The #Happystore: Are YOU using Steem's weekly LISTINGS service? (week 26)
FREE POST PROMOTION to 900+ followers! Please write a brief summary of what the article is about along with the link as a reply to the POST PROMOTION CATEGORY.
YOU and everyone else that believes in Steem and wants to be seen.
Free listings of anything you wish to promote.
Right here in the #happystore.
Because people are not paying attention to the HOT and TRENDING categories any more. When people come here to place their promotions, they will have an opportunity to see the promotions that others have posted. There is no reason why this service can't become a central part of Steem! And it's much easier than having to log into your wallet and pay for some other service! TRY it for a few weeks; you have nothing to lose!
For COPY / PASTE templates to make your ads stand out, click here.
(Instead of using ONE hashtag for your titles, please use 3 hashtags in a row so they become sub-titles.)
After making the ad to your liking, copy and paste it from the editor into a plain text file and save it for future use! You won't need to fuss with images or editing when re-posting the same ad in following weeks; simply copy and paste from your text file!
I sincerely thank you for your interest!
Category: Items for sale/wanted/gifted (items for the happystore)
Buy, sell, trade, wanted, offers to give away items or services go under this category.
Custom jewellery - by Fierra
Antique french mantel clock - by @fyrstikken
e-Book service - by @happyme
Are you an author that would like to turn your work into an e-book but don't know how or just don't have the time? I can help at 14 USD - Steem/SBD (equivalent) per hour. Simply reply to this comment if interested.
References available by request.
45 RPM vinyl record with 2 songs
2 USD - Steem/SBD equivalent (plus shipping from Vancouver, Canada.)
These are NOT used records; they are brand new but pressed long ago as a private label. I have roughly 1800 copies.
Coder needed
I'm looking for someone who is able to automate a response to player-selected actions of my daily Zombie Adventure game. I'm not wealthy, so I can't offer much. I'm willing to do some of the work if I knew what needed to be done.
Category: POST PROMOTION (Any posts OTHER than items/services for the happystore)
Please keep all post promotions under this reply by posting under this reply only. Thanks.
Play games and earn Steem while having fun!
Check out 2 board-game style games currently run on a daily basis by @daclawboyz and by @happyme. These are not games where you need to post articles or read articles to gain power... these are real board games!
Spells of Genesis 3D printable token !
3D printable Boss token created to advertise the excellent Spells of Genesis video-game, that allows you, through hard work in the game, to transform in-game assets into blockchain assets !
It remains the only game to my knowledge allowing you to earn blockchain assets without investing anything other than time into the game :)
Man I've been playing all morning and didn't get any of my work done. Can't log out (no response) so I hope I didn't lose all my efforts! I played on a PC, not via a mobile device. Cool game!