention beer tents, and people selling all manner of interesting stuff.
At its peak point on the weekends there are over ten thousand people wandering around, and in all of the twenty five years they've been hosting it the vibe is so upbeat, positive and chill that there's been maybe five serious brawls that have broken out in all of that time.
All of that to say...great try!
I see that you're into music, so go say hi to @luzcypher, he hosts weekly open-mic contests and is a good way to meet other musicians :)

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