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RE: The #Happystore: Are YOU using Steem's weekly LISTINGS service? (week 26)
Category: Items for sale/wanted/gifted (items for the happystore)
Buy, sell, trade, wanted, offers to give away items or services go under this category.
Custom jewellery - by Fierra
Antique french mantel clock - by @fyrstikken
e-Book service - by @happyme
Are you an author that would like to turn your work into an e-book but don't know how or just don't have the time? I can help at 14 USD - Steem/SBD (equivalent) per hour. Simply reply to this comment if interested.
References available by request.
45 RPM vinyl record with 2 songs
2 USD - Steem/SBD equivalent (plus shipping from Vancouver, Canada.)
These are NOT used records; they are brand new but pressed long ago as a private label. I have roughly 1800 copies.
Coder needed
I'm looking for someone who is able to automate a response to player-selected actions of my daily Zombie Adventure game. I'm not wealthy, so I can't offer much. I'm willing to do some of the work if I knew what needed to be done.