Vampire Squid Latches First Tentacle to Crypto Exchange

in #goldmansachs7 years ago (edited)

Circle Purchases Poloniex

By now most of you have already heard the big announcement involving Poloniex.

It was announced with great fanfare that Goldman Sachs backed payment app Circle has purchased long time crypto exchange Poloniex for approximately $400 million.

Circle has been in the cryptosphere for over 5 years, helping people buy and sell bitcoin alongside fiat currencies.

Reuters news agency briefly describes Circle as:

One of the best-funded blockchain startups, its investors include Goldman Sachs Group Inc and Baidu Inc.


Poloniex is well-known among cryptocurrency investors because it offers trading on a wide range of digital coins, several of which have been issued through online fundraisers known as “initial coin offerings” (ICOs).

Proponents see an assortment of positive aspects about Circle's acquisition, chief among them is it lends further legitimacy to the future of cryptocurrencies across the board. Furthermore, the deal may be another indicator that the market is gaining credibility with mainstream financial investors.

Other positives relate to bolstering the integrity of Poloniex itself which, over the past year, has struggled at times to keep up with demand and the ability to provide timely customer support. Overall, many see that the move will provide increased safety, credibility, stability and scalability.

Check out @crypt0's recent vlog here or @ivanli 's here for recent posts about the news and for additional details on the Poloniex deal.

Circle Invest   Crypto without the cryptic(2).png

Circle Invest   Crypto without the cryptic.png

As Circle's catchy slogan suggests, their aim is to take the mystery out cryptocurrencies, perhaps making cryptocurrency more accessible to new investors. Yet, could the meaning of the phrase be understood in a more literal way?

The Reuters article states that a previous 'investigation' by the news organization revealed,

...that Poloniex had allowed some customers to trade cryptocurrencies and withdraw up to $2,000 worth of digital coins a day by providing only a name, an email address and a country.

Most in the cryptoverse would agree with this statement and think nothing of it but to outsiders looking in this is perhaps far from comforting.

“I’m not sure that 100 percent of prior clients have gone through all their identity verification requests. I know they have a huge backlog of clients in their KYC queues,”

“But obviously now that we operate the company we’re going to ensure that the business is compliant in every way it needs to be.”

-Circle co-founder and CEO Jeremy Allaire


It would seem that ensuring 'compliance' is a reference to abiding by federal securities laws and SEC regulations as some of the ICO coins listed on Poloniex might be considered securities in the US.

“Clearly, people can get around things like IP (internet protocol) restrictions, and other restrictions, and people do it all the time. People evade geo-blocking mechanisms, and it’s difficult to fully police. So it’s possible that some people have snuck through that, and that’s obviously something we take very seriously”

Just as other major crypto exchanges Bittrex and Binance have demanded 'advanced verification' from new and older users in recent months, expect Poloniex to enforce stricter requirements on their users as well. Some see this as a necessary move towards greater transparency and to help rid the space of scam artists and theft. But others see these changes as part of an increasing infringement on privacy and a push towards identifying individuals and their personal assets.

Another piece of information couched in the Reuters piece was:

Circle said that in the coming years, it expected to grow the Poloniex exchange out to include other non-crypto assets, such as physical goods and financial products such as derivatives.

Derivatives. These are the financial tools that almost wrecked the world economy in 2008 and is essentially legalized gambling.

“An unregulated derivatives market essentially gives Wall Street a way to place hidden taxes on everything in the world.”

-Matt Taibbi

It's difficult to know exactly what is meant by 'growing the Poloniex exchange' and 'adding products such as derivatives'.

I don't know about you but I sure as hell don't want Vampire Squid derivatives.

vampire squiddy.jpg

live trading news

Bank of America's Crypto Patents

This week's headlines belong to Circle and Goldman Sachs but rest assured other major Wall Street players will be entering the fray in due course.

In late 2017, Coindesk reported that the second largest bank in the United States, Bank of America, was awarded a patent on an automated exchange system.

a potential cryptocurrency exchange that would convert one digital currency into another. Further, this system would be automated, establishing the exchange rate between the two currencies based on external data feeds.

Surprisingly, this is not Bank of America's first patent in relation to cryptocurrencies. In 2014, BoA filed a patent to establish a "cryptocurrency-powered wire transfer system". Coindesk explains;

That system would allow users to transfer funds by converting the sender's local currency into a cryptocurrency, sending it to a foreign exchange, and then converting it to the destination country's currency.


Hold on. What?

This process seems redundant and an obvious attempt to inject banking institutions back into their current middleman role in international money transfers. One of the main tenets of cryptocurrencies is to eliminate the need for a middleman and allow for people in communities and around the world to safely send and receive funds using a P2P network.

Called It

In an article I posted 2 months ago, Bitcoin and Bilderberg, I predicted that the banking industry would naturally attempt to control the crypto space by controlling the exchanges.

It makes a lot of sense because these are the natural bottle necks or centralized choke points in the ecosystem.

This is exactly what we’re seeing with the purchase of Poloniex. If Wall Street gains control all of the major exchanges, then it will become next to impossible to avoid doing business with these centralized banking institutions.

It’s not hard to imagine that additional fees will slowly creep into the system. Opening an account with Circle, transactions fees, or withdrawal fees may be tacked on to anyone trying to exchange crypto to fiat and vice versa.

As was illustrated by the Coindesk article, Bank of America seems poised to enter the cryptocurrency market and more banksters are sure to follow.

Let’s not forget that these very same financial institutions are the ones that caused the stock market to crash in 2008 and almost tanked the entire US economy by running the economy like a casino. In the end, it was the taxpayers who bailed out the banks.

The attempts to infiltrate the cryptosphere by the banking elite is fully underway. So expect more announcements in the near future involving the acquisition of major exchanges by Wall Street backed startups.

Hey, what’s the big idea? We should be celebrating!

Some in the cryptoverse are poised to make some fantastic gains and I’m not here to rain on anyone's parade. However, the entire POINT of Satoshi’s innovation was to find a way to free us from the centralized system where Vampire Squids who are, to quote Taibbi once more, "relentlessly jamming their blood funnels into anything that smells like money."

Now more than ever, the importance of having DEX (decentralized exchanges) is important if we don’t want to see the slow process of centralization take hold and spread across the entire market.

In contrast, there was another announcement recently that EOS and Bitfinex will be joining forces to create a decentralized exchange.

“We are excited to leverage to further advance the field of high performance and trustless on-chain exchange. continues to display an unwavering dedication to improving blockchain scalability through the EOS.IO platform and it is our hope that this collaboration will allow significant advancement for all decentralised exchange” commented J.L. van der Velde, Bitfinex CEO.

This adds to the existing fully DEXed sites:

Open Ledger

CryptoBridge DEX



Other good options for maintaining your privacy/anonymity are:

Shape Shift





A sad day but no surprise really. The Vampire Squid and associated entities were always going to move in and try to hoover up the vast profits available now cryptos are permanently being reported upon in the MSM.
I see it this way.....
I won’t use any big banking backed exchanges, ever. I hope that most early adopters will have the same attitude towards these parasitic institutions.
However if the masses haven’t learned already that the the big banking institutions only exist to rip them off then more fool them if they use them to acquire cryptocurrencies, when refusing to use them as a place to purchase could ultimately see an end to their dominance.
Sadly I fear a lot of early investors in the space have forgotten the original intention of the cryptos was not only to be a means of peer to peer decentralised medium exchange but to also put an end to the dominance of these insipid institutions that have held the world in their financial grip for so long.
Hopefully my fears will be allayed and the news will get out to steer clear of GS, BofA and any other exchanges controlled by the big banks.
Crypto’s need to be used slay the vampire squid not feed it!

"In an article I posted 2 months ago, Bitcoin and Bilderberg, I predicted that the banking industry would naturally attempt to control the crypto space by controlling the exchanges."

You are/were so right. I'm writing about control over crypto today, as well. LedgerX began trading bitcoin derivatives last year, and they enjoy their early bird positioning because the lobbyists who garnered it for them from the CFTC are all former members of the CFTC. Look for that venn later today.

Ah, you're right I forgot about the CME bitcoin futures derivatives trading opened already, thx. You're Venns are awesome, looking forward to more. And...still think that's so cool that I just discovered you are/were the author of those all along! lol

This is a great article and really drives home the point.

The banksters are looking to get their hand in on the game. People fear the banksters and the government thinking they can stop crypto with rules, purchasing, etc. They cannot. It is impossible to stop crypto in this manner.

The one weak point is the exchanges. Those are centralized so they can be regulated (which we see) and bought (which we are seeing). The banksters see a way to A) profit from trading fees and B) to control what takes place. Both of these are against what we all believe needs to happen.

I agree with you about DEX. In fact, I posted either in an article or comment yesterday that we need to promote the entire decentralization idea. Everything needs to be decentralization. This is what people need to wake up to.

A starting point is all the hacks. Decentralized entities do not get hacked. Each time an Equifax happens, we need to pounce on that to rave about how decentralization is a much better option.

It can be done but the fact the banksters are sicking their claws into crypto means that it is that much tougher.

Hopefully atomic swaps take off so there is no need for exchanges in the future.

By the way v4vapid, I have some nice mortgage backed securities (MBS) I can sell you cheap if interested. They are all quality loans in there...and Goldman wasnt shorting this batch too badly when they sold it to me. 😀

As they say, the harder the fight the sweeter the victory.

May be, it's high time that we start supporting decentralized exchanges. Bitshares is the way to go. Says your 4927th follower.

Hi @v4vapid, Loved landing at your blog and it's pleasure connecting with you. Any tips for a brand new Steemian to make the most out of this amazing platform?

The banksters getting into one of the biggest vrypto exchanges is troubling... Decentralization slowly seeping into the hands of centralized institutional control.... hmmm.... is this a pattern for the future taking shape?

Definitely something to keep a close eye on... I imagine that when the money starts pouring in people with holdings will be so over the moon that we might miss some big moves by the banksters infiltrating deeper.

I trust YOU won't miss it∞§∞

This is depressing. Japan going down the same road. Everywhere, really. Also encouraging though. The bastards don't like the freedom this tech provides, as evidenced by the scramble to regulate.

There's still hope my friend and there's a lot of innovation in the community. It's always incremental isn't it though? ...coup d'etat in slow motion type shit, lol, those bastards.

If cryptocurrancy dominate then the dictatorship of banking system will ends that's why they will try every possible way not to gave dominancy to cryptocurrancy @v4vapid

Yes, this is correct. They've been studying the tech and now they're ready to make their moves.

Exactly so cryptocurrancy now should made strategy against this mafia and should dominate because it's good if crypto dominate in future @v4vapid

Great article as always.

I knew this was inevitable, BUT I still believe the crypto space will succeed in decentralizing the financial market. Barring any type of major government interference, I don't see how the big banks could possibly gain control over such a vast and inherently decentralized economy. I'm not a huge trader or know too much about the crypto space in general, but I believe there are too many extremely smart people in the space who will not let that happen..... Hopefully :|

Oh for sure, I'm not throwing in the towel on cryptos by any means!
I mainly write these articles as motivation for people to stay sharp, be aware and to see what these greedy fucks are doing in the background.

I really do think that the crypto-community is quite resilient. It's not all doom and gloom ;)

Oh definitely man, wasn't thinking you were being all doom and gloom. That's why I love your articles, you give the facts. You show it how it is, and I dig that.

Keep fighting the good fight!! We will be victorious one day :D

I opened a Poloniex account when looking for an exchange (I never used it) but heard so many bad things about them. Today I got an email saying "how excited" they were about their relationship with Circle! Just what the crypto community needs- derivatives!!! Good post my friend!

I know....derivatives??!! Might as well just dig a pit in the ground and start shoveling people's savings into now ;)

I've done several articles on them- my most fervent prayer for cryptos was to keep the manipulators out!!!

I agree with your point of view and one doesn't even have to be a conspiracist to see it. I hope this voice will get through to the mainstream crypto media, too. As long as they're not in the squid's tentacles themselves.

lol, yeah they may have a tentacle-fetish which prevents them from seeing the light ;)

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