Elisjsha Dicken is a super hero.
If the reporting on Elisjsha Dicken is correct, and it has come from multiple sources, he's not just a hero -- he's a super hero.
Dicken was carrying a 9mm Glock when a manic opened fire with a rifle.
Dicken not only took down the manic -- he shot him from forty yards (not feet) away with a handgun knowing that, if he missed, he'd be the target of rifle fire.
What's more, Dicken reportedly hit the shooter with eight out of the ten bullets that he fired.
I'm not that good with a handgun at thirty feet while shooting at stationary targets at the range under no distress.
Dicken reportedly has no military or police training and he was taught to shoot by his grandfather.
Statistically, under no pressure or threat, the average cop only hits a shot from that distance with a handgun 18% of the time.
What puts this into perspective for me is that the last few gun ranges that I've gone to had separate areas for handguns and rifles. The handgun ranges only went to about fifty feet. If you wanted to practice at forty yards you needed to grab a rifle and go to the other area.
This young man is putting a lot of us to shame.
I couldn't make that shot most of the time at the range. If the target was gonna shoot back, I don't think I'd come close.