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RE: Vampire Squid Latches First Tentacle to Crypto Exchange

A sad day but no surprise really. The Vampire Squid and associated entities were always going to move in and try to hoover up the vast profits available now cryptos are permanently being reported upon in the MSM.
I see it this way.....
I won’t use any big banking backed exchanges, ever. I hope that most early adopters will have the same attitude towards these parasitic institutions.
However if the masses haven’t learned already that the the big banking institutions only exist to rip them off then more fool them if they use them to acquire cryptocurrencies, when refusing to use them as a place to purchase could ultimately see an end to their dominance.
Sadly I fear a lot of early investors in the space have forgotten the original intention of the cryptos was not only to be a means of peer to peer decentralised medium exchange but to also put an end to the dominance of these insipid institutions that have held the world in their financial grip for so long.
Hopefully my fears will be allayed and the news will get out to steer clear of GS, BofA and any other exchanges controlled by the big banks.
Crypto’s need to be used slay the vampire squid not feed it!

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