Yesterday, Today and Tomorrows! Seize the day!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #happy5 years ago

Albert Einstein once said "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow".

Source: Quote Fancy

Our time in this world is limited, so we don't have the luxury to spend our lives aimlessly. With our limited time, we all need to find purpose and meaning in our lives. Otherwise, we will end up with regrets and empty lives. So make good use of your time and be wise about it.

Each day is an opportunity to make things for the better, it gives us a fresh start. But make sure to focus on things that really matter and things that add value to your life. Chase your dreams, make changes, and live the life you've always dreamed of. Find joy in every step of the journey, soak in the experience, and remember to be happy.

Source: Inc42

Learn from Yesterday

“My yesterdays walk with me. They keep step, they are gray faces that peer over my shoulder.” ― William Golding

What happened in the past, may it be good or bad, are all in the past. All of those events have molded and made us who we are today. As they say "experience is the best teacher", and indeed it is true. Experience can teach us a lot of things that we can only learn by going through it.

There is nothing wrong with thinking about the past, sometimes we all need to. What's wrong is when we allow ourselves to live in the past. In effect, we forgot to enjoy the present. Maybe your past life was so great, or maybe your life appears to be boring compared to the past, but it's all up to us to make it better. We have the power to bring about great changes in our lives, and we are given ample opportunity each day.

Don't spend too much time thinking of the past, learn from it. Today is much more important and we all should make the most of it.

Source: PixaBay

Live in the Moment

A lot of time has been wasted by thinking of the past and worrying about the future. This adds a lot of pressure and stress to our daily lives. What we need to do instead is focus on the present, live in the moment, and be grateful for all the things that you enjoy and experience in life.

Stop thinking about the past and stop worrying about the future. Live for today. This doesn't mean that our past and future are irrelevant to our present lives, both are important. Our past gave us lessons and experience. Our future gives us hope and something to look forward. Yes, we do need to prepare for our future, but don't allow it to rob us of our little pleasures. Don't make a life out of our past and out of our future. Live in the moment.

Source: PixaBay

Live one day at a time, and learn to enjoy it.

Hope for Tomorrow

The future is of great importance, we can't deny that. And we should prepare for it. But being anxious and worried about the future is a big burden to carry. There's no use thinking too much about it when we have the capacity to start working for our tomorrows, to make it happen.

The easiest way we can prepare ourselves for our tomorrows is to have hope. To always look at the brighter side of things, and to live life with optimism and happiness. It is very difficult to imagine our tomorrows when we are sad, stressed or have a lot things going on. So we should always be conscious of what we feed our minds. Be optimistic and surround yourselves with people that could help you go through every hurdle that life will throw at you.

Source: PixaBay

There is nothing wrong with dreaming but we must also remember that life is just as beautiful if we live in the moment. Life is much much more, and the best thing about it is that we have the power to create the life that we want to live.


People are often afraid to ask questions out of fear of appearing stupid. We fail to realize that failing to ask questions is stupid. It robs us of the opportunity to find answers. In life, we should always learn to ask questions and we need to find answers.

We are born thinkers and our mind is very powerful. Don't just accept things as they are, think beyond. Remarkable breakthroughs in any field always start with a question, and then they worked so hard to find that answer.

Source: PixaBay

We all need to learn from little children, they ask a lot, but sadly most older people find it annoying. As a kid, we ask a lot of questions, but at some point most of us stopped. Why? And why should we not stop asking questions?

Allow me to answer these questions with a quote from Albert Einstein himself.

“Don't think about why you question, simply don't stop questioning. Don't worry about what you can't answer, and don't try to explain what you can't know. Curiosity is its own reason. Aren't you in awe when you contemplate the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvellous structure behind reality? And this is the miracle of the human mind--to use its constructions, concepts, and formulas as tools to explain what man sees, feels and touches. Try to comprehend a little more each day. Have holy curiosity.”

Learn from yesterday. Live in the moment.
Hope for tomorrow. Be curious. Be happy!

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